I would suggest getting energetic session(s) with Peter Schenk if you are interested in results. In my case, the result of one session with him created such a palpable change within me that I was able to recapture the feeling of wholeness. The outer change was so noticeable that my friend now complains that I laugh all the time. She has to tell me to stop laughing so she can understand me when I speak. It is not what Peter adds to you, but what he removes, so you can experience the fullness of the Being that you were meant to be. Since my session with him less than 2 months ago, three of my friends have gone to him for sessions without any recommendation from me. They see results, and want to experience the same in their lives. The gift that Peter brings is priceless. I treasure what has been bestowed upon me.

Jenny L California फ़रवरी 19, 2018