Fear Blockages
We have all heard the acronym FEAR, False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear holds us back from living our true selves. To be true to our self we must abandon fear. Growing up you were told to not do “that” or “that” is not a good idea or why would you want to do “that”? Stop consulting with others that live in fear. Most likely those are your family and friends telling you to hold back.
People who are afraid of change find it hard to support others making changes in their life. Embracing change takes courage. Embracing new ideas that are different from other beliefs that you held takes courage. Doing something different requires inner strength to stay the course. The unknown can be scary, however staying in the same situation can be more detrimental to your health and well-being. You are here for a reason. That reason is to clear stuck energy and learn to move forward. Don’t let your FEAR stop you from learning different techniques.
This FREE Energetic Workshop Is Designed to Move Stuck Energy and Fear Blocks
- Teach you how to recognize when you are stuck
- Learn how to trust your “knowing” self
- Learn about Sacred Geometry
- Receive Sacred Geometry patterns to use during and after the workshop
- Participate in “hands on” energy releasing session
This is a pre-recorded workshop from July 20, 2016.
This FREE workshop is an hour of discussion and mind blowing energy. Please have one to two glasses of water, pen and paper for the workshop. For the best optimal experience, please be in a place free of distractions. Open your mind to allow the stuck energy to be released.
This FREE session is valued at $400!
The energy from the masterclasses is still going strong and is a very tangible part of my life!! woo hoo!! I did the 2nd gen masterclass series in 2016 and now in 2018, the energy has not disappeared – in fact it has become integrated into my life and my being. And that is more than amazing! Love it!!
The energy that Peter brings forth is a very intuitive and intelligent energy that adapts and it has become part of me! It’s a knowing and a feeling and a distinct vibe of energy – which is amazing because before the masterclass I was not confident in my ability to feel energy and now I can!
Also being part of the masterclass has enabled me to become stronger and more confident in my personality. I can feel that my vibration has increased and I am a lot more aware of other people’s vibrations and intentions. A lot of the changes have been subtle (yet still noticeable) and it feels like an upleveling and lots of growth and shedding old belief systems – in a light and easy way! I am very glad and grateful to have been part of it and it’s something that I appreciate a lot!
M W 2nd gen masterclass from 2016 सितम्बर 17, 2018
The higher octaves master classes were amazing. The course of understanding energy mechanic and uses really taught me the concept of energy usages and how to shift my vibration. The course of a unlearning everything for the real learning to begin, for me that was life-changing. I was able to let go of old believes that was holding me back and keeping me in the negative pattern. I have noticed a huge improvement in my life and for this I am thankful and grateful. Thank you Peter for having these amazing master classes.
Angela Munoz Director Higher Octaves Master Classes फ़रवरी 21, 2018
फ़रवरी 8, 2018
फ़रवरी 8, 2018
This class really rocked my world….anyone else notice! WOW! I find I am way more present and catch myself when I start to get triggered or pulled out of my heart space which is where I choose to live from! I made the choice a long time ago that I’d rather be happy over being “right”! This class has opened that awareness of when I can get sucked back in to being “right” instead of happy!!! Love this, very aware of what is going on between my ears! Very intense but awesome class! Thank you Peter and Donna! ??????????????
Georgia अगस्त 29, 2016
While I was doing my homework for this class I became aware of 2 fear centers in my body. To my great surprise, when Peter illuminated my fear centers, I lighten up like a Christmas tree! I had several of them on and off my physical body. I was watching all these “lights” in disbelieve, as I had no idea until that moment of how much of my life was ruled by fear. By the end of the class, after Peter shattered all of my fear centers, I found myself in a total darkness. In this darkness I have experienced a profound stillness and vastness. I was in a limitless and soundless space where all is possible!
Thank you Peter for this powerful experience that has changed the way I am in my life and how I view the world.Ania Stang अगस्त 19, 2016
Something is shifting. I’ve taken MC series 1, MC series 2 and now MC series 3. We completed the 1st 2 weeks courses, Destiny & Life of MC series 3. It is not easy to explain… it’s not like when I got a phone call the morning after the Conscious Creation class and received $10,000 from a family member to help me with my renovations! This is different. This is more emotional. I feel much lighter inside and more mentally focused. I have more conviction to take care of myself and my affairs so that I can become more self actualized. The difficulty for me is that not everyone in my life is going to get on the train with me. And yet, I can tell if I continue with these friendships consuming my daily life, I will only be holding myself back. If these friends can adjust to me becoming more of me, I welcome them to stay in my life. I realize that subconsciously I’ve been putting others ahead of me 24/7. It may not be noticeable on the outside, yet I’m very good at helping others to feel good about themselves and making choices at the expense of moving forward myself.
