The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Seventeen

Who knew that Iron Maiden would author and record a song a decade or two ago that was designed to do this on April 8. I think it may have been in that same conversation that Peter also said, “The beings that we’re going to release from the blue astral level – They’re telling me that they’re the Children of the Damned. I think on that same Iron Maiden album is a song called Children of the Damned. We’ll have to look into those lyrics also.”

Now is a good time to touch on my experience with the release of “souls.” You may have noticed that I keep putting “soul” and “souls” in quotes, and I’m doing that because (1) I must, and (2) because that will be one of many primary focal points in S & G VI or VII. A few years ago I flew Mary Beth to Utah from Oregon, and she, Mark (introduced in TA/VS 1) and I took off to go to Chaco Canyon, a famous “city” of ruins in New Mexico. What we were doing we didn’t know – we just knew we needed to go there and do it. We did some powerful healing work there, built a medicine wheel (Mary Beth would build one of these in her mashed potatoes if you didn’t watch her), which was interesting in that it was spoked wrong or something. Did a pretty powerful ceremony on what happened to be a beautiful full Moon night, one even more powerful at daybreak, and then packed up and left. We were gone many days and did many things but I’m only touching on what’s relevant to this account.

On our way back to the Salt Lake area we stopped in one of Utah’s little known National Park gems, Capitol Reef. It’s an amazing place, rife with “spiritual” activity. Mark and I had gone to a particular place and performed different sorts of procedures there, some of the magical as performed by Mark, usually on the Summer Solstice. I don’t know whether or not our operations opened up a powerful vortex or portal (or if there is a difference) there, or whether or not it was already there and we instinctively found it and used it. When the sun sets at this particular place the desert comes so completely alive you’re almost in sensory overload without even trying.

Night came on and we were listening to Loreena McKennitt (“for some reason” (uh-huh) we had stopped in Moab, Utah, and purchased everything the store had by her). It was a 3/4 moon with some light fluffy clouds, a beautiful desert night in Utah. The spot that served as the center of some of the previous workings was actually the fire pit. The music was having a profound effect. We were dancing to it and watching the faces materialize in the clouds. Very magical. I was standing in the door of my truck (three trucks ago), and something took over me, almost completely. The only part of me that seemed to remain was the part that could register what was going on. I felt an unspeakably deep and enormous sadness. It was not unlike the guy’s explanation in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon when he came to such a place. I started to cry, from deep within me, wracking sobs, from a place so deep I couldn’t know where, what, when…nothing, but I instinctively knew that I was experiencing something for Gaia. I wound up almost in the fire, singed hair, the works, and I was doing something with the sand around it. Soon, I found myself staring at what could only be described as a face, but it either wasn’t human or it was a human wearing a mask, or war paint, or…something, but Mary Beth said “No, it’s primal. As primal as primal gets. It’s God.”

Well, I don’t know about that but when the face was complete I went to an entirely different level of this sadness. It was like I was living in the very source of sadness, knowing that sadness, like everything else, is an intelligent being. I couldn’t get close enough to Earth. I had her sand in my hands and I wanted to eat it and rub it in my eyes, and dig a hole to the center of everything and just be there. I was writhing around on the ground and Mark and Mary Beth didn’t quite know what to make of it, but thought that I was processing something with regard to myself, and they draped themselves on me giving me succor and comfort, which did nothing but fuel a deeper and more potent power. When the “meat” of it was finished, I stood up and held my arms outward, parallel to the ground. Mary Beth asked me, “S000, what’s going on?”

“I AM Earth.” I felt as though in that moment I had become the most powerful unit of expression on Earth, and I couldn’t help feeling that. It lasted for days and days afterward. “People, ‘souls,’ are coming up through the fire…” Mark: “I knew it! I see them. Thousands and thousands and thousands of them. Very cool, Jason.” This had also happened in another way two days before I got on the flight and recognized all the faces on it, mentioned in TWS 1. Mary Beth was there, was instrumental in its occurrence, and described that many thousands of “souls” were passing from the psychic trap of the astral realm, through a chamber of my heart, and were moving onto the light. One of the handful of really vivid visions I’ve ever had was several hours before that when a Cosmic Initiation was being performed on me, which we’ll go into later (maybe), and I saw a sea of people before me, extending so far and so wide that they simply became a blur. Millions of them. I felt them, “saw” them, knew that it was taking place. This went on for weeks.

At the fire, however, I sensed their expressions. First, it was the deep sadness, the endless lostness, and then their faces would change the way one’s face might change when they see that there is light at the end of the tunnel. And then their face changes again when they see that the light is beckoning them. And then their face changes to one of absolute, jaw-dropping, heart-rending amazement and rapture because of this sudden freedom, and they were all flying out through the fire and unto the light. Millions of them. For all I know it continues to this day. Also, an Egyptian fellow with a magnificent headdress appeared in the cloud. This wasn’t your normal cloud figure – this was the most perfectly sculpted face I had ever seen made by cloud, and that being was looking at me. I haven’t seen anything like that, not even close, since.

So, the gestalt of my being had, I don’t know what you’d call it, set a sort of precedent, a pathway perhaps, that Peter might be able to utilize to release these Children of the Damned. In any event, one of the two of us had had experience with releasing “souls” from the astral realm in this present-day continuum. I later spoke to an unbelievably gifted intuitive in Toronto who told me, “Without you knowing it, the unlimited you disassociated from you and went into Earth, repaired a grid at a node that had been deliberately damaged to entrap “souls,” and then led them out through the fire; the fire was the elemental portal. There are millions of them. You have reduced the Earth’s density by 25%. I’ve been wondering who did that, and now I know. Thanks from all of us.”

One of the most powerful control structures on Earth is the Mormon Church, believe it or not. It’s a mechanism, for example, that is also utilized to help hold the Taliban’s implied and physically enforced power over women. It’s important to note that every Mormon temple is built on a vortex of some kind, and they thus form a worldwide network that obviously continuously broadcasts the “controllers’ message.” The Mormon Church is seriously influenced from within by dark intelligences, some of the most potent there are, as are most other Christian denominations. The darkies like the churches. Described above there was the episode where my unlimited self and Icarus, or it may have just been Icarus (but Peter tells me I had as much to do with it) had set some explosive “charges” in the infrastructure of the Mormon Church’s control system, which itself had triggered the power brownouts in my area for the course of a day.

Another item on the agenda of Peter’s visit was for us to go onto the Mormon Church temple grounds and basically raise hell, to finish the job I and Icarus had begun. We went to breakfast at one of my personal favorites in Salt Lake for breakfast (and yes, I had blackened halibut and eggs benedict – nothing will stop me from that indulgence!). The moment we began talking about it, there were presences about. Peter went to the restroom and came back up and in his usual dismissive and cavalier way said, “Guess who showed up in the restroom?” Who? “Satan, or maybe not that but at least something equally as powerful, some darky to warn us not to go over there to the temple grounds.”

So we immediately paid and left, while their agitation was still so hot and we could go there and “transmute” them. On one of the buildings there was some kind of gargoyle kind of guy, but he didn’t seem to be threatening. Peter later got that he was some kind of scribe, and that also he was “on our side” in some way, maybe a provider of information. Maybe he would update Peter on what was happening within the Church at a later time.

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