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Travel in Universal Perfection with the HFA Traveler

Imagine a device that is so helpful, so extraordinary, that you begin to look forward to every aspect of movement you make in your life, from your morning commute to taking a walk around your neighborhood, to business trips, and beyond.
Daily movement frustration? A thing of the past. Traffic, lack of parking, and missing trains? Burnt dinners? Unsatisfying workouts and conversations? Say goodbye.
In fact, say goodbye to every part of your day that makes the most difficult, or even simplest, tasks seem impossible, and say hello to a newer, more positive way to get where you’re going, complete with universal perfection.
Does it sound too good to be true? With the latest product from Modern Day Mystic, it no longer is.
Change the Way You Experience Your Life Forever

What is the New HFA Traveler? Put simply, it is a device designed to enhance every type of activity you experience in your life, from your daily commute to a quick run to the grocery store to the annual ski trip you take with your family.
Version Three of our storied HFA device series brings new convenience, versatility, and effectiveness like never before. We have successfully improved upon past versions to create a highly functional and life-changing device that will make every activity in your life, even the most dreaded ones, a breeze.
The HFA Traveler works by transforming the negative energy that surrounds your vicinity and bringing that energy to a zero point. Think of it as a relaxing yoga pose, but for your daily life — by harnessing that energy and neutralizing it, you are left with only positive, excited energy that came from your own self in the first place; thereby tapping into potential you didn’t even know existed and allowing even the most mundane life tasks to become transcendental, exciting, and even — dare we say it — fun.
Through extensive testing with this new device, we were able to discover its true capabilities, and there is more than the previous version. When skiing downhill or hiking on a treacherous path, the device will subconsciously point you in the direction to make your journey the smoothest. When using public transportation, you’ll notice that your trip is smoother, and your overall mood is much calmer and more in tune with your surroundings — your brain will ultimately relax in these scenarios and help your body and mind be soothed in with the overall sense that something is watching over you.
See the HFA Traveler in Action
Official HFA Traveler Launch
Activation and Usage
HFA Traveler Road Trip
Cooking With HFA Traveler
Amazing Shake with HFA Traveler
Protein Bars with the HFA Traveler
Unexpected Side Effect HFA Traveler
Cookware with the HFA Traveler
Unlock Your Potential and Make the Most of Every Moment!

What makes this new device even more life-altering is its effect on your daily life — even when you’re not moving, you’ll notice as it affects every task you complete.
During a workout, you’ll experience heightened levels of strength, endurance, and euphoria after its completion. Just keep it in your pocket throughout a walk, weight exercises, or stretching, and notice as your mind travels through time and space to access mind and body potential you didn’t even know you had.
When you’re cooking a meal for your family, you will see that the food cooks more evenly, your cookware becomes more effective, and your mood is instantly enlightened. This is because the HFA Traveler works with the metals it interacts with, and ultimately enhances their effectiveness and ability to create change. Through time, this device will also learn how to move and work with you and your daily habits, thus eliciting an accomplished and improved sense of accomplishment and positivity overall.
More than that, the original capabilities of the HFA devices still hold true — when driving, you’ll notice your mood is calmer, your car functions better, and you can sometimes find an impossible parking spot.

That’s because it’s always keeping an eye on you — the field that the HFA Traveler is exhibiting affects everything from your equipment to the air around you. And you will feel it — in the energy, in the vibrations, in the overall frequency and movement around you. Watch in amazement as your mobility, overall skills, and efficiency improve greatly with this newest iteration.
The difference in this new product against the ones before it is its true versatility — no longer do you have to be concerned that the device is confined to one specific space, room, or place in time. From now on, you can bring your HFA Traveler with you everywhere, and watch in amazement as your experience and your benefits are heightened.
These effects will soon begin to affect your relationships with the people around you… when you’re enjoying a delicious meal and sitting down to spend time together with your family, or when you’re feeling euphoric from a fantastic workout, these emotional effects will soon work to enhance your life and relationships therein. Watch in amazement as something that seems so trivial and small will soon define the positivity of your entire existence. Put simply, your life will improve in the long-term if you invest in this simple way to change it now.
Shape Your Destiny Today with the HFA Traveler

At Modern Day Mystic, we are constantly evolving our products so that they work effectively for you. This is why version three of the HFA Traveler includes product upgrades that we only dreamt about in past versions. This radical new design has changes that we have worked on and tested over time, so that we could provide the best possible tool for use in your everyday life.
The HFA Traveler is unbelievably improved — where before you had to pair it with one specific vehicle and only use it when you were in said vehicle, now you can take it anywhere and keep it on you at all times — if you can carry a purse or have a pocket, you can carry the HFA Traveler. You can keep it with you. It’s truly ubiquitous in its helpfulness and presence within your life.
Once activated, it functions as a guide weaving you in and out of your daily life and movement, invisibly pushing you towards the best experience possible. It does this by taking the equipment and tools around you and pushing them to be their best, like our products push you to live your best life. Like an invisible hand, it guides your mind, body, and spirit towards an enhanced perspective and variation in experience. As our Founder noted during his testing — “it keeps getting better!”
Additionally, we have tested and built upon many other factors that improve this product’s versatility. By pairing it with the individual rather than the way of travel, we’ve ensured that it can assist you in all aspects of your day, by simply changing the energy around you to match the frequency of a positive outcome.
Watch in amazement as the HFA Traveler manipulates the atmosphere around you, finds the best possible outcome, and delivers it before your very eyes.
How Does the HFA Traveler Work?

With this new version, we have focused on the material makeup and how to get the most out of the product within. For that reason, we have constructed this version with nickel plating on copper and said goodbye to the copper and silver of past models.
Our circuit is new as well, as we’ve lifted the tech from other refined, tried-and-true products to help it operate. It now runs on the same universal quantum circulatory principles that we’ve employed in our new HFA Paladian and HFA Force Generator.
We have also added quartz crystal to the mix, which operates at the same vibrational frequency as the circuit within to ensure the most energy exposure possible.
With all these new elements, you’d think the product would only get bulkier and harder to manage. But we have condensed the makeup to ensure the product is lighter, less dense, yet incredibly more powerful than past iterations.
Change the Way You Travel — Change Your Entire Life

At the core of what we do here at Modern Day Mystic is energy — we evaluate, we interpolate, we manipulate. This product marks a chance to manipulate that which was previously out of our grasp — movement.
Through extensive research, testing, and learnings based on past product, we are happy to present the latest version of the HFA Traveler, a device designed to be your watchdog as you go about your normal travel days and help enhance it to be the best experience possible for you.
Everyone has their own worst part of their day — whether that be their commute, cooking themselves a meal, or the workout they just HAVE to get done. What if you could completely change that? Moreover, what if those events suddenly became your favorite part of your existence, thus enhancing every piece of who you are as a human being?
The change is out there and it’s waiting for your choices to put it into motion. Make these choices now and advance your life completely today.
Results May Include
- Less delays when traveling abroad or long distances
- No traffic or trouble parking when in the car
- Innate sense of direction when hiking or skiing
- Improved functionality in all travel instances
- More workout gains and a sense of post-workout euphoria
- Enhanced meals and better appreciation of them
- Substantial improvement on the tools you work with everyday
- Sense of calm & serenity while in control of a vehicle
- An enlightened, and almost transcendent life experience

- Nickel plating on copper
- Quartz crystal core
- Keepsake wooden storage box
- Sacred symbology and geometry
- A highly functioning universal circuit
- Never-before-seen portability and results