Sandra Barbato अगस्त 18, 2016
I’m not sure if this is the build on 1 & 2 or what but this class was off the charts powerful! I was wiped out afterwards, but of course after all the water had to p..lol! I closed my eyes and immediately saw the most beautiful blue surrounded by millions of stars, sparkles and felt as though I was sitting right in the Universe, peaceful, love, vast, nothingness yet everything, rocked my world! Also heard classical music deep within my ears, plus frequency sounds that I hear quite often actually.
Fell asleep immediately when my head hit the pillow! Still feeling the effects!
I wanted to add as well when I mentioned 60 years of crud that has needed to be removed, I’ve done years of work on myself, nothing compares to what Peter does with his energy, sacred geometry and bringing all he brings to these classes! He’s done what years of therapy didn’t touch!
These classes will ROCK your world in a way as far as I know only Peter can do! Journal., do the homework and show up you will be amazed at the things that take place in your life!
Thank you Peter for all you do and bring! Thank you Donna for all your loving support??????????Georgia अगस्त 7, 2016
Master Classes are an incredibly powerful journey to self awareness and to a profound healing. For me, these classes turned out to be an amazing game changer! My life shifted in unexpected and impressive ways. I am now totally at ease with what is happening in my life, as I fully trust the Universe. Without much effort I daily experience many awesome manifestations. My interactions with family and people around me are now on much deeper level and without the usual drama. I am often in a state of profound inner peace, gratitude and joy.
On several occasions I repeated past classes (gen 1&2) with equally powerful results leading me to more extraordinary changes. These classes helped me to effectively move through many challenging life situations.Thank you Peter for your powerful and precise delivery of the Sourxe energy. With ease and grace you made the impossible to be possible. Thank you Dona for co-hosting and sharing your amazing Light with all of us 🙂
Ania जुलाई 28, 2016
These classes are nothing short of life changing in every area. Peter’s amazing energy, use of sacred geometry, and doing what only Peter can do is nothing short of mind blowing AWE! From where I was from Class 1 to now is nothing I could have even imagined and I know that more opens everyday! if you are on the fence with this, jump off, dive in…..it’s the greatest gift you can give yourself, it’s a gift that keeps on giving, the growth continues…..long after the class is over plus you can always go back and do it again:)! Almost 60 years of gunk going away, now that is saying something! Bless you Peter…You ROCK!????
जुलाई 27, 2016
This class as all the master classes was outstanding! Let me just say that at the beginning of this workshop I was filled with anxiety as my whole world has been turned upside down, thank you Peter, it needed to be! That said, when all of a person’s “comfort zones” are being removed it’s scares the s**t out of you (at least it does me)! It’s been a week and each day I’ve noticed I’m calmer, feeling of acceptance with some excitement building facing the HUGE unknown coming my way at this time with no money! Talk about needing to remove fear and replace with trust! Once again Peter you never disappoint!
Anyone, wanting to shift in ways you can’t even imagine I highly recommend these classes! You won’t be sorry, surprised, elated, damn happy you said yes…indeed!
Profound, awe inspiring, each class brings one ever closer to that zero-point space of a new way of being!
Thank you Peter for your generosity and all you bring, outstanding! Thank you Donna for all your support too!Georgia S जुलाई 27, 2016
We just finished the 2nd generation master classes and the last one on Awakening Love brought it home! Since I have noticed more peace, more love and respect for self which then in turn pours out to all around me.
I love the quote that came to Peter during the class as it is simply true, without self love who and what are we. With self love, judgement begins to fall away, doubt, fear, lack of trust of self all begins to fall away.
When Peter says each class builds upon the next, he’s not kidding. When he says the homework and journaling are important, it is!
It adds to the potent energy he brings to each class!
He mentioned some have not downloaded the copy of the class which blew my mind, I’ve not only DL’d each one, I have them saved and backed up for safe keeping!He asked at the beginning that we wait to redo class until we finished but now that they are done, it is my intention to do them again, they are simply profound and incredible!
I highly recommend these for anyone who wishes to make advances in their life!
Thank you Peter as always you ROCK and thank you Donna for all you do as well as all of the love and support?Georgia Siegner जून 12, 2016
I completed Master Class Series 1 & 2. Some of the things I experienced during the classes were very concrete. Twice I experienced the muscles around my eyes contracting and squeezing my eyes very aggressively. Although the muscles were really squeezing hard, it felt pleasant. There was no way I can recreate this movement on my own. Another time, only the muscles around the left eye behaved in this manner. I can’t even wink my left eye!
Then there are other things that aren’t that simple to detect. We are encouraged to journal – A LOT! – The emotional changes are more subtle for me. I noticed that I wake up in the morning happy and more joyful. I’m more and more aware of how self defeating my attitude and choice of feelings have been for me. When I don’t feel happy or I am mentally defeating myself someway during the day, I can adjust my attitude more easily.
