What do you do if you do not get what you want?
Do you ask for it again?
After all, it is a universal law that if you seek you shall find, and if you ask and you shall receive.
So why haven’t you received what you have asked for?

See, in order to receive abundance from the universe, you have to feel worthy and not guilty about receiving in the first place.
Your subconscious mind has to be in alignment with what you want to receive, and your conscious mind has to be ok with you receiving what you are asking for.
The reason why most people, you included, have not been able to receive is because your conscious and subconscious mind has been “polluted” with beliefs that are inharmonious with abundance.
This workshop will be your key to removing the subconscious pollution that is preventing you from receiving what you want.

Here’s Plain Truth:
Receiving from the universe isn’t being greedy, contrary to what you were taught.
If you are a person who simply gives and gives but never comfortable with receiving, you have now made the receiver feel not good enough to give to you.
I’ll tell you the same thing I tell my kids "Don’t block your blessings!".
You block your blessings, the things that the universe and others want to bless you with when you aren’t comfortable with receiving.

If you are feeling unworthy of what you are asking for, or feel guilty when you do receive something, then your subconscious mind has been polluted with inharmonious beliefs and it is up to you to use this workshop to remove them.
This workshop will:
- Break Down Your Subconscious Thinking and Guilt
- Allow The Gifts You’ve Been Dreaming Of To Come Your Way
- Invoke Gratitude for Receiving
- Receive to Give Without Attachments or “Strings Attached”
I look forward to seeing you at the workshop!
Click the Link below to sign up!
Donate NowBefore the workshop, the title \”Illuminating Your Soul\” puzzled me. My experience during the workshop clarified it.
Over the past 20 years I\’ve been clearing mental & emotional debris–hurts, biases, stuck points, and a self-limiting identity. With spiritual tools and introspection I\’ve been able to unearth many hidden roots.
Then during the 50 minute workshop, while immersed in a state of deep quiet and peace, in bright light flashes of insight I saw many core pain points as emotional-thought-pictures that I could let go. That recognition set me free of them. I also saw that my life henceforth is my own, and that I am free to create what I choose. I set the intent to manifest a number of new creations. These manifestations have seemed like pie in the sky in the past. Now it feels like they will be the natural outcome of my energy flow. My energy overall since the workshop is calmer and I have much more conscious intent.
I\’m looking forward to other workshops. Thanks modern day mystic and Peter.哈兰-米塔格 https://drharlanmittag.com Illuminating Your Soul Workshop 5 月 18, 2024
Eye was introduced to the website and the MDM minute thru a close spiritual soul mate. Upon recent we have reconnected. Furthermore I repeated several of the Violet Flame matras being totally open to the experience it needed to experience and express thru me. Seconds after repeating the mantra a current would litterly flow thru my being almost debilitating me but in a good way .its hard to explain. So I played around with it thinking this cannot be true..you know how many mantras I have said over the years and absolutely nothing happens. Lol but with stating and since saying the Violet Flame mantras and as I put my hand over the water jug I had near by it litterly paralyzed me again not in a fearful way. Its just that the frequency is so strong Its almost like eye can’t control it. Lol. I recently came across a picture my now ex husband took of me while living in Colorado at the time , and many years ago. It happened to be in my Facebook collection of pictures. Well it’s a picture of me sitting in the shadows on the rocks while streams of water are flowing. Now picture this .there is a Violet Light Ray’s shining upon me or directly on me …its purple 💜 hues of light are spectacular. I can’t make this up .I hope to share the picture with MDM to see for yourself. I love this and will continue to say the mantras to create the manifestation I so desire. Thanks a bunch.
Sincerely Agape Love in my heart for all of humanity and this entire planet.
