Experience a Crystal Personally Programmed for You.
To Help You Attain Your Deepest Desires.

Crystal This is a one-of-a-kind lab-grown quartz silica crystal that is completely fresh, and unbonded. These factors make it the ultimate base to be programmed with intention, to call forth a desired action and manifest it into your reality. Each crystal will be personally programmed by Peter, to help you attain 1 of the following 10 manifestation desires.
Love | Health | Wealth | Respect | Willpower | Wisdom
Success | Confidence | Spiritual Growth | Strength
Manifest Your Ultimate Goals and Bring Your Ideal Reality into Fruition
See the Crystal This in Action
Crystal This Launch
Crystal This Activation
Crystal This Tips
Crystal This Practical Usages
The Power of Quartz
Clear Quartz is known as the “Master Healer”. Its purity, power and amplifying ability make it the perfect crystal vessel to program and carry intentions. It will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. Clear Quartz also harmonizes all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies. Making your personal manifestation power stronger and your intentions more aligned too.

Key Benefits Of Unprogrammed Quartz:
- Deeply grounding and aligning.
- Enhances spiritual growth, spirituality, and wisdom.
- Clarifies thought processes, memory, and emotions.
- It can boost inspiration and creativity output.
- Wards off negative energy of all kinds, creating a barrier.
- Neutralizes background radiation and electromagnetic smog.

- It Amplifies Everything 10-Fold
It’s an amazing amplifying stone, meaning that whatever you pour into it, will pour out tenfold. So, when it is programmed with your personally chosen intention, it will bring an abundance of it forth into your life. You can also pair it with other crystals to amplify their power as well.
- It Works on Every Level of Being
Clear Quartz balances and revitalizes the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes. It also brings a whole host of health benefits to those craving some physical healing. Which makes its application ability diverse and allows it to be programmed to help every level of being, from spiritual to physical health.
- The Next Generation of Programmable Crystal Power
With this personally programmed crystal, you will begin to experience profound advancements in your chosen intention. Use it wisely and it will grant you your greatest desires in abundance.
You are heir to a heavenly fortune, the sole beneficiary of an infinite spiritual trust fund, a proverbial goldmine of sacred abundance beyond all common measure or human comprehension. But until you assert your rightful inheritance of this blessed gift, it will remain unclaimed and forever beyond your reach.
— Anthon St. Maarten
Access Your Infinite Manifestation Potential
How Does Crystal This Work?

Each lab-grown silica-quartz crystal has untapped energy and potential awaiting to be programmed with your desired intention. When you order one, you will have the option of ten manifestation choices including.
Love | Health | Wealth | Respect | Willpower | Wisdom | Success
Confidence | Spiritual Growth | Strength
When you choose your desired intention, Peter will personally cleanse and program the crystal to match that vibration. Once the crystal is set, it will be carefully packaged and delivered straight to you. When you first unpackage it and set it up, you will complete a bonding ritual to make its power attuned to your personal energy.
Aspects of Crystal This

All crystals are purified, infused, and activated with positive energy. They remain fully unbonded until they arrive at your door.
The Crystal | Manifestation
Lab-created silica-quartz manifestation crystal. The double terminated crystal shape is designed to receive, emit, and amplify energy. Helping integrate spirit, matter, and manifestation ability.

Love | Call forth love, connection, and family. Clear any setbacks or limiting beliefs. Allow companionship, friendship, and connection to flow generously forth into your world.

Health | Call for healing, vitality, and wellness. Clear any karmas, negative energy or unhealthy habits causing poor health or recovery. Invigorate your health back into its best form.

Wealth | Call forth prosperity, financial security, and abundance into your life. Bringing forth more opportunities to bring your work and life calling together to create wealth and stability in your life. Clear any blocks or hurdles holding you back.

Respect | Respect is a powerful thing to acquire. It enables you to smoothly walk through life, without being used, or abused. Respect is perfect for people desiring more gratitude, acknowledgment, and recognition. It’s also good for personal development, to respect one’s own greatest needs, health, and boundaries.

Willpower | Strengthen your personal manifestation power. Willpower is our most innate way to create, grow and achieve. With stronger willpower comes an abundance of opportunities to improve and manifest your dream life. Willpower is one of the most useful tools one can strengthen.

Wisdom | Wisdom allows us to choose the best paths in life, to learn from our mistakes and reach new developments. It’s the ultimate tool to help elevate oneself in every area of life. Because if we aren’t gaining wisdom, we aren’t making progress.

Success | Success means something different to everyone, which is part of the reason it is such a beautiful manifestation. It combines with our personal desires, to achieve success. Be it at work, in love, in learning, in fitness, or in parenting. Any goals, short or long term, success is the ultimate choice for creating prosperity.

Confidence | Confidence is belief and gratitude in one’s worth. Confidence helps boost one’s self-esteem, and self-image. With confidence, comes increased attraction and fearlessness. We are more likely to bypass self-doubt and negative thoughts and attain our true potential of the moment.

Spiritual | If you want to connect to your divine self, or the divinity of the world, then a spiritual intention will work wonders for you. It is also a great option for people facing existential thoughts, dread, or death. It will connect you to the deepest and most beautiful truths of the world.

Growth | If you need to overcome blocks, limitations, or habits that are capping your life then growth will help you overcome it. Growth masterfully removes stagnation and allows life energy and opportunity to flow freely through you again. Opening you up to a healthier mind, body and lifestyle.

Strength | If you desire a stronger sense of self, a stronger body, or stronger abilities, strength will help you elevate and evolve. The strength you need to surpass, rise, and conquer the past version of yourself. Strength will help you manifest your truest skills and power into reality.
Results May Include:

- A greater awareness of your deepest hopes and desires
- Greater faith in positive outcomes
- Improved confidence and self-esteem
- Deeper spiritual insights
- An increase in happy “coincidences”
- Enhanced and more frequent positive manifestations

One (1) Lab-Created Silica-Quartz Crystal
Dimensions: 6 inches × 2 inches
Weight: 24.59 oz.
Activation Instructions
- Bond with The Crystal This
- Place the crystal in front of your body.
- Place your energy, focus and intention on the crystal.
- Acknowledge its existence and recite the following mantra:
I honor the space in which you exist.
- You’ve now activated and bonded with the crystal.
For best results use as a daily meditation altar.
Suggested Mantras for Daily Mediation:
- Mantras for Self-Realization
- I call my true self to fully manifest.
- I let go of all my self-limiting beliefs.
- I unleash my divine being.