I’ve had Aquaware 5 for a couple of years. I’ve used it for so many things, and it’s become so much a part of my life, that it’s become almost matter of fact. What a blessing! I’ll pick one- stopping colds. At first sniffle, or the hint of a sore throat, I program the water using a combination of programmed as well as a custom program. Works every time. And I’ve done it long distance for others as well.

I really enjoy sending the water program to friends, as we discuss it, and I customize it for them. It’s been successful for everything from finding the perfect car to buy, to allergies and stress. I did a long distance program for a horse who had some severe cuts and injuries. It was so gratifying to hear he had healed! And I sent a program to a local health fair two friends were coordinating. They were stressed to the max and exhausted with all they had to do. And yet the day of the fair, they noticed all of a sudden they got calm and had stamina, plus all the help they needed, AND the vibes throughout the fair were noticeably very positive and uplifting. I had sent them a program of Peace and Calm, and Strength and Endurance, and to the Fair – Love.

The following is from a friend I send a program to about twice a month:

“As a sweat lodge facilitator, since utilizing the water programs, I have felt a noticeable increase in my endurance during the lodge and a quicker recovery time afterwards.

When the humidity inside the lodge is programed, there seems to be greater clarity, increased endurance and expanded awareness for many of the participants. They have reported this enhanced experience even without the knowledge that a program was in place.”

I do a program of Strength and Endurance for the facilitator. And for the humidity in the sweat lodge: Forcefield Ascended Space, Forcefield Meditation, and Unconditional Love.

Thank you so much for this awesome program and all the other products you have brought to the world.

Joann Caruso EFT Facilitator Aquaware 5 2 月 21, 2018