Good morning, everyone. I’m Peter Schenk from, and this is the MDM Minute. This is a new concept that we came up with at the MDM team, and each morning I will be doing a one minute video called the MDM Minute and talk about topics at hand, anything about the product line, theories in my head about water programming, energy healing, where things are going. I really want to make this one minute video each morning as informative as I can. In the next probably few days to a week you’ll be receiving an email asking you about topics you want me to share. I already have a lot of brilliant concepts in my head that I need to get down on a video blog and share them with the world.
Soon, in the next few days, there’ll be a video blog page, the MDM Minute put up on the MDM website. That’s These are just a quick way to even have a frequently asked questions part about the software. We can do it in video. We can also do it in writing. I prefer being in front of the camera. My writing skills actually take up more time than just doing a quick video. They’re more emotional. You can see the expressions. You can see the energy running out of me.
I’ll be teaching people how to program water via videos. I’ll be teaching them how to use Aquaware 5, the source 4, the source 5, which will soon be coming. There’s so many ideas in my head that I just want to share with the world, and this is the perfect medium to do it. If you don’t subscribe to the MDM Minute or the Modern Day Mystic Youtube channel I suggest you do. You’ll be getting notifications each morning when I do release a video. Thank you.