I feel more calm and confident in situations that I normally allowed myself to emotionally defeat me. This is pretty huge change for me. I’ve had some big challenges around my home – expensive ones as well. I just took on each situation as if it was just another situation.
Sandra B. जून 9, 2016
The whole series (2nd gen masterclass) has been wonderful!! And very powerful!! I have noticed that general things just in daily life go smoother…more ease and flow definitely. Very noticeable! There is time to get everything done and people are responding by being more helpful and co-operative.
I had a job interview recently after quite a few weeks of nothing so that is very promising!! I know it is the energy work from being a part of the masterclasses because I have not changed my resume or cover letter…so I am excited because I know that the classes have changed my energy!
Also, for my birthday, a friend I have known for 20 years (since high school!) always gives me makeup as a gift. This time she gave me makeup and amazingly a $50 gift card!!! Wow!! In all the time I have known her she has never done that before! So this was something new! Also a guy I know usually just gives me a card for my birthday and this time he took me out to lunch as well as surprising me with a birthday gift!! He has never done that before!! So these are things that have definitely happened as a result of me being in the masterclasses because I have not done anything differently in my life or routine or the way I have interacted with these friends. I am so happy that I was part of the masterclasses!
M. W. जून 7, 2016
I have past the point of no return , That is a very good thing because my fears, blocks, b s from myself and others came up in a few short weeks. It was supposed to. Each week the assignments got deeper and deeper and during the sessions, more truth was revealed . No one can do this work for me because it’s my own . Doing something for me was the hardest part. I know what I know and the difference is the level is at the level of love. Thank you Peter
KT जून 7, 2016
Master class 107, ‘Attracting What I Want’, rocked it out! When Peter pushed the energy into my left eye, the muscles around my eye were twitching like crazy. I’m not capable of only winking my left eye independent of my right. The muscles were involuntarily contracting and it felt really awesome. I could feel the energy move into my body exposing the blocks as well. The energy from each class is getting stronger and stronger!
With each Master Class I am feeling more and more confident about who I am and what I would like to have in my life.
मई 6, 2016
2nd round master classes! WHOO hoo, wonderful energy to kick off the next 6 classes. I want to share miracles have transpired between the classes that are beyond anything I was expecting! I’ve gotten out of my storage unit which has been a thorn in my side for quite sometime. I hired help and a truck, lost the key so that day was wasted but low and behold I went and got a car load got pictures of things I wanted to give away and within 48 hrs, 2 different ppl and free ad on Craigslist all was picked up, & I am completely out! Totally amazing! Feels so good to give to others who need, as well as lightening the “load” of things no longer needed! This is just one thing, the space of quiet peace is amazing and beautiful & keeps growing! Love this! Love the energy Peter brings! Slept like a baby, & have just had a quiet mind day…..really love that! It was fun to think of white paper w/rainbow circles all week prior to class! Welcome to all the new folks who’ve joined, get ready to have your world rocked in ways you can’t even begin to imagine! Thank you Peter?Thank you Donna without you these would really be even harder on Peter than they already are! You both ROCK!
I know this is fun to you Peter but I also know what kind of toll it takes to bring it like you do!!!!????
Lotsa love and many blessings!मई 4, 2016
I am enrolled in the 2 nd Master Class. I have made it a habit to taste the water before each new part of the process. My background is nursing and wellness. At one point we layered a glass of water with our first flash of insight, with Peter guiding the flow of experience . Workshop over, I slept a very relaxing sleep. This is new for me. The taste of the water was intriguing . Slept , journaled, mediated . The taste and texture was viscous . My ” gut”says a cellular level. Now that is very mind blowing cool. Thank you Peter and Donna, my classmates, and myself
मई 4, 2016
I can hardly wait! I took the 1st Master Class Workshop series. Life keeps getting better & better everyday. I immediately signed up for the 2nd Workshop series! I just received the homework for the 1st workshop of the 2nd set of workshops. I’m super excited for the possibilities. Peter’s workshops are totally addictive! I’m totally addicted to the energy and the results!
अप्रैल 28, 2016
I expected Peter’s Master Class series to be life changing. It far and away exceeded my expectations! Spectacular! Tremendous shift in Consciousness and my life reflects all of these changes.
I practice the Feldenkrais Method, this work has always been very powerful with amazing results, now however, the results have become Miraculous.
Relationships had been my greatest challenge, I suspect because I did not Love myself. Thanks to Peter I Love my self, and I allow myself to be loved.
Words can not express the immense Joy and gratitude I am living.
Thank you Peter and Donna.अप्रैल 17, 2016
I have completed all six master classes, I am feeling a totally new person and day by new changes are coming into me a totally changed environment around me, a great transfer of energy from Peter Schenk through these classes is going to change my life a lot, I am feeling totally new person. Thanks to Peter Schenk and team
अप्रैल 9, 2016
After completion of class 106, the last Masterclass, what a profound journey. My heart has definitely expanded greater with each class, my confidence, love, connection with my highest self and source has all expanded exponentially. Very profound and powerful classes. I highly recommend these for anyone who wishes to have major shifts in their life. Peter brings it without a doubt! Thank you, many blessings!
