It cannot be learned, described, seen, heard or touched.  It can only be revealed by unlearning, by letting go over everything you believe, everything without fail, not matter how enlightened you believe yourself or anything to or anybody to be, and this includes everything you believe to be true or to exist as reported by your senses.

It can only be known by piercing the Membrane of Falsity. You are not in the process of becoming TRUTH. This is not possible. TRUTH can only become you by YOU unlearning falsity.  This is the meaning of purification.

We are TRUTH.  We are the Blueprint. We know the way, and are illuminating the path for those who are ready.  We are of an evolved consciousness, and we just don’t talk we walk the walk with RESULTS.

There is only ONE experience of the infinite, and IT is the most shocking thing imaginable. Nothing in all your experience has truly prepared you for it.

Just as we have always done throughout all of the fiction of Time, our way uses structured water. Many profess to have it, almost none have IT. We do, and we can assist you in coming face-to-face with the Membrane of Falsity, and then user you through it.

If you are ready to stop hiding in the lie, we are ready to reveal you the TRUTH.

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