DNA Activation Unlocks Our 12 Dormant DNA Strands, Allowing Us to Access the Entirety of Our Being.
Awakening Our Infinite Potential. For a Life Unleashed.

If you’ve ever felt restricted in your body, be it physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Feeling like you are unable to access your true potential.
Then DNA activation could be the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for.
It allows you to clear energetic blocks and transcend limitations in every realm of your existence. Enabling you to experience breakthroughs and intuitive gifts currently unimaginable to your being.
Your True Potential Is Awaiting You
See the DNA Crystal Alter in Action
DNA Alter Launch
DNA Alter Activation
DNA Alter Usage
DNA Alter Advanced Tips
DNA Alter Video Testimonials
The Science of DNA Activation
Why Is Our DNA So Important?

Our DNA holds enormous amounts of information. This information is a blueprint for our body’s looks, characteristics and how we function in our day-to-day life. It is theorized that 40% of our happiness and 50% of our life satisfaction is determined by genetics. Even our IQ is theorized to be 70% determined by genetics.
When you realize how much your genetics determine, it can be daunting to imagine how much you are actually in control of. In many ways, our DNA can determine how fulfilling, successful, and progressive our life is.
We Actively Use Less Than 2% Of Our DNA

The Human Genome Project was an international scientific research study that aimed to understand and map out all of the genes of humans. The language in which “God” creates life.
This study created “The Book of Life” containing the uncoded ancient script of human genomes. Including 3 billion “letters” or “base pairs”. This achievement represented a pinnacle in human self-knowledge.
Upon completion, it was discovered that we actively use less than 2% of our DNA. The other 98.5% is referred to as junk DNA or dark matter DNA. So even though scientists could transcribe the book, they could only understand 2% of it.
To this day, many scientists believe they have misinterpreted the true function of this dark matter DNA. Many theorize that it could hold the cure to diseases and life extension. While others theorize that it turns certain genes on and off in different types of cells.
The Science of DNA Activation

This 98.5% of dark matter DNA or data remains misunderstood. The majority of it is still considered extraneous by science. However, DNA activation aims to unlock this data that is embedded with information and potential not yet discovered.
DNA activation believes that there is an additional DNA template that lays beyond the double-stranded helix. Where 12 strands of extra DNA remain dormant in the quantum layers of our being. Molecular biologists have recently discovered three and four-stranded DNA in our telomeric regions. These regions are located at the end of our chromosomes, which slowly unravel as we age. David Sinclair, a renowned professor of genetics believes our telomeres are the key to unlocking life extension.
DNA Activation aims to unlock the quantum layers of our DNA. Exploring the true nature of human potential unleashed. Gifting those who dare to explore their entirety. With unparalleled access to the infinite creation of their being. This is the next generation of healing.
Access Your Infinite Potential with the DNA Alter
How Does the DNA Alter Work?

The DNA Alter, to the untrained eye, looks like a work of art. However, when you begin to understand its elements, you learn that it is a spiritual apparatus equipped with ancient knowledge.
It utilizes the metaphysical healing power of crystal energy, infused with sacred geometry. Combined in meditation practice with mantras that are designed to incite DNA activation.
This powerful combination accelerates and awakens your quantum DNA. Assisting in your pursuit of enlightenment.

- Creates a protective field around you.
- Increased concentration and motivation.
- Enhances self-confidence and determination.
- Propels one toward prosperity and achievement.
- Imbues users with transformative energy to grow and prosper.
- It helps bridge the spiritual and physical realms, providing a channel for higher knowledge.
- Helps activate your own unique psychic gifts, including intuition, and clairvoyance.
- It helps to release energies trapped in the subconscious blocking your growth.
- Helps one to attain the gift of inner power, healing, and self-mastery.
- Restores one’s true nature.
DNA Alter Components
All Materials Are Purified, Infused, and Activated with Positive Energy

The Altar | Cosmic Energy
Expertly carved 45-degree pyramid base. The pyramid shape is an energy generator and amplifier. that acts like a cosmic antenna that tunes into cosmic energy. Bringing it down to the altar in abundance, charging all those other parts. Ancient Egyptians used this same technique with the Great Pyramids to collect and concentrate electromagnetic energy.