612-364-745411 月 1, 2023
STOP ! NO ! DON’T DO THAT ! DO IT MY WAY! YOU SHOULD NOT DO IT! ALL of that mind chatter, clutter, internal dialogue would show up right at the point of action on my part. I have been tracking the NAY SAYERS, CENSURESHIP, GARBAGE for about 3 months. Okay, but now what?????? Along came Peter Schenk’s AVIDDHA Manifestation Workshop.
As I performed the 1st technique that you can learn in Part 1, internal dialogue was on speed dial , Your not blah blah blah, STOP, NO, etc. It was like driving 100 miles an hour with rules of the road laid out in my path, driving on egg shells. LOOK OUT FOR THE ……………… So this morning I went through a stop sign ( this is for entertainment purposes only and NOT to be taken literally * sign disclaimer , A whole bunch of negativity just isn’t there. I can breathe. Thank you Peter and the MDM TEAM, for your love.11 月 1, 2023
I experience part two of the 3 part series Divine Masculine Workshop. During the Sacred Geometry portion we were instructed to focus on the right lower half of our geometry and the co-creators of the workshop, Christy Warnick and Peter Schenk would focus on that area along with us. Maybe 1/3 into this process, this nasty black fog showed up . I kept breathing and focusing and following instructions
Beyond Powerful Beyond Mighty Experiencial Workshop 11 月 7, 2019
I attended all three workshops and I hesitated submitting a testimonial only because I don’t know if words can do justice to the transformation that occurred within me and to the world around me. All three workshops were very powerful, building on the prior one. Being new to energy work all I can say is WOW! I felt something change/shift within me, things that used to bother me (like being ultra sensitive) suddenly didn’t. I have always felt very alone in the world, like I didn’t belong and suddenly I felt a connection to everyone and everything. I don’t think I have ever been truly at peace in my life, but now there’s a calmness about me that is almost surreal. Receiving from the universe and from people has enabled me to give back tenfold. Everything in my life has changed, my corporate job was eliminated (a good thing). I had been involved in a very unhealthy relationship for three years to someone that was toxic and I never seemed to be able to break free, but now I am happy to report he is a thing of the past. I have been stuck in Texas for 12 years and finally the tides are changing and I will be moving within the next 3 months. Financially things had been a struggle, but now there always seems to be more than enough money to pay the bills and do the things I want to do in life and this is without my corporate job. Recently, I discovered what my purpose is in this life and all of the sudden, all of the trials and tribulations I have been through made sense. For so long, I felt confused, unfocussed, not sure where to go or what to do, now I have more clarity than I ever have had in my life. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings, because so far in just a few short months the transformation both on the inside and out is miraculous. Thank you Peter for what you do! I know it was no accident I stumbled across your work. -Jill
Jill Button Entreprenuer Receiving Workshops I, II, III 4 月 25, 2019
4 月 24, 2019
The Receiving workshops have increased my business income and clients dramatically. Immediately after Version 3 workshop I had 3 clients contact me in the same day, and now I can truly say I have no problem receiving or accepting gifts from anyone with any guilt, thank you Peter for creating these wonderful workshops.
David Lopez 1 月 30, 2019
When I listened to the First Receiving workshop, The 3 snakelike entities wrapped around my throat screeched and slipped off of me dead. I stopped having agoraphobia after this happened.
1 月 30, 2019
I knew that I was in a role reversal as a kid. I mothered my mother. Tough childhood. This pattern really inter feared with my experience to receive just for me. During the holidays my %$#&! was in my face, big time. Thank God, Peter ‘s sincerity to help us came in the form of Receiving Workshops. I did each one , three times to get to the core imprint.
With respect and honor, the wound was exposed. I said to my mother, in the moment : ” I AM not your mother”
It was the courage to expose a lineage of a child parenting a parent STOPPED . There is no way this moment could have showed up without Peter’s decision to create this safe experience and my decision to show up , purchase the service, and persevere until I ” got it”. I only have love and gratitude for my ancestors and love and respect for the next generation. Thank you so very much PeterGrateful Customer 1 月 8, 2019
The Receiving workshop 3 was as profound as the first two!! The energy shifted things within my body, breathing became so much easier, I saw beautiful colors, the Violet was the most profound and also healing of all! I recommend all three of these Receiving workshops, the energy was unbelievably strong, and so many shifts happened that I cannot even put them into words! Thank you, Peter for your profound energetic work!
