The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Thirteen


Granted, there would be a dozen Beings on top of us to instantly counteract any such potential, but it was clear that we needed to be well on top of our game in order to continue to “earn” higher and higher clearance, and naturally we had to be very clear about what we wanted to accomplish. As the Akashic Record is just another name for the quantum realm, where all potentiality exists, you can picture that you could go back a few days in time, write to your record that you’d like to have something appear in your life today, and then promptly forget that you did such a thing and the thing then “magically” appears in your life today. This is more or less the course of events of what we have informally called “unconscious manifestation,” when what it really is is super conscious awareness of your role in what is needed by the Cosmos.

Healing work can of course be accomplished using the device of the Akashic Records, and in a sense it is of course the only way that healing work is accomplished simply because one is accessing and using all potentiality. We used the Records to do healing work on some individuals; used them to accomplish certain things that we needed to accomplish in the course of our daily lives. For example: Peter asked me to get into his record and write that he get the APR he desired for his home’s refinance. And then it was brought to my attention by Mary Beth that WalMart was planning to build one of its super-centers right next to Teotihuacan outside of Mexico City, which no doubt many of you know to be one of the most powerful and sacred places on Earth.

WalMart, as a self-aware and intelligent entity, has dark influences throughout. It was clear what was going on with their plans, especially when I designed the intent for Peter to accomplish in the Akashic Record. When he got in and asked to see the plans, a safe was presented to him that was chained in every which way with big padlocks. It was some effort, a little, to break apart the chains and get into “the safe.” There were dark winged creatures flying around, all in distress, trying to stop him/us, doing their best to be threatening, but they’re so impotent it’s remarkable (the dark truly has very little power over anybody who refuses to give it to them), impotent, sniveling, snarling little rats that can be “sent away” with a snap of the fingers, and we have “transmuted” (a kindly term) many hundreds, if not thousands, over the past seven or eight months.

The plans were very thick, a book seven or eight inches thick. We had some time since learning to use these records decided that the flame in the fireplace was actually a violet flame, if that’s what we wanted it to be, by thought alone. For those of you unfamiliar with the Transmuting Violet Flame, this is a device that was instituted by Ascended Masters to enable humankind to invoke the Flame in order to consume and transmute karma, our accumulations through thought, word and deed.

Everything we have is karma. A junkyard is karma. A supercenter next to Teotihuacan is karma, especially when it is designed to squelch higher transformational energy to be broadcast from that place. The Violet Flame was one of the dispensations. It became clear at some point that if humankind were left to resolve its karma through the means of embodiment and re-embodiment, that we would never escape-transmute our own web of accumulations, thus the implementation of the Violet Flame, which is itself an intelligent being that knows exactly what its purpose is and is unchallenged in how well it does its job. Once again, the Violet Flame is part of the Transformation tool to the left – use it.

So, as Peter tried to torch the plans, there was tremendous resistance from the dark and controlling entities, which of course have access to the records equally with the rest of us. Suddenly, a “tornado” appeared in the “den” that Peter took to be Saint G, and he tossed the book into the “tornado” which shredded the book into zillions of pieces that then were channeled into the fireplace with the Violet Flame. After that, he was directed to surround Teotihuacan with a ring of fire, which stands today as protection. You could in reality build anything next to it and it would have no effect on it, but you can bet that there are intelligences that would at least try to figure out how to penetrate that ring. As of today, I have no idea what has become of their plans, but I know there was a great deal of distress in the highest corridors of that company for several days.

This all actually took place a couple of months before the work was done on HAARP, because we had not yet started “downloading” what was necessary for the design of the symbols (symbology) that we are now working with, and continue to work with, in the Rite of Passage, for example.

Throughout these multi-layered processes, which included the purifying of Peter through what are now the Transformation steps, his thinking was changing. His thoughts were becoming purer, his impulses coming from a higher level, and through this we were reaching ever higher levels of information. It was Saint G who was imparting some of the information to Peter often in the form of poetry that used “archaic” language such as “thee, thou,” etc.

Somehow, on a deep inner level, I related to those usages, most instinctively recognizing that power had been instilled in the words themselves, as can be done with a talisman or amulet. And  I also knew that Sir Bacon was Shakespeare. And I also knew that Shakespeare’s works contain alchemical secrets, and that the works themselves are ciphers. I also knew that there was something potent contained in the poetry of the troubadours of Southern France of medieval times, the poetic paeans to the Goddess, and that embedded in Templar lore and lexicon of their “worship” was the stylized “M” (which figures into the next level of our Alchemy) that represents Virgo and Venus.

It was all about the Goddess and the songs that were / are sung to Her. It was in this milieu that the stories of the “High Holy Grail” found their expression, and thus a modern-day re-enactment of stuff that has currents of thought running through that period all the way “back” to the ages of mythology. I knew all this and could intelligently address it, and it was extremely exciting because I had chased the stylized “M” and Mary Magdalene across seven straight years of research.

I also think it’s pertinent to point out a very personal matter, but which seems to fit with the current account. When I “advocated” Peter to The Council, initiating him with the “Christing Words,” and started him on his purifying program, it was soon revealed that Saint G had accepted him as an apprentice. Soon Peter was being enfolded by Saint G with phenomenal love and protection, and Saint G was calling him his “spiritual son.”

On the day that I launched Peter into this rapidly advancing trajectory my sex drive (to actually have physical sex) flatlined, absolutely. The sheer creative power of the sexual force was in me and stronger than ever all the time, but was and is being re-channeled, and I knew that without having to ask. This wasn’t anything I did with my own ego-based volition; it just happened. It became clear in short order that the energy itself was going to be needed to properly render the Alchemy, and it also became clear that this is how the “balance” is achieved.

Needless to say, this has removed an enormous distraction from my life and has enabled me to truly understand how that energy can be used. It also helped me to see in a much clearer way that sex for the sake of sense gratification is a device of the ego conquest and all that sort of thing. When, as and if the “animal” me resurfaces is anybody’s guess, but I give it no thought whatsoever (well, maybe a little).

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