
Miraculous Harvest

I purchased a Wishing Sphere a couple of years ago and has been using it on and off for various thing with varying results. However, the last time I used it was to wish for something big and for someone else.
I have a friend who is a coffee farmer. He was having a hard time with fungus on his plantation. I thought, what if I could help him by making a wish for him as I have no idea how to grow coffee? I wished for him to have an abundant harvest which was unlikely because of the pest problem.
Imagine my surprise when I talked to him a few days ago. The farm had one of the best harvests on record. They had a tenfold yield compared to last year. So many beans that they are running out of storage space. He is baffled by this unexpected yield. I never told him about the wish. To me, that is the only explanation.
The Wishing Sphere works.

1 de noviembre de 2023

My experience with the HFA Force Generator (not extreme)

I have had many personal energy tools over the years a d I must say they all do their job well and are effective, though I usually don’t feel the effects, I usually can spot the results.

The FHA force generator is very different. I received it and wore it for a day, then out on an outfit without pockets and left it on my night stand. All day I felt off, out of harmony and even attracted conflicts. When I realized I forgot the generator quickly ran upstairs and got. I ran a chain through it and wore it like a necklace, it is beautiful so why not.

The second I picked it up, I felt a huge sigh of relief. Not only did I feel better, the conflicts stopped, the unease went away and I could continue on my day without the obstacles. This is the first tool I have ever had that I can say I can clearly feel and tell is working. It is like it’s own little spirit guide, that helps you stay in your highest vibration and bonds with you like a it has a personality. It is very effective amd I am never without it anymore.

1 de noviembre de 2023

Generador de fuerza HFA

I’m very impressed with the HFA Force Generator. I have carried it with me everyday for almost 2 months. I use it to charge food and drinks, as well as a tool to assist prayer and focus to create stuff. My days seem to go smoother, with more pleasant interaction with people, especially my spouse. He is definitely more attentive to our relationship than before…..more kisses/hugs and just plain enjoyable to be around. We are in our 70’s and being married for 40+ years has not been easy the last 10yrs.
For the big experiment, the 1st day I got it, I used it on my 2 cats, to keep them free of any parasites. The previous collar made one sick and the other cat is semi-feral and doesn’t wear one. I had a natural collar on order, but have not used it, as I wanted to give the Force Generator a chance to work. I have not used anything else, and so far, so good. The young cat sleeps in the house during the day, so I know it is working except the stray flea. The mom cat, which is not tame, has been scratching a lot less and has put on some weight for the first time in over 18 months.
One last thing; after activating the Generator, I used my pendulum on it and it went crazy with huge energetic spirals. Needless to say, I like this little vortex. Thanks Peter!

1 de noviembre de 2023


¡Me encantan estos productos! El HFA Palladian es como una especie de mini ordenador, sólo que en lugar de teclear, le doy una orden directa y ¡voilá! Sólo es cuestión de tiempo que se haga realidad. Últimamente, sentí la necesidad de mantenerlo en un lugar en lugar de llevarlo a todas partes ... por lo que su trabajo como un sistema de apoyo, voy sobre mi día y mi principal objetivo es traer la paz y la armonía en mis relaciones.... sorprendido cada día para ver hoy su forma de trabajo en torno a la promoción de estos entre las personas con las que interactúo....
Con el Generador HFA se produce una acumulación de limpieza a medida que pasan los días.... Me asombra la frecuencia con la que me sorprendo al ver que un lugar o una persona limpian viejas energías o están más dispuestos a participar en relaciones armoniosas .... La vida puede ser buena 🙂 .

1 de noviembre de 2023


To say that I dislike traffic is a serious understatement, especially after having to spend roughly 2 hours each way in my commute for a few years. Since purchasing the HFA Traveler, I’ve noticed that my drive to and from work has been smoother….less traffic…less erratic drivers to deal with…less stress. Also, the drive time has been shorter and it’s been easier to find a parking space. There have been a couple of times when I have forgotten it at home and the difference in the drive has been noticeable. As a result, I will be certain to pack it with me for my upcoming trips.

1 de noviembre de 2023

Let It Flow – Force Generator .