Karen Clothier Animal Communicator/Healer 1 月 7, 2019
My experience of the Receiving Workshop 1 , 2, and now 3 was to offer an opportunity to explore LIFE in a safe, loving, evolved environment. Very deep Very profound Very important
Thank you Peter
Another Grateful Customer 1 月 2, 2019
Thank you very much Peter for this powerful Receiving Workshop V3. I felt a lot of energy flowing through my body. I can see already some changes related to money and I am open to receive more amazing things.
Thank you again!Marta M Beautician London 1 月 2, 2019
I am not a “quiet” meditator – I have a physically demanding life and usually double task – so I felt kinda guilty when I was looking for pictures as Peter was talking – however the pictures were my “active visuals” – the synchronicities of the pics I was searching for and then a post that kept coming up were so cool! The universe helped me make my own personal specific visuals during the workshop plus…. Peter had been here at the resort to confirm my lake vortex and the “St Germain” light portal on the mountain here – so its significance was magnified as well. It will remain a powerful “manifestation” visual for me now – thanks Peter!
Cathy Hohmeyer Energist/Nutritionist/Chef/Wellness Resort Owner Receiving 3 12 月 28, 2018
I was not able to listen to the live workshop this Tuesday, but was able to listen to the replay this past Thursday night. I had taken the first two Receiving Workshops, and thought the third one was very powerful. Yesterday, Friday, was blown away to receive an amazing gift of $50,000! I was one of those who wrote to Peter hoping to be selected for his abundance pilot program, as I needed help with my finances and life in general. This is the breakthrough I’ve hoped for and am so grateful to Peter and his wonderful services/products. Words cannot describe what this means to me – thank you, thank you, thank you!
Very Grateful Customer Receiving Workshop V3 12 月 27, 2018
Thank you Peter for delivering me to a new reality of myself. From the very beginning of the hour, I quickly experienced a deep opening within. As I sat in this expansiveness, my breaths lengthened–10 seconds in, 10 seconds out. This continued for a long time as I watched mental solids (stuck feelings & negative self beliefs) come up and evaporate. The feeling of the violet flame was freeing. I recall a sense of rejoicing as things continued to open up. When you facilitated the elevation of the entire group I was surprised how tangible it felt. A new sense of receiving from the universe is dawning upon me. I am still integrating the experience, and yes it does feel like a healing as well. What marvelous stuff!!!
哈兰-米塔格 Receiving Workshop 3 12 月 27, 2018
I took the receiving Workshop number 2 with Peter. Whenever I do meditations I hold my five children in my heart that whatever is done for me is done for them. The workshop was awesome. My daughter went on a job interview 3 days later. She was offered the job. Currently she makes 1850 an hour very underpaid for the diligent hard-working person that she is. The job offer she received offered her $50 an hour. Wow what an amazing blessing to my family through Peter’s channeling of divine energy 2 be able to receive. I will definitely be taking the receiving Workshop number three. Thank you thank you thank you Peter what a blessing you are to all of us!
Patricia Gilhooley Mental health Tech 11 月 26, 2018
I could immediately feel the energy moving effecting my third eye and my crown chakra. I could feel it building and grow in intensity. Crimson purple and violet purple then gradually grew into darker shades. I felt the split separating the light from the physical noticing a faint white cross of infinite potential appearing between the two. A small fine line of muted colors appeared faintly.
