Eight Months ago, a young loved one was diagnosed with with a life threatening condition that to some would seem hopeless. As a customer\ client I booked a session with Peter Schenk , The Modern Day Mystic, to find out if he could help . Peter told me that this condition was like an upward wave that it had highs and lows. and at the time I didn’t really understand what he was saying but I did know that this person would somehow, some way, be OK. So acting as a conduit, Peter started the process of doing what he does to support positive changes. The best way for me to explain the next eight months was Hitler and Hell. Hitler, was the aggressive treatment plan that medically induced side effects , . The HELL, where the side effects. Each week, sometimes 2-3 times. a week, I would book a session with Peter to clean, clear, promote healing,, and at one point deepen the energetic session to a point to save her life . Peter made a statement to me that lit a fire under me to to persevere. The aggressive treatment plan by the medical team, would induce side effects, and Peter’s energetic session would promote healing. Month after month, the treatment plan would do what it was designed to do, and the energetic sessions, would keep the field sacred. There was a lot more going on, but I do not know how to explain it. After the last round , which I would call HELL, they were ready to put her into ICU, The regeneration of new blood cells were stuck. ZERO. The medical team did what they did, and Peter continued to do what only he knows how to do. ! Get Results! In a little less that 7 days, the blood work went from 0, to 2, to 2500, to 8000. Peter was in command of the bone marrow regeneration. Today , she is medically cleared . Bone Marrow Negative.
Peter Schenk never gives up. The energy work that Peter commands, will find the way , or be the way. Sometimes the WAY, is a product. Sometimes the WAY, is a Workshop. In this case, it was his PRESENCE, in the form of life saving sessions. Thank you Peter Schenk and the MDM Team .

谢谢 5 月 25, 2024