Free Your Land and Home of Negative Energies
Return to Harmony and Balance with the Myrrh Compass Rose

It’s where you raise your children. It’s where you build your home, your family, and potentially, where you make your living. Your life. Your memories.
What is it?
Easy. It’s your land.
Your land. You own it. Own the energy that exists within it, and transform it into something that will allow you, your family, and anyone who sets foot on your property, to flourish. Energy is a powerful thing, and it cannot be destroyed. But it can be transformed. The Myrrh Compass Rose gives you the confidence to transform your universe into something so magnificent, you can feel it.
The Myrrh Compass Rose is a transcendental land energy balancer that will clear your space of negative outside influences. Composed of bronze and copper, the Myrrh Compass Rose is infused with pure positive energy.

Ever find yourself feeling anxious without knowing why?
Ever toss and turn some nights, unable to find rest in your own home?
Headaches, fear, anxiety—all of these can be signs of negativity coming from your surroundings. Your home, after all, is where you spend most of your unconscious and conscious life. You need a guide back to positivity and harmony.
While some negative energy is more obvious—like the news media becoming more influential and present in the technological symbiosis that seems to dominate our daily lives—some is harder to identify.
It’s time to take control of that energy.
See the Myrrh Compass Rose V2 in Action
Official Launch
Usage and Instructions
The Myrrh Compass Rose V2

In ancient times, Myrrh was used in medicine as an antiseptic, to sterilize wounds so they could heal, and so the individuals who’d incurred those wounds could be renewed.
Like the ancient myrrh cleansed festering wounds, the Myrrh Compass Rose parallels these properties when applied to your land—clearing your space of the infectious negativity that hinders your restoration and fruitfulness.
The Myrrh Compass Rose vibrates with an intensely high energy that is signature of all Modern Day Mystic products. Exquisitely composed of precious copper and bronze metals, the 6.5” by 6.5” Myrrh Compass Rose makes a gorgeous addition to your collection of spiritual tools.

Whether you have a yard, a garden, a small space, or a large space, your land is your little corner of the world. That’s why you should take care of the energy surrounding that land.
Clearing your land of the toxic energy that clouds your universe is a critical step toward thriving as the best version of yourself—the version that you, your family, and ultimately the entire world will need.
It’s a delicate, transcendental balancing act. And the Myrrh Compass Rose is the guide that will help you find that balance once again.
How the Myrrh Compass Rose Works

Call it “peace” by piece.
The Myrrh Compass Rose consists of six parts:
- A rotating ring
- Centerpiece
- Four directional pieces pointing north, south, east, and west
Each piece has its own, intricate details. The directional pieces not only contain letters—N indicating north, S indicating south, and so on—but each directional piece is engraved with a symbol that harmonizes with an identical symbol on the rotating ring.
The rotating ring and centerpiece are engraved with corresponding details that align to create a powerful force when the Myrrh Compass Rose is in position: Love, presence, sourxe, and energy. Each of the six elements is aged with a stunning patina, rendering a weathered, timeless appearance.
Placement is key. Think of the Egyptian Pyramids — aligned almost perfectly to true north, south, east, and west.
This is not an accident. Even the ancients knew that placement was key to harmony.
Like all Modern Day Mystic products, the Myrrh Compass Rose radiates with a supremely high frequency, eliminating any existing, lower vibrations in its wake.
Begin by positioning yourself within the space you wish to clear, with the northern piece of the Myrrh Compass Rose pointing north on your land. Unsure which way is north? If you’re an iPhone user, you have access to a compass right at your fingertips. For Android users, a free Compass is available in your App Store as well.

The selection process is important. Once you’ve linked the Myrrh Compass Rose with your land, its energy will continue to clear your land of negative energy until you remove it.
The energy will not dilute or expire over time, so long as the Myrrh Compass Rose remains present in its initial position. While the Myrrh Compass Rose can be used to clear multiple pieces of land, its energy is most concentrated and most effective when positioned on the land you’re targeting.
Please Note: Choose where the piece will live thoughtfully prior to completing the linking process (instructions are available in the documentation tab).

- Patinated copper and bronze
- Sacred symbology and Geometry
- Wood storage box
Using Your Myrrh Compass Rose
Linking Your Myrrh Compass Rose
The setup process is simple:
- Position your Myrrh Compass Rose as close to the center of your home as you can.
- Align the corresponding symbols on the rotating ring and centerpiece accordingly.
- Gather your attention and channel it toward the land you wish to clear.
- Begin rotating the ring clockwise for one complete circle, until the northern symbol returns to initial alignment.
- Use your left hand to rotate the ring and your right hand to hold the center piece.
- For more graceful rotation, place the index finger of your free hand firmly on the centerpiece to hold steady.
- As you rotate the ring, repeat the words, “I Honor the Space in Which You Exist,” with confidence and honesty.
Once the Myrrh Compass Rose is linked, its energy will saturate your land immediately. Any preexisting adverse energy will diminish, clearing the space for endless beauty and positivity to manifest.
Unlinking Your Myrrh Compass Rose
This process is the exact reverse of the linking procedure:
- Use your right hand to rotate the ring counterclockwise, while holding the center piece with your left hand.
- As you rotate the ring, repeat the words, “I honor the space in which you exist,” with the same confidence and honesty.
- The Myrrh Compass Rose can be linked and unlinked as many times as you choose in any space you own.
Like all the products on the Modern Day Mystic website, we implore you to think outside the box when utilizing this kind of technology. When using your Myrrh Compass Rose, think in ways that are outside of your comfort zone, with the open mind of a child filled with wonder. This will optimize the performance of your Myrrh Compass Rose, benefiting your land and you, greatly.
Enjoy your Myrrh Compass Rose and know that you are about to embark on a truly amazing journey full of harmony, fulfillment, and joy.