When winding down I sensed my pancreas surrounded with golden, white, platinum light engulfing my tingling pancreas. I applied a loving rub of gratitude. Taking it all in, that transpired me. I went to sit down. Within several minutes my heart was flowing with white light. I felt so loved, peaceful and grateful. What a joyous experience! Namaste , Peter.Betty Byrnes Receiving Work shop 2 " Evolution" 11 月 20, 2018
Receiving workshop 2 is definitely “off the charts” beautiful energy filled hour of just indescribable uplifting energy beyond words. It’s truly difficult to describe in words the beauty of the colors that our eyes cannot see, I can’t even say I “saw” them at all, yet I know I did. This is still settling for me within me yet I know my ability to receive, has shifted. I am finding myself able to ask for help when needed without feeling guilty and receiving that help with a thank you without feeling like I owe the world in return. I can know that I can “give” or “pay it forward” in many ways that comes from my heart. As Peter says one has to be able to receive so one can give. This needs to be done with fluidity, transparency, love, not with unspoken or unrealistic expectations another knows nothing about.
I truly am grateful to be shedding all the junk surrounded with receiving being a mortal sin and when I was given things all the unspoken BS that went with it.
I am sure there will be updates as my receiving expands. Thank you Peter for another beyond incredible workshop.
Just a sidebar…had $1500.00 in car bills, got reduced to $500.00 and running…temporary fix but it is up and running! WHOO HOO! Hfa V1, (can only imagine V2), receiving workshop, culmination of both, or all my products of Peter’s? I do stack his products for different energy alchemy! I love you Peter and all your products…..and the rabbit hole you shared with us! Thank you!
I thought the car issues were going to prevent me from being able to take Receiving V2, I still made it, very grateful!乔治亚-西格纳 Arizona 11 月 19, 2018
Yesterday I brought a book with me and that’s rare. James Hillman’s “The thought of the heart” translated: “El pensamiento del corazón”. Even if I am not fan of quotes and quoters -and who cares- this one came as if it were naming the experience. I haven’t found the original quoted by Hillman, so, here. I bet there is someone at or in the MDM team who speaks or reads Spanish:
“El lenguaje no pertenece a la lengua, sino al corazón. La lengua es sólo el instrumento con el que se habla. Quien es mudo es mudo en el corazón, no en la lengua. (…) Déjame oírte hablar y te diré cómo es tu corazón”. Paracelso.
Thank you so much for carrying that much. Still haven’t gone through the actual mp3, but and profoundly-magically everything is here unfolding since the 13th that I finally dared to participate. Embodied. This has been one of those few times in my life when I am able to discern and witness my higher self’s or soul’s (or who knows her name) touch and even command. I am not able to name the experience. I just want to honor it as I honor your soul and mine. Something like that.
A deep bow to you Peter Schenk. What you are bringing to the planet has no name.
Much love and gratitude,
Iratxe Mendizabal Bilbao, Basque Country (Spain) 11 月 19, 2018
Peter Schenk, you are a genius.
Felt the energy build-up at least 48hrs prior to event. Large quartz crystals in water, white, pink, blue – sooo beautiful!
With gathering of fibres, dolphins became part, gliding into rope, at the same moment, my gut emitted a dolphin sound…..
Later in recording with exquisite soft, calming energies; strings of primitive looking line sketches flowed towards me, beginning with oddly shaped drawings and other unidentified drawings, followed by masses of people all holding hands. All moving rapidly but this felt perfect.
The main energy was so powerful and I LOVED EVERY MOMENT, know now, been awaiting this for long time.
Thank you, loving gratitude, changes afoot – yummy! YES,YES,YES.norma adam receiving 15. 11.2018 11 月 16, 2018
Peter’s receiving workshop this week was extraordinary. A palpable shift in my body with a presence of calm and stillness when I went to bed. Always delighted to work with the Master. Peter is an incredible human being and I am delighted to have several of his products and his magic working with me daily. Thank you, Peter, for this beautiful offering and your beyond mastery with all you make and how you Be. Deep Gratitude!
