A close friend of mine was recently diagnosed with a spinal cord injury due to a motorcycle accident . I am a client and a customer , since around 2011. I do not understand how Peter Schenk , ( Modern Day Mystic) does what he does, but I do know that the ENERGY that Peter calls forth, WORKS. Serving as a conduit during the last session, Peter put into motion one of the most loving supportive energetic forms, that I could imagine . The visions that I am seeing started about 3 days after the last session. The scene was an etherical operating room. One of the doctors met with the other doctors in the surgical team and telepathically engaged with my friend. There was no question. But there was a THOUGHT FORM: My friend’s thought, like a flash