You sent
I enjoy the Force Generator very Much . I was surprised that when I lay on a small grounding blanket that was connected to the plug in the wall, good grounding effect, so I started to play with the Force Generator telling it to “reverse Flow” , to go standby, etc . The signal was like another experience used in combination , check it out if you like, I got the grounding mat cheap on Amazon. I am dreaming about how it must be to have a HUGE Force Generator winner, I am ! I hope u can easily check out my tip, do the grounding mat thing its cool ! I Enjoy using in combination with other creations f.ex.”Quantum This”, they play great together !
Force Generator

1 de noviembre de 2023

Mr Force Generator

I enjoy the Force Generator very Much . I was surprised that when I lay on a small grounding-mat that was connected to the plug in the wall, good grounding effect, so I started to play with the Force Generator telling it to “reverse Flow” , to go standby, etc . The signal was like another experience used in combination , check it out if you like, I got the grounding mat cheap on Amazon. I am dreaming about how it must be to have a HUGE Force Generator winner, I am ! I hope u can easily check out my tip, do the grounding mat thing its cool !


1 de noviembre de 2023

Extreme Giveaway

The HFA Force Generator is ‘out of this world’. The day she arrived at the post office I could feel her calling me. I have held her close to me 24/7 since her arrival.
On a physical level everything is easier. My exercise routine, my flexibility, muscle tone — all have improved. My skin glows. Hair is thick and lustrous. Nails are strong. I know I am turning heads and I love it. Dogs, cats, and babies gravitate toward me. I even notice my garden flowers and foliage are more lush. Every living thing appears to align with the frequency I am emitting.

I can work for long hours with incredible lucidity and without fatigue.

Then there is the manifestation that is happening. Every little glitch that comes up — I hold my baby HFA and visualize the error corrected. What has been happening is someone just happens to come along and fix the problem. The same thing has been happening with money. As unexpected bills pop up I have been able to magnetize to me a way to settle the debt.

The trippy thing though is the enhanced spiritual connection. Feeling the support, recognizing the guidance, and developing laser intuition that allows me to move forward and beyond with confidence, ease, and grace — well that ‘s really the pinnacle.
Peter, I can only imagine what the HFA Force Generator Extreme wants to do. This baby wants to be with someone that will change the world. Someone who will use her to bring the planet’s water back to it’s origin. Someone who will anchor Light into Mother Earth. Someone who will knit the fabric of Love, Light, Peace, Harmony here on this globe to call every sentient being home.

1 de noviembre de 2023

Peacee, Joy and Well-being

Hola Peter,
El otoño pasado compré un colgante de paladio HFA porque el concepto me intrigaba.
Mientras esperaba el parto, mi hijo, que había salido hacía pocas semanas de otro programa de rehabilitación, murió de sobredosis. Un final nada inesperado para toda una vida de estragos y angustia. Yo ya había pasado años curándome de las consecuencias de su violencia; casi podía volver a andar. Pero era mi hijo y le quería.
Su muerte nos dejó a todos con una enorme confusión de emociones que resolver. Sus hermanas reaccionaron mal, haciendo más difícil un mal momento. Yo había estado experimentando problemas leves de visión; de repente se volvieron graves.
Me sentía como un caso perdido cuando llegó mi colgante HFA. Seguí las instrucciones y me lo colgué del cuello. En pocas horas me invadió una profunda sensación de paz y bienestar, que me permitió encontrar equilibrio y dirección en medio del caos.
Ahora se me considera legalmente ciego. Los únicos tratamientos disponibles no funcionaron. Estoy asombrada y agradecida de que, aunque a veces frustrante, la transición no ha sido difícil ni ha supuesto grandes cambios en mi estilo de vida. Cuando pensé que tendría que dejar de trabajar, mis clientes me ayudaron a atenderles, mientras que el personal asumía alegremente tareas adicionales. Sin buscarlo, me encontraron un maravilloso asistente personal: lector, gestor de archivos, chófer e incluso musculitos cuando hacía falta. Los amigos recogen y devuelven audiolibros de la biblioteca, me llevan a actos especiales y se reúnen conmigo los viernes como de costumbre, y he podido continuar con la mayoría de las actividades de voluntariado.
Mis amigos (que me conocen bien) expresan a menudo su sorpresa ante mi serena aceptación de esta nueva etapa de mi vida.
Rara vez me quito mi pedante HFA. Creo sinceramente que afecta tanto a los que me rodean como a mí mismo.
¡Gracias, gracias, gracias!

1 de noviembre de 2023

A Solidness and Groundedness

What at First I would describe as a heaviness, would inaccurate. More a solidness and a grounded feeling

Low level of anxiety is evening out. A solid grounded feeling seems to be transforming the anxiety. A more inner stillness. A sense of well-being.

1 de noviembre de 2023