Agnes Lenzen 11 月 16, 2018
I was extremely excited to do this second Receiving Workshop, the first was amazing, but this one topped that being even more profound! I was completely open to what Peter was going to do, I have worked with Peter in sessions for a few years now, and LOVE his energy work and the many products I own of his!! It was very unique, I cannot explain what he did, but I actually felt my body split in half, so to speak, it was wildly different, yet I trust Peter 100%, so I Gratefully allowed it. Then I actually felt like a spinning vortex of massive energy starting at my crown and running down the center of my body, where it is was split in half! At one point, I went to sleep, not sure how long, but I woke up right at the end, feeling the vortex still going thru my body, then it was over and he said to open your eyes. It was a crazy wonderful 55 minutes, weird words to describe such a profound shifting of energy, but these are the words that come to me! I went to bed shortly after that, and slept like I have never slept before, and woke up this morning feeling full of energy and vitality ready to move forward in my life!! My mind is clear, my thoughts are light, and my body feels NEW!!!!! Thank you Peter, YOU ROCK!!!!
Karen Clothier www.karenclothierinspired.weebly.com Receiving workshop 2 11 月 15, 2018
I recently completed the Receiving Workshop. It has been life changing. I no longer feel weighed down and I am able to think with much more clarity and optimism.
RICHARD WRIGHT 10 月 10, 2018
The purest frequency & subtle, powerful & refined energy is what I received whilst listening to the replay of the Receiving Workshop. I had chills going up & down my spine throughout the recording. I feel so blessed & very grateful for being included in this workshop – even though I was unable to pay by donation due to issues with PayPal & even failed to connect by phone. Thank you for your extreme kindness & great generosity Peter – your kindness has helped restore my faith in humanity! I look forward to participating in the next stage of this profound training. Thank you for all the awesome, tremendous work you do so selflessly for everyone.
Lea Gardiner Sydney, Australia 10 月 5, 2018
The evening of the first Receiving workshop class I was feeling as low as I have been in a long time. I remained open that a profound experience during this workshop was impending, and that it was! During the energy that Peter was sending, I felt a HUGE shift in MY own energy field, and I experienced a certainty that my life was going to change with incredible speed after feeling this shift in energy vibration! I came away from this first class feeling more certain that life was going to BE good, and I am excited to do the next class! Thank you, Peter, for offering such a profound class!!
Karen C. 治疗师 Receiving workshop 10 月 5, 2018
When I signed up for the Receiving Workshop my gut got scared. I mean internal change takes guts. Peter uses the HIGHEST energy of uncontaminated waves to penetrate the accumulated garbage, within my core , to unearth the levels of “blocks” that kept me ” trapped” in lack of abundance and prosperity. Many tissues later, I realized what was happening.
PURE LOVE IN ancient history out. As an ambassador of the GREAT WORK ( my words not his) Peter Schenk heard the needs of the MDM customer, and co created this VERY POWERFUL workshop to free the slaves withinI AM FEARLESS 10 月 4, 2018
Yet again, another fantastic workshop! This one the energy was just pouring out of me. First I felt it coming in, breaking up what felt like huge concrete barriers, then when it was time for removal I felt like I had a waterfall of GUNK flowing out of the middle of my head, my sinuses were pounding as I felt this gushing roar like Niagra Falls, it was intense and amazing! It did not hurt but was definitely palpable:)!
Then the next day probably about 18 hours after the workshop, something said think of white paper (Peter has said this before to me & others when he’s doing energy work) I wasn’t working with Peter it just popped into my head so I went with it! Then. 24-48 hrs later, the next class homework email came out, guess what one of our homework assignment is…..wait for it……yep you guessed it…..think of white paper as much as possible this week!!! WHOA! I’m totally blown away….in AWE….and LOVE these classes! I highly recommend, I’ve said it before & I will say it again….Peter never disappoints…..he brings it 200+%….off the charts!?
Thank you Peter….thank you Donna & all who help being these classes to fruition! They ROCK!!!4 月 2, 2016