

मई 19, 2018


i just love my lightbody software because I tried everything to lose weight and just could not for some reason. I used the inner beauty to program my water and the other options as well and then, as if by magic, without dieting at all, I just started losing all that excess weight which made me feel so miserable. I started loving myself and feeling so good as if all that energetic and physical weight just left my body. I feel so much joy and happiness and just absolutely love my own company. I stopped beating myself My friend commented that I looked radiant and that there was a special shine all around me and that I had a much sweeter and loving nature. They said that they felt a lot of peace and harmony when they were with me.
Thank you so much Peter, I’m so glad you are in my life and so grateful for all of the products you have so graciously made available to all humanity and which are helping all of us so much.
Many blessings,
Maria from Portugal.

maria josé costa PORTUGAL - LIGHTBODY अप्रैल 9, 2018

Well Peter, as I said before, the Light Body is to me one of your most beautiful creations!
And I can only recommend this to anybody who is sincerely interested in transformation.
Transformation starts within us, caring and energizing the vessel we reside in first, so that we can make an energetic and loving difference in this world.Spring is as good as a time as any to consider to detox, cleanse and re-energize, to shed what weighs us down, and to nourish ourselves optimally.
I have no doubt, that using the Light Body will help in the manifestation of these and other intentions.As an old latin quote states “mens sana in corpore sano”, which could be translates as “A healthy mind in a healthy body” – ah,wouldn’t we like to have this – to be this?!
Peters Light Body is simply beautiful and effective!
I would even go as far as to state that just looking at the graphics could help to re-balance one’s system while staying with the intention.

अप्रैल 24, 2015

Lars Mentzoni, Nesodden Akershus Norge

I have used Peters software for couple of years ++, and I LOVE IT ! I would never og back to drinking low frq water ,Food or give up the Enhanced everything IT OFFERS ! Lightbody 2.0 are doing its thing making life better, I Love it ! tx Peter ! Kindly LM

मई 11, 2015
