Good morning everyone. Welcome to the MDM Net with Peter Schenk. Today is the 4th installment of the abundance mini series. Today I’m going to show you something radically different than you’ve ever seen before. We’re going to be altering our cartoon around us. There’s no water involved, just a bit of geometry which is absolutely amazing. With that said, you’ll need a pen and a piece of paper. What I’d like you to do is just put a small, colored in circle in the middle of your paper. This is a representation of you, your being.
Then I’d like you to draw a circle around the outside of yourself. What we’re doing here is we’re creating the field. The field is your current reality and outside that circle is the real world as it really is. All I want you to do is just put your attention on that dot, that representation of you. I’d like you to close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose five or six times and exhale through your mouth as you’re doing it. You can close your eyes. You can get comfortable. As you keep your attention on that, this particular video has been pre-programmed for me. What the idea here is it’s very very simple. We’re going to effect your reality field around you to allow that abundance in to flow. The only thing that’s required is you breathing through your nose and out through your mouth.
You put your attention on that circle in the middle of the paper. What you’ll start to notice is as your looking at it, in your peripheral vision, you’ll start to notice ripples and you’ll feel the ripples around you. Then you’re going to feel just this amazing energy just come into your field and envelope your body. That is the taking. The giving is just you accepting what’s happening. It’s that give or take exchange that we’ve been talking about for three parts of the series. First we used some of the technology. I showed you how to do it with some water. Now I’m just showing you the third part, a very very simple technique. Put your attention on that circle in the middle. The outer circle is a representation of your comfort zone, your reality buffer. Everything outside that is the cartoon.
Accept. Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth, and allow that abundance to flow in. That is the taking action. The giving action is the amazing feeling that’s going to come out of you, actually back outside the circle. This is deep thinking. It’s way outside your comfort zone. This has never been shown publicly before. This is a very, very intense technique. Do it a few times until you start to feel it. There is no right way. There is no wrong way in doing anything I show you. There’s only the perfect way meaning it’s perfect in your reality.
Your reality is a reflection of what you’re putting out. Very very important. It’s a reflection of what you’re putting out. Again, if you get up in the morning and you’re pissed off, the environment around you is going to react like that. If you get up in the morning and you have a positive thought, the environment is going to react like that. Super super important. Very very simple technique. Takes less than a minute. Do this two or three times a day and watch what happens. Again, please post your results at the bottom in the mini series or Facebook or any of the social media that I have. Thank you very much.