The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Twelve

Well begin with a few important things I failed to recall in the writing of Part I of this account. Also, Pam and Mary Beth and even Peter (who is often in a dissociation state) have recalled a few things that I’ll add as addenda to these accounts. During the time I was on the mountain jack hammering away at the stone floor of the hole was one of the coldest stretches in Utah for many years. The highest the temperatures were reaching in Northern Utah during the day were six or seven degrees on cloudy days and eleven to fourteen degrees on sunny days. The overnight lows right outside my hotel room were five below zero.

I thought this would be a problem, but in speaking with Saint G (through Peter) he said, “There will be no snow and it will be warm where you work.” This could not have been better forecast, as I was working in my T-shirt and it felt to be about 45 degrees out, and there was no snow. I could walk a hundred feet away and it would be intensely cold, showing twelve degrees on Gabe’s (my truck) thermometer. I myself have directed the creation of domes of warmth for stargazing and the like, but this was dramatic and I was very grateful that I didn’t have to do that work as well. Sometime after Peter’s first visit I’d sent him an alchemical preparation. Can’t recall how it came about. As is almost always the case with this remarkable story I seem to “wake up” in a project that is half-complete and I’m looking backwards now understanding why I did things the purposes for which I couldn’t have explained when I was doing them. This also happened throughout the writing of the Student & Guru and Havalla stories. I found myself living in the middle of the quantum weirdness that pervades this level of comprehension.

If I remember correctly, we had some of our standard Portal “curing” in the pyramid I used for sometime for storage purposes. Some crystals had formed in it. I hadn’t said anything to Peter about it. One day he said, “You have something there I need. Some alchemy you’ve done. Something that you don’t really know about.” By then, I’d removed the crystals from the liquid and had them sitting in a beaker dissolved back into demonized water. I retrieved them and said, “I’m holding them now in my left hand.” He said, “It’s sending electrical currents all through your body, blue, indigo blue.” I could feel something, yes, but subtle. He went on, “I don’t know how else to say this, but the only way I can describe this is that the ‘hand of god reached into that liquid and caused those crystals to form,’ and I need the powder from those crystals.” I let the crystals reform and then allowed them to oxidize back into a pure white powder and sent them out to Peter’s home in Connecticut. He immediately used the powder and climbed into his hot tub. By his description, he began to see a pinkish hue pervading everything, almost like a layer if I remember correctly, and there may have been some blue as well. He said, “All I can describe this as is something like it is all of the information of everything, past, present and future.” He had never heard of what we often term the Akashic Records, Library, whatever. I seized on it instantly, described it as we understand it in general terms, and he said, “That’s it.”

So I came up with a way to invoke our purest selves to step to the fore and then “step into” the Library clothed with that level of our being. By his description “They” had arranged a room for us with large comfortable leather chairs, a wall full of books, a fireplace off to the left, and in fact two blue beings – I wish I could remember their names. While Peter could see this as solid as our “reality” I could only vaguely “image” it, but I definitely was seeing it to the extent that was necessary for me.

To encapsulate, we were being given keys to the Akashic Records. The way Saint G described this particular unfolding is that we had to continue to refine Peter to the extent that his “purity” would essentially keep him from being a “bull in a china shop.” My purity, or what might otherwise be described as a “previous level of attainment,” was like a protective presence. Knowledge, and thus power, can’t be concentrated into the form of one person. It’s almost like the way our government is structured: checks and balances. I keep Peter in check, and I’m physically equipped in a way that limits my ability to see, and thus we keep each other in check and-or balance one another out.

Therefore, whenever we were in the Akashic Records I was always present so that Peter could see me as solid as our consensus reality, and yet I with no intent of my own projected myself to be standing (or sitting in a large leather chair) in that comfortable “den” of the Akashic Records. It would be easy and even prosaic to say that it was my I AM Presence, but there’s more to it than that and all of this information will be coming out in future Student and Gurus.

Peter could get into the records and view anything he wanted, but he was de facto limited by what he could cause in the records unless I was present. The difference in what we were being shown is that we were being granted a “higher level of security clearance,” and there are many such levels, each of which is of course overseen, as we have seen with everything else, by an intelligent being. Anybody can get access to their own records; we were being given access to everybody and everything, bit by bit, qualifying ourselves as capable of thinking as humans on the highest level so as to “tap into” Cosmic Wisdom when, as and if it might be necessary to accomplish a given thing without, for example, upsetting the cosmic balance by erasing by accident from existence something integral to the operations of the Cosmos.

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