Home Forums Aquasync Pure Water vs Water with Additives

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  • #77354

    Hi, I’ve been using Aquaware with pure water. I like the “feeling” of that. But I wonder if others use it with other water products (i.e., tea, adding electrolytes, essential oils, etc.). I’m playing with this in my mind to see what resonates with me. Nucleating before adding, nucleating the end result….. But I wondered if there were other thoughts on the topic. Joyful day to you all!

    Janet Newman

    I have been using water that has Metabogreens (superfood fruits and vegetables) in it. I do this mainly for the purpose of getting my fruits and vegetables while running my intentions. I do feel that it ramps up the energy of the superfood and I do run the process to clear the water first and nucleate second. I am experimenting with this. My cells seem to like it, as I get a buzz through my system after I do this. Just thought that I would share with you.


    That’s exactly the type of thing I was thinking about Janet. It seems it could really expand the opportunities even farther. So do you mean that you clear the water and then nucleate after adding your greens? Or do all before mixing or all after mixing? Thanks!

    Janet Newman

    I actually mix the Metabogreens in water. Then I activate the program that I want to run (with my intentions) which purifies the water with the greens and then I allow the nucleation part of the program to run. I always think in my head: make it simple, don’t complicate the process. Just follow the process. As long as you have a drink with water, all is simply following the program as it is set up. Hope this makes sense. If not, please feel free to ask more questions. We are all learning…Take care Janet


    That makes good sense and follows along with my line of intuition and what I’d started doing. I mean intention is the magic anyway, so nothing can really be wrong. It’s always just fun or nice to get inspiration (or confirmation of your own inspiration, lol) from others. Thanks for sharing!

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