अप्रैल 7, 2016
These Master Class are amazing. Every week the classes build upon the previous class. I love the class of true purpose. I now feel that I’m on the right path to finding my true purpose. I now have more clarity.
अप्रैल 7, 2016
Class 6 in the Master Series was amazing. I could feel the energy connections knitting together and connecting with the prior classes in the series. My head was firing on all cylinders. I encourage everyone who feels they are stuck in neutral or revving their engines and yet not getting anywhere to take these classes. Your life will change and you will unleash the experience your soul designed.
अप्रैल 6, 2016
The masterclass on Conscious Creation was even stronger than the previous masterclasses! As the energy built, I felt increasing pressure in my head, similar to the beginning of a massive headache but without any pain. As I released, there was a lot of yawning and burping. During the week since the class, I have felt lighter, freer, happier and more empowered. My sleep has been long and deep. I have noticed that my perspective on several areas in my life has changed from feeling negative to feeling like a gift being unwrapped. Things and events that I focussed on have been drawn to me often in unusual ways and through unusual people. It is exhilarating to watch these positive things unfold. Thank you, Peter!
अप्रैल 5, 2016
The Master Class Series has been a very powerful and transforming experience to say the least. If you are looking to be more at peace with yourself and the world then then this class is definitely what you are looking for.
अप्रैल 5, 2016
Results of all previous Master Classes came together for me during 105. After being hit hard by last four classes this one was very profound, yet energetically easier on me. I immediately found myself being deeply in the flow and, for the first time in my life, I knew that the Universe just got rigged in my favor!!!!!!!!!
During the class I had a fleeting thought of wanting a safer car, as the one I was driving had a very poor rating in a head-on collision. Without any effort from me 3 days later I had a new and safer car. An unbelievable opportunity just fell right into my lap. WOW!!!
I am still speechless and filled with awe at the power of these classes! My life can’t possibly be any sweeter right now. I am thrilled to be able to create many more positive and fun changes.As always Peter, you deliver the most incredible results. Thank you for these AMAZING and super POWERFUL master classes! They are truly a game changer in my reality 🙂
अप्रैल 4, 2016
During Master Class 104 Peter worked very deeply and thoroughly on my pineal gland striping me of my life’s conditioning which prevented me from simply being. The outcome of this powerful clearing proved to be a delightful surprise.
On a physical level it helped me to clear a longstanding left sinus and ear congestion. This change was truly welcomed, as nothing else in the last 25+ years made any difference!
On an energetic level it brought me to a much deeper space of pure awareness.
Space in which I welcome and embrace all without any judgment or need for explanation. Place in which life is not to be feared, but to be fully accepted as a wonderful playground for many experiences. It is a place to be myself and to face everything that life brings with a childlike curiosity.
Knowing that I do not need to creat or achieve wholeness, as in my essence I am already whole, I can finally surrender to just being. Ahhh……
Thank you Peter ?अप्रैल 1, 2016
The third master class hit me the hardest. As before my process begun with our homework. These four “simple” questions brought me to an edge of my frightening rage. Durning the class Peter, with an incredible power and precision, pushed me right through this very deep, dark and uncomfortable space. I felt like I shattered into pieces, yet I immediately felt lighter, calmer and very expanded. A totally new and unfamiliar way of experiencing the world has emerged from this process. Now I effortlessly view my life through a lens of magic instead of anger. To me it is an extraordinary transformation! Thank you Peter for these incredibly powerful Master Classes.
मार्च 31, 2016
Since last class 104, I have been going through Mrs major shifts and awareness’s mostly subtle this week. I decided to sit with the energy all week before posting. It’s been an interesting week to say the least, I am looking forward to the class tonight. I finally started sleeping better, but still get serious chills and sweats, intense energy surges.
Looking forward to the next unfoldment……
Thank you Peter for this incredible journey!मार्च 31, 2016
Hi Peter! Master Class 2….VERY POWERFUL! I had a small detox but it was well worth it because on the other side of it was FREEDOM! My fear level could rocket to a 10 with one deviant thought. I have definitely moved from experiencing surges of fear into living with positive expectations and more joyful day to day living. I’m so much more productive and I’m taking on a few challenges in the next few months without any fear twinges. It’s an attitude of, I’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain, approached with anticipation, excitement and possibility! WOW! If this is what happens in one powerful session I can hardly wait to experience the results of 6!!!!! Thank you Peter!
मार्च 6, 2016
Free Master Class Workshop
$400 Original price was: $400.FREECurrent price is: FREE.
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