12th Project
वीडियो प्लेयर
MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “12th Project 4.0 mini series day five…”
वीडियो प्लेयर
MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “12th Project 4.0 mini series day four…”
वीडियो प्लेयर
MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “12th Project 4.0 mini series day three…”
12th Project Interview with Unbound Potential Go Beyond
Had an amazing interview last night with Karen King and Salma Fomradas last night on Unbound Potential Go Beyond talking about The 12th Project software. The interview is packed full of information, activations, and live callers. Enjoy!!! http://unboundedpotential.com/2016-peter-schenk/
12th Project 3.0
12th Project 3.0 is personal healing software through chakra awakening. ‘Chakra’ literally means a wheel. Every human body is made up of a network of nerves and organs which interpret the actions of the outside physical world. Similarly, the human body is made of chakras. Chakras mean wheels of energy which act as energy centers […]