Empower Your Manifestations and Call Forth Your Every Desire into Existence
Bracelet Size: 168mm (6.62″)

Introducing the Second Generation of I AM Bracelets! This generation has leveled up beauty, style, and power. With a slimmer build that makes long periods of wear much more comfortable. The nano anti-tarnish ensures no color appears on your skin. The design’s aesthetic has been upgraded too, with a hammered copper finish that ripples with beautiful reflections. Making it the perfect addition to any attire.
This Is Our Most Powerful Manifestation Jewelry Yet
Infused with the same alchemical knowledge, ancient metal technology and sacred symbols. It amplifies intention, accelerates manifestations, and strengthens personal empowerment. It functions as a metaphysical megaphone—amplifying your greatest desires out into the universe. Returning all that you wish for, spoken and unspoken, into reality.
This new and improved design supports longer wearing periods and compatibility with a variety of styles. These factors help users wear the manifestation jewelry for longer periods of time, allowing for optimum manifestation enhancement.
Each bracelet is still engraved with I AM. Followed by 1 of 13 intentions. Each one targets a different life desire that resonates with the user. So, whether they are holding the intention or not. The bracelet can still work on manifesting the inscribed desire.
See the Second-Generation I AM Bracelets in Action
I AM Bracelets Second Generation
I AM Bracelet Activation
Level Up Your Ability to Create the Life You Want

There are two choices that every person faces. Those choices are between creating your own life or letting the world create it for you.
The difference between these two lives is extraordinary. One can manifest their dreams into reality. Cultivating new heights of bliss, and achievement.
While the other person lives a life that is dictated purely by happenstance. Which often leaves them with a sense of disconnection and unfulfillment. This is the power of manifestation and creation.
Be the Conscious Creator of Your Own Desired Reality

If you have been feeling like life isn’t manifesting the way you want it to – that you aren’t empowered enough to create the reality you dream of – then the I AM bracelet is the spiritual tool that will help you surpass this block and strengthen your personal power.
It utilizes a cutting-edge blend of science and spirituality to help you unlock your ability to call forth your every desire into existence.
Your Deepest Manifestation Potential Awaits You
The Science Of Manifestation Bracelets

The I AM bracelets are the result of years of alchemical research and experimentation with zero-point energy. This line was created to assist humanity in ascending to its highest attainment potential. Made from the purest copper + silver, sacred symbology, and highly resonant energy the I AM bracelet conducts and amplifies your heart’s truest desires.
But It Doesn’t Stop There
Although it has only recently been rediscovered, the ancients knew that copper could transmit energy between individuals, crystals, auras, and spiritual realms. It is in this way that the I AM bracelets can take an intention, communicate it outward into the universe, pick up additional information that will help you on your path, and recycle that energy back to your auric field to assist you in achieving your goals.

I AM bracelet wearers report that it almost feels like the bracelet adds its own magical interpretation of their deepest desires and then attracts delightful, sometimes surprising manifestations that satisfy those desires in a way they could not possibly have anticipated.
In the biological realm, copper has been shown to be vital to human processes, necessary for growth and neurological processes1. And it has demonstrated the ability to kill harmful bacteria, leading to its potential development into a tool for powerful anti-microbial protection in hospitals2. Copper has proved its usefulness throughout antiquity, with ancient Egyptians using it for medicine3, spiritual jewelry and even papyrus ink4.

Astrologically, copper is linked to Venus, the planet of love and beauty. It is purported to stimulate optimism, understanding, luck and money, while stimulating the flow of psychic energy, enhancing communication skills, and increasing self-esteem.
Combining 99.9% pure copper, the sacred conductor, and 99.9% pure silver, the master conductor, in an alchemically balanced, spiritually-inspired design, we’ve created a powerful tool for you to achieve higher levels of personal development than ever before.
What Does It Do?

The I AM bracelets utilize attraction-based technology and alchemical principles to amplify intentions. Due to its highly conductive properties, copper is often used in electronic devices and communication networks.
When it is combined with silver, the highest thermal and electrical conductor available, the result is a synergistically balanced manifestation tool that has the potential to:
- Realize and Amplify Intentions.
- Energize, Empower and Enlighten.
- Relieve, Soothe and Heal the Physical Body.
- Strengthen Human Bonds and Connections.
How Does It Work?

