“I think you guys are geniuses. I’ve had “the reconnection” done but it took a few months for me to notice major changes. Now I am an ultra-sensitive and feel people’s energy, experience mental telepathy, and can tell when someone merely thinks on me. I joined a group called Unarius and thats is when i started experiencing such psychic happenings. I bought aliix and love him and shared bottles of water with non-believers at work. It worked on about 6 outta 8 people. some paid me just to bring in more. I truly love zeus and will purchase them all. while opening Zeus I admittedly felt loving, peaceful energy come over me. Then after using it i have been in a blissful state kind of like being attuned to higher realms of light and love. I had vivid dreams and while in the shower it felt like i was high or something. thank you for such divinely inspired inventions. if you can please recommend some reading material or anything that will help me understand what help ya’ll to come up with such programs. for the record today is just my second day using Zeus. I love it! peace, love, light “

12 月 15, 2014