HFA+ 可以清洁周围的空气并为其充电;它的能量足以覆盖整个家庭或办公室!把它想象成能量层面的 "春季大扫除"。想象一下,在一个更宁静的办公空间里,同事们会更快乐,工作效率更高。或者是一个感觉更舒适、更有支持性的家,让你每天都能真正地复位,焕然一新。现在,让这些愿景成为现实吧--有了 HFA+,一切都变得简单。把它放在任何你想净化和激活不健康、负面或滞留能量的地方。如果你想给它加点料,可以将双手放在它上面,集中意念 10 秒钟。然后,开始一天的工作,看看事情是如何变得更加顺利的。
It’s all about harmony. Have you ever noticed how, when you start your day in a positive mood, more good things seem to happen? Or when one thing goes wrong, bad news just seems to stack up throughout the day? That’s because feelings are energy. And every type of feeling vibrates at a different energetic wavelength. Once we are vibrating with a certain frequency of energy, it can be difficult to change that frequency.
Now consider the matter that surrounds you – things like your furniture, walls, even your clothes. All of those things absorb the energy that you generate. We all have bad days, but allowing that energy to attach itself to your physical space can set up a recurring loop of negativity that can come back like a boomerang.
Even when we work hard to remain consciously positive, our own frequencies and those in the space around us can be affected by the energy of others. You might not notice it consciously, but friends, family members, even your letter carrier or passersby can impart an unwanted negative energetic signature on your space. Imagine how those negative energies might affect your outlook… quietly sabotaging your ability to manifest good things in your life. That’s why it’s so important to regularly “clean” and recalibrate our own energy and that of our physical space.
Think of it like an air purifier or a water filter… but for your entire home or office’s energy field. Unlike other household cleaners, the HFA+ can be used over and over again – imagine what you can achieve over years of consistent use!
How It Works
HFA+ 使用铜和银,这两种金属在古埃及时代因其能量和精神效果而广为流行。在特定配置下使用时,已被证明能诱发零点能量的特性。这种能量可被视为具有无限潜力。一旦被你的意图或愿望激活,它就会对周围空间的一切进行充电,并清除大气中所有不需要的频率。
But it’s not just theory. Users have reported feelings of more easily “going with the flow” and enhanced relaxation. They’ve noticed a reduction in feeling bothered or upset, and some have even reported that children who used to fight are more calm and harmonious in its presence!
Using the HFA+ is a non-intrusive way to reset your environment to its naturally positive state – so that all who enter its field will synchronize to a more peaceful frequency. And when everyone is vibrating in the same frequency, imagine how much more loving and understanding relationships can be. Say goodbye to household squabbles, hurt feelings and misunderstandings at work.
This beautifully-crafted spiritual tool provides an aura adjustment for any building where it is placed. Try it in your home, business, yoga studio, or give one to friends or family members who need a more peaceful personal sanctuary in order to heal.
Eliminate the “negativity boomerang” in any environment and watch your dreams unfold more effortlessly than ever before. Now you can create an effortlessly sacred space in your entire home or office with the HFA+.
*请注意:HFA 产品不接受退款。