Past Life Regression Core Session
Discover Yourself Through a Journey of Past Experiences
Reincarnation, past lives, history… it's all a significant part of who we are as people and energetic beings. No matter how old or young your soul is, the past, present, and future of you is housed in your DNA right at this very minute. So, what if you were able to harness the power of those past lives and use them in the present?
Introducing our newest core session through Modern Day Mystic, one which seeks to go further than we've ever gone before into your past lives and bring the experiences that live unconsciously in your DNA to the forefront of your subconscious.
This is a session unlike one we've ever offered through our company, one in which you will be working in tandem with our Founder to uncover your past lives and stop at important events and settings along the way. Through one-on-one sessions with our Founder, Peter Schenk, the Past Life Regression Core Session will take you back through your DNA and show you who and what you were during your past lives.
It's seriously groundbreaking and revolutionary.
Traditionally, Past Life Regressions have involved the user transcending into their past, but not remembering the events once they return to full consciousness. In our session, you will be fully conscious and aware, able to interact with Peter in real time as you explore the important stops in your past lives and who you were along the way.
Go Deeper into Your Energetic Blueprint and Uncover Lost Knowledge
Think of your DNA as an excavation site — energy and clues live deep within your bones that tell the story of who and what you once were. This session allows you to board a train through this story and take stops at waystations along the way. Pilot sessions saw users deep in New York City decades ago, experiencing the pyramids during their beginnings, and having real-world interactions with deities and godlike creatures. Everyone's journey is unique — it all depends on who you've been and who you were.
In these waystations, you will explore realities that look quite different from your present one, but that still have a profound impact on who you are as an individual and why your body may respond viscerally or confusingly to certain things in your life.
For example, do you have a large fear of confrontation? Or do you find yourself extremely angry when people don't consult you on things? Reasons for these intense feelings may not be a past experience in this life, but instead may be because of someone you once were. Knowing this, and understanding it, may be vital to further awareness of who you are and how you fit into the cosmos.
Remember that these waystations will look different and hold different stories depending on whether you are an old soul or one just beginning your long trek through our universe. Yet, the value behind knowing these stories and events will be the same. Overall, your being will experience higher octaves and truer awareness of how you fit into the cosmic realm around you.
Uncover Lost Knowledge and Experiences
Have you ever heard the phrase "the body remembers?" This is true, and the main practice behind this newest core session. This phrase is built on the foundational idea that our bodies not only harness our past within their matter, but they actually harness our past and future lives as well.
Think about it: every piece of information about who you were, who you are, and who you are going to be is ingrained within the very muscles and bones you used to take a walk this morning. Wouldn't it be life-changing to know that information?
Perhaps before, you've been in situations — good or bad — and had physical reactions to them that seem out of place for the situation at hand. This core session allows you to delve deep into your DNA's past and uncover why these reactions might exist. It's possible that in the past, your body experienced significant joy or trauma, and your current subconscious is compensating for those lingering emotions through a heightened response.
Either way, familiarizing yourself with what your body has gone through before will offer a deeper understanding of who you are today, and give you the tools to work through these learnings with an informed mindset.
What's Required for a Successful Session:
- Extreme visual awareness & ability to use your mind's eye
- Well-acquainted with yourself & your reactions to higher psychic powers
- Frequent dreams and recollection of them
- 60–90 minutes of complete, 100% silence, no interruptions
- Glass of water
What You Can Expect After Your Session:
- Heightened awareness of yourself and your place in the universe
- Expanded lessons from past lives
- Deeper knowledge of who you are and where you've come from
- Greater appreciation of your personal history
- Understanding of what events make up your complex DNA
- Uncovered lost knowledge and multiplane synergy
- Deeper understanding of patterns and signs within the universe