Although it has only recently been rediscovered, the ancients knew that copper could transmit energy between individuals, crystals, auras, and the spiritual realms. It is in this way that the I AM bracelets can take an intention, communicate it outward into the universe, pick up additional information that will help you on your path, and recycle that energy back to your auric field to assist you in achieving your goals.
To the uninitiated, this can sound far-fetched, but when you consider that the entire human body runs on electrical impulses—you realize the immense potential these sacred metals have, to broadcast thoughts, feelings, wishes, and energy throughout the cosmos.
The Intention Vortex

Once you activate your bracelet; energy flows in one side through the clockwise spiral, then through the sacred manifestation charm + I AM mantra, and out through the counterclockwise spiral on the other side of the bracelet. That energy cycles through the bracelet continuously, broadcasting your intention to the universe. While simultaneously picking up divine information and manifestations that will help you achieve your goals. With each cycle of energy rotation, more information is gathered, and your intention grows more powerful in its ability to attract that which is wanted.
I AM Bracelet Components
All Materials Are Purified, Infused, and Activated with Positive Energy; Then Finished Off with a Nano Anti-Tarnish Coating

The Bracelet | 99.9% Pure Copper
As a sacred conductor, copper “hears” your every wish and sends the request to universal forces that vibrationally attract themselves into your experience like a magnet.

The Bracelet | 99.9% Pure Silver
As a master conductor, silver transmits energy and thought swiftly and with great clarity, working in harmony with copper to transmit intentions to the highest realms of existence.

Engravings | Ancient Symbols and Written Affirmations
Each I AM bracelet is engraved with the ancient symbol that represents its intention, along with the powerful statement I AM. In this way, the bracelet continues to conduct and amplify energy around your intent, whether you are conscious of it or not.

Engravings | Zero-Point Energy Spirals
The ends of your I AM bracelet contain powerful Fibonacci-based spirals that simulate the zero-point energy pathway and channel energy from one end of the bracelet to the other. With each cycle of energy rotation, more information is gathered, and your intention grows more powerful in its ability to attract that which is wanted.
I AM Bracelet Intentions and Mantras
There Are 13 I AM Bracelets, and Each One Is Purpose-Built and Energetically Charged with a Different Intention. Which One Resonates with Your Soul’s Purpose?

I AM Presence, the conscious director of my own future. I choose from my own free will to become an intensified individual with a clear focus of self. I have the innate ability to project poise and self-assurance. I am beyond merely existing; I am master of this moment and all future moments. I AM Presence.

I AM Purpose, with reason and value within the universe. My function in the universe is mine alone. The answers within me are ready to guide me on the amazing journey that I am on. My passion is not to pursue my purpose, but to live my purpose in every moment. I am not chasing the big things, but instead, feel the joy in every moment. I embrace my solid identity right here and now. I am in a state of peacefulness. I AM Purpose.

I AM Energy, my own unit of power: dynamic, driven, and passionate. I have the strength and vitality for sustained physical and mental activity. I accept universal energy, as it runs freely through me. To the universe I give back energy, unifying me with divinity. I am aware of my energy flow, and the flow of energy I put forth into the universe. I AM Energy.

I AM Love, deserving, and completely present when loving or being loved. I love myself and those around me unconditionally without judgment, but with complete devotion to myself and others. I do not judge myself or others but embrace our intimacy and devotion. I fall into love, I seek love, and I cherish love. I AM Love.

I AM Fertility, with the natural capability to produce offspring. I trust the cycles of my body. I honor my body and the sacred path it leads me on, enabling me to have children. I follow my body’s natural rhythms and reward it as it carries out its cycles in this divine process. I AM Fertility.

I AM Healthy: balanced in mind, body, and soul. I refuse to be feeble or weak. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, I foster an existence of well-being and good health. I respect the authority of my inner psyche and soul. My mind holds the power over my health and healing, and I will approach every situation with a positive attitude and a balanced mind. I AM Healthy.

I AM Sourxe, the origin from which all intentions stem from. I originate peace, love, balance, strength, purpose, inner beauty, and anything/everything meant to inspire and perfectly nurture. Arising in me the balance to coexist with the universe and spark the perfect combination to inspire and grow. I AM Sourxe.

I AM Unconditional Love of Self, accepting of all that I have become and am becoming. I accept my inner realm of thoughts, feelings, notions, and ideas of love. I forgive myself and others for past mistakes and accept myself without criticism. I will always be patient, gentle, and kind to myself. I AM Unconditional Love of Self.

I AM Fearless, succeeding where my logic has given me reasons to not even try. I do not entertain fear, but am bold, daring, and unafraid. I have full self-confidence in my love. I face all the universe has to offer me, unafraid and successful. I AM Fearless.