Ruby | Spirit Body Activation
Ruby is a stone of protection, passion and prosperity. It’s able to stimulate both the physical and spiritual body. Stimulating the base chakra, its presence is grounding. With the right intentions, it can be used to activate our kundalini. Kundalini is similar to DNA activation in that it activates a dormant potential inside our spirit body. Gifting us new energy, knowledge, and clarity. Many say with kundalini activation comes ego death for a heightened awareness of sense.

The Crystal | Manifestation
3D Laser-etched, 99% pure, lab-created Quartz manifestation crystal. The double terminated crystal shape is designed to receive and emit energy. Helping integrate spirit and matter.

Infinity Symbol | Limitless Creation
The infinity symbol represents the endless cycle of life in creation, continuously flowing in and out of the source itself. The external lines of the symbol represent the nature of Infinity of Creation while the merging point represents the Eternity of Source. All-in-all, it represents limitless potential and endless possibilities. It represents the past, present and future. It represents creation. It is located above the DNA strands.

5 DNA Strands | Resonates with Our DNA
The 3d engraved DNA strands represent our intention to connect to our DNA. Each DNA strand empowers the crystal to resonate its energy with our DNA strands, located in every single cell in our body. The DNA strands are strategically placed both in the crystal and within the base. With four located on the base structure + one placed between the flower of life and infinity symbol. This placement optimizes the energetic flow of information between the altar, the crystal and you.

Flower of Life | The Blueprint of the Universe
The oldest known depictions of The Flower of Life have been found engraved into the walls in the Temple of Osiris, in ancient Egypt. Which dates back 6000 years. The flower of life itself is a sacred geometric symbol that represents creation and the unity of everything. All geometric forms can be found within it. It is believed to be a blueprint of the universe. Containing the basis design of every atom, molecular structure, life form, and in turn everything in existence. From the human body to galaxies. The Crystal Alter contains two 3D flowers of life. One within the base, and one within the crystal.
Unlock Benefits Beyond Expectations

True DNA activation is activating the quantum layers of your DNA, the electromagnetic and vibrational layers. By unlocking and activating these layers you permit your spiritual body to become fully present.
While simultaneously awakening the full potential of your dormant DNA. This will result in profound experiences of transcendence and awareness. Helping you tap into flow states and reach pivotal states of being.
Bringing to life the entirety of your being, from the physical to the spiritual realms. Disbanding limiting DNA that no longer serves you. Letting you unleash your highest potential.
Key Benefits Include:

- Awaken and heal your DNA.
- Reprogram the DNA with superior information.
- Unlock full freewill and bypass genetic restraints.
- Activate and amplify the dormant knowledge and intuitive gifts.
- Achieve greater clarity of mind, creativity, and awareness of self.
- Brings us into alignment with our full manifestation potential.
- Accelerate your personal pathway to achieving enlightenment.
- Repairing DNA for improved physical, emotional and mental health.
- Enhance your self-awareness, intuition, and connection to ancestral knowledge.
- Unleash the entirety of your being.
Activation Instructions
- Link with The DNA Crystal Alter
- Place the crystal on the altar and position it in front of your body.
- Place your energy, focus and intention on the crystal.
- Acknowledge its existence and recite the following mantra: “I Am, I Was, and I Will Be Again”.
- You’ve now activated and bonded with the crystal.
For best results use as a daily meditation altar.
Suggested Mantras for Daily Mediation:
- Mantras to Incite DNA Activation
- I call to myself the highest quality of divine DNA.
- I now call forth the highest quality of divine DNA within me to fully activate.
- I now reclaim my higher purified DNA across all timelines, densities, and dimensions back to my cellular structure.
- Mantras for Self-Realization
- I call my true self to fully manifest.
- I let go of all my self-limiting beliefs.
- I unleash my divine being.