The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Sixteen

This is of course a play on the word “Rosicrucian” and “Rosy Cross.” I knew what was up. We were being led through the highest alchemical secrets as employed by the inner circle of the Rosicrucians at the time when they were a truly legitimate organization and keepers of the highest secrets, knowing full well that their true inner circle were Ascended Masters and knowing that they themselves were on a trajectory to achieve it. The following is a comedic and abbreviated account I wound up sending to Peter the following day.  In the beginning, Saint G said, “Let there be laminated sacred symbols with erasable marker sacred syllables! And so it was.

And the “fat ass” (Saint G’s words for me) who digs holes and hammers with jack-hammers to release bottle-necked mountainous energy and drives Gabe from one end of Utah to the other on errands for Saint G and his pupil, Peter, performed some magical working beyond his ken, and it was thus.



The words intoned.

Daia looked to her left, I think, and said, “Yep.” “What does he want?” “I don’t know, but we’ll see.” And then she started doing her healing work, starting with her shoulders I believe. Daia described that I moved around behind her, stepped into her body and took over the healing work, which she said was extraordinarily profound. [Daia, if you happen to read this and have anything to add or fix, don’t hesitate to write me about it and I’ll add it to the addenda.]

Then, some time after that, Sandi called me and told me the same thing. Now Sandi you may know from a few of her posts, a couple of them lately very important, such as her post to DoE’s request for healing for his friend. Her post: “What does your friend want?” That’s very important to be thinking in that way. The other post was about paying close attention to children, six-year-olds specifically in her post. In any event, she also told me that I “showed up” and either helped or took over the healing session she was involved in. [Sandi, don’t hesitate to fill in the blanks.] Now, a big part of this staggeringly complex orchestration is that these events are being brought to my attention so that I can better understand some quite fundamental principles of the natures of the various realities, how they relate, connect and overlap. This information is being pieced together now and will be in future S & Gs.

Now this is where it starts to get “out there” to some extent for some people, but it’s necessary information. Daia has worked forever with dragons. She can see them plain as day, right along with elementals and unicorns, all of the fairy-tale beings, because they do in fact exist. Right around last early December, I think it was, Peter had a couple of “puppy” dragons show up in his life, one green and one red. Saint G indicated that this is the true alchemy, what is often referred to as the Red and Green Lions. Somehow lions are related to dragons, not sure how but someone in this group might have some input – but this was apparently another deliberately installed misdirection for would-be alchemists. These dragons grew and matured based upon Peter’s own growth and maturity with his powers of “seeing” and “doing.”

“In passing,” about a month ago, Daia mentioned to me that she had had a golden “mommy” dragon with her for quite some time, years and years if I remember correctly, and right around late last November she had had a brood of pups, each a color of a chakra. Two of those pups found their way to Peter we were able to surmise, but of course interestingly enough Peter and Daia had not even met over the phone until about six to eight weeks ago, so once again there are an amazing variety and number of things going on behind the scenes that even people with Daia’s and Peter’s capabilities don’t pick up on. It could be that the other five pups (and chakra colors) are with some of you, or just one each to several someone’s in this group.

I think at last report Peter’s dragons were quite mature and powerful young intelligences. Icarus, in one of “His” symbolic representations, is a golden dragon. As I “view” “Him” right now I’d put his “height” at about 30 feet. These aren’t our beloved overlords and mind-controlling dracos that are now limping, diseased and dying, away from this system. These dragons are warm-blooded and have human hearts. They’re amazing beings, and I almost chide myself for never before giving them the attention they deserved, by design or not. This all is being touched upon now because it comes into play below.

Before Peter’s arrival on April 7th, we were on the phone still piecing together some of what needed to be accomplished, not the least of which were the words that would need to be spoken both as invocation and command to finish the Icarus Alchemy. Peter said, “Well, believe it or not I think the words come from an Iron Maiden song called “The Flight of Icarus.” I’m assuming that most of you know Iron Maiden is a heavy metal band that’s been around for quite some time. I, as usual, said, “OK.” This should in part serve to illustrate that everything, everything, is encoded, absolutely packed with meaning. Not a second goes by in our day-to-day lives that isn’t absolutely packed with meaning.

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