I AM Capable, possessing the qualities necessary to achieve what I set my mind to. Being able and competent, I have what it takes to accomplish astonishing things. I can handle any obstacle I am presented with peacefully and fluently. The universe has provided me with the talents, skills, and tools necessary to succeed. I AM Capable.

I AM Peaceful, calm, and quiet in body, mind, and spirit. I navigate life’s challenges serenely, living my life with tranquility. My mind is untroubled and allows me to exist in perfect harmony with the universe. I coexist with ease and am content with my surroundings. I AM Peaceful.

I AM Safe, impervious to harm and turmoil. I hold a secure place within the universe and am protected by powers beyond imagination. My Journey is being lived every day and I remain safe and sound in my experiences. I take risks knowing that the universe will protect me and provide exactly what I need. I embrace and cherish where I am, secure in my environment. I AM Safe.

I AM Balanced, moving together in perfect harmony with the universe. My thoughts and actions are in absolute proportion. I know when to hold on and when to let go. I am well-adjusted and make peace with that which is beyond my control. I am steady and will never fall. I AM Balanced.
Ultimate Manifestation Tool

This new generation of I AM bracelets has a slim-lined design making it more comfortable to wear for long periods of time. Topped off with a beautiful, hammered copper finish. Its luxurious look makes it easily paired with a variety of outfits. The versatile copper and minimal design allow it to easily transition from day tonight.
The key benefit is that the more often you wear it, the more often you can amplify your intentions out to the universe. Strengthening your ability to cultivate your desires and manifest them into reality.

Key Benefits and Purpose:
- Naturally anti-microbial and anti-negativity.
- Amplifies intentions and assists in the manifestation process.
- Imbues users with transformative energy to grow and prosper.
- Aligns with your deepest desires and works for your highest good.
- Enhances intuition and the ability to make beneficial decisions.
- Harmonizes with goal setting and generates a field that draws solutions.
- It helps bridge the spiritual and physical realms, providing a channel for higher knowledge.
- Helps activate your own unique psychic gifts, including intuition, and clairvoyance.
- Helps one to attain the gift of inner power, healing, and self-mastery.
1 Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital. (2007, May 2). Mitochondria Has A Role In Cellular Copper Regulation. ScienceDaily. Retrieved June 28, 2018 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/05/070501160624.htm
2 C. E. Santo, E. W. Lam, C. G. Elowsky, D. Quaranta, D. W. Domaille, C. J. Chang, G. Grass. Bacterial Killing by Dry Metallic Copper Surfaces. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2010; 77 (3): 794 DOI: 10.1128/AEM.01599-10
3 H.H.A. Dollwet, J.R.J. Sorenson. Historic uses of copper compounds in medicine. Trace Elements in Medicine, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1985, pp 80–87.
4 Thomas Christiansen, Marine Cotte, René Loredo-Portales, Poul Erik Lindelof, Kell Mortensen, Kim Ryholt, Sine Larsen. The nature of ancient Egyptian copper-containing carbon inks is revealed by synchrotron radiation based X-ray microscopy. Scientific Reports, 2017; 7 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-15652-7
Activation Instructions
Place your I AM bracelet on either wrist, and squeeze until your I AM Bracelet fits comfortably.
Based on copper’s abilities to help promote balance, you may wish to place it on your non-dominant side. For example, if you are right-handed, wear it on your left wrist. However, there is no right or wrong choice, it still works on both sides—let your intuition guide you.
To Activate Your Bracelet
To activate and link your bracelet, place your middle, and index finger on each of the spirals and focus your attention on your I AM Bracelet. Speak out loud, and say, “I HONOR THE SPACE IN WHICH YOU EXIST.” That’s it, your bracelet is activated and ready to assist you on your journey!
To Remove the Bond
If you wish to remove or share your bracelet, you can simply de-link it by repeating those steps.
To Supercharge the Energy Flow
For a deeper connection to the manifestation powers of your bracelet, it is recommended that you sit in a quiet space and recite its corresponding mantra. You can do this as often as you like to supercharge the energy flow.
Please Note: The metals used in your I AM bracelet are pure (not alloyed or coated) in order to achieve the highest level of esoteric performance, they will require polishing and cleaning from time to time. For optimal effectiveness and appearance, they should never be submerged in water.
Please Note: There are NO REFUNDS on the I AM Bracelets.
Second-Generation I AM Bracelets
Please Note: The metals used in your I AM bracelet are pure (not alloyed or coated) in order to achieve the highest level of esoteric performance, they will require polishing and cleaning from time to time. For optimal effectiveness and appearance, they should never be submerged in water.
Please Note: There are NO REFUNDS on the I AM Bracelets.