Before You Took Your Current Form You Were Pure Energy

As a human you are not capable of making an imperfect decision because you have no free will.  You see before you took your current form you were pure energy. Yes that’s right pure energy.

Before taking embodiment you were pure energy hanging out with your buddies at some energy bar on the other side of Venus.  You and your mates get into an argument and decide to have the human experience.  At the speed of thought you are at the gates of the Akashic records and soon you are cruising the endless rows of books that contain every kind of life of earth if you so choose to live it.

You find a book that interests you and you Ala-Kazam you’re born as a human infant with all the knowledge that is in your book of life.  Now you begin to life your human life in all its glory and misery. Every action every reaction every emotion is all according to your book of life.

You and your mates are heading into Baskin Robbins to get some ice cream and you need to make a choice between the thirty six flavors of ice cream. You can’t make the decision between the rocky road and the funky monkey but you have to make a choice.  You decide on the funky monkey, but again this was your because it was in your book of life.

The above example is to show you that you have NO FREE WILL… so you may ask then what is the point.  The point is the Experience, it is always about the experiences.  We have had many lifetimes on earth. Your father was your best friend and your mother was your daughter etc and here is the kicker.  Those lives are raging around us all the time in different realities.   Yes, yes,  you can come back as anyone and live that life for the experience at anytime.

Hence we are all spirit energy living the human experience.

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