About Modern Day Mystic
Modern Day Mystic began as an exploration into quantum physics, and has since grown into a manifestation revolution. Our first products were concepted and developed by Peter Schenk, a visionary computer programmer by trade. He left his lucrative career as a computer programmer for one of the world’s largest banks to pursue a higher calling – his mystic mission to heal the world.
From day one, Peter used his advanced knowledge of both technology and quantum physics to bridge the gap between science and consciousness, and understand why tapping into the globe’s energy frequencies helped to remove existing patterns that stood in the way of achieving optimum health, happiness, and financial freedom. After the first few versions of our software proved successful, more research and iterations were developed, and Modern Day Mystic soon grew into what you see today: a full-fledged company designed to harness the earth’s frequencies to help you better your life, one manifestation at a time.

About The Founder
Peter Schenk began as a computer programmer developing software that aimed to grow the already humongous fortune of one of the planet’s largest global banks. But after a life-altering spiritual awakening, Peter realized his true passion and purpose – to harness both quantum physics and consciousness to help people use the planet’s patterned frequencies to their advantage and manifest a brighter, more hopeful future. His commitment to tapping into the mystical potential of numbers has begun to improve all of humankind, and help them prepare themselves for the inevitable New Age.
Emulating the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, Peter began to use his world-class engineering skills to discover the link between Dr. Emoto’s work and mathematical and quantum principles. His primary breakthrough came in 2007, when he succeeded in defining the force behind all creation as a mathematical integer, one he calls the “Sourxe Energy.”
Through this discovery, Peter was able to develop a new software – one that harnesses the power of numbers and molds it to match the intensity and focus of Sourxe Energy. Thus, the Aquaware software was born. When used in tandem with the human’s ability to focus on intention, this software has the capability to change lives, and continues to be a force for good across the planet. Because of this, Peter is determined to continue to spread his knowledge and further develop his craft for the betterment of all of humanity.
In addition to his research and development work with Modern Day Mystic, Peter continues to stay connected to our community through daily podcasts, lecture tours, workshops, and even one-on-one sessions. For the past twenty years Peter’s been on a self-guided journey that marries the physical and metaphysical through the power of numbers.
Charitable Contributions
Peter Schenk has donated his empowerment software to multiple healing professionals that reside in underdeveloped countries. This allowed them to be ambassadors of Modern Day Mystic’s global brand, as well as serve as beacons of hope and compassion to underprivileged individuals that would not have otherwise been exposed to this opportunity.
How the Software Works
The software at Modern Day Mystic works using one ubiquitous tool – water. To understand this completely, one might take a look at the research of revolutionary scientist Albert Einstein.
In 1909, Einstein’s revolutionary research into light behavior led quantum physicists to the idea that all elements exist as both particles and waves – that is, until there is an observer1. Einstein’s experiment led us to see that our own power of observation can influence the outcome of physical matter; by extension, we can manifest our own destiny just by observing it.
Decades later in June 1988, Jacques Benveniste theorized the idea that water possesses a “memory,” or something like it, and that it’s capable of conveying information2. Since our bodies are 60% water, this makes us the perfect candidates for information and transformation. Taking this idea into practice, Dr. Masaru Emoto conducted experiments observing the effects of human intentions on a large body of water. Through the freezing of various water samples, he observed a unique structure that came as a result of humans applying different intentions to the water – through speech, written communication, thought, etc. Negative intentions yielded a chaotic, broken sample. But positive intentions created symmetrical, unified samples3.
By taking the results of these experiments, our software uses proven algorithms to influence the water in your surroundings, clearing it of past negativity and carving a path for the positive intentions you use it to set. It’s the key to unlock a positive, new reality – one that you choose through your intention.
1 Einstein, A. “On the Present Status of the Radiation Problem,” 1909.
2 Benveniste, Jacques et al. “Human basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE,” Nature 333 (6176): 816–818. June, 1988.
3 Emoto, Masuru. “The Hidden Messages in Water,” Atria Books. September, 2005.