
Barbara, Vancouver, Canada

I injured my foot in July and limped around until I got an Energetic Session with you at the end of Oct.  The nightly throbbing subsided and I can go about my regular activities with much less pain. I also have upper back/neck issues which were giving me dizzy spells night and day lasting 20 minutes or more. I could feel the area relax during the session and it’s been such a relief to have a break from that fear, stress and spinning. A lovely overflow surprise..my cats are feeling the energy shift in me and my rescued cat has finally taken to sitting with me after 4 years! With deep gratitude,  Barbara (Vancouver, Canada)

नवम्बर 20, 2014

Carol, Edmonton, Canada

Hi Peter, I have not been able to lift my arm past my rib cage  for the last 2 years after lymph node surgery. Within hours of our energetic session I could lift it up, over and across my head.  The numbness has greatly reduced and I’ve resumed normal activities to about 80% and that included shovelling snow this week! The radiation damaged my lung and I had trouble with pain, walking and exerting myself.  I started walking the next day and have continued every day since the session. So far no pain in my lungs. I also had a broken foot and the pain, swelling and flexibility improved so much I had almost no limp 24 hours. It’ an 80%-90% improvement! Thank you so very much!  Beyond Awesome!

नवम्बर 20, 2014

Barbara, United States

Peter, The session I had with you for my shoulder has kicked in and the spasms in my back are less as well. I can even hold myself up while sitting. Yay!  The session I had for my neck area (dizziness) is holding although I have discovered yet again another example of the power of our mind.  When I am doing certain activities that have brought out dizziness I am finding that I immediately tense up and I’m very guarded. I am waiting for the shoe to drop only to find out nothing is happening other than sending fight or flight signals.  Hoping to undo that business! I am a watercolor instructor for beginners and I teach one class per week so I really need a good neck and shoulder/back so the sessions are helping me to keep driving, working, earning, socializing and having fun.  This equals quality of life for me:) I can even see myself skiing this season!  yay! My attitude is shifting to unlimited possibilities which is going to be where the magic is. Listening to the show today I caught the “think outside of the box”. I’m going to program the water my students are using and mine as well!   I’m also an animal haven volunteer so that will be in interesting. hmm…big aquarium nearby as well.  Awwwwwwsome! Thank you again P.S.  My oldest cat, that normally does not leave my bedroom, (whom I thought was on her way out), surprised me by showing up in the kitchen a couple times!  She is looking brighter, wanting attention, eating more, this is a change since I started the sessions with you.   She got really sick in Feb. and I didn’t think she’d recover.  Her fur is even getting a bit of glow back as she has started grooming herself.

नवम्बर 20, 2014

Susan, Greenville, SC

Peter, I got home from my trip and the whole family said “She won’t listen to us. You have to take mom to the doctor. Her leg looks awful. The ultra-sound showed no clots and the doctor said it was her age.” I did the condition intent for Circulation at100% power. I had her wrap the ankle in addition to the intent. The next morning she comes waltzing into my bed room and says look at my ankle. It is not swollen. I told my brother next time use your water and let me enjoy my vacation. Every time someone complains to me I smile and say there an intent for that, use Aquaware. Version 4.0 will change my life again, I will be able to live it. -Your friend and thank you

नवम्बर 20, 2014

Producers & Hosts Unbounded Potential Go Beyond Interviews & Promotions

We ourselves use Peter’s Aquaware software program on a daily basis, and are amazed at how much mental clarity, financial abundance, release of aches & pains and amazing energy has come our way….which is exactly why we are so happy to be sharing this information with you! We truly believe that this technology belongs in every home and on every computer on the planet. – Karen and Salma

नवम्बर 19, 2014

David, Chicago, Il

As an energy healer, Aquaware has become my most valued tool. I have seen more astounding results than I can list. One of the built-in intentions that has turned many of my clients from skeptics into believers is the “water spray”. When sprayed into a room, it clears the negativity and raises the vibration to a very positive, energizing space with great ambiance.

अक्टूबर 31, 2014

Edward, Westport, CT

As CEO of Modern Day Mystic, I am not only intimately involved with the development of our software, but I am also a daily user. I have achieved fantastic, life changing results in weeks including Romantic Relationship, Body Transformation, Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol and more. I lost 30lbs the first two months I used the program, it is a “God-Send”. Try it and transform your life today!

अक्टूबर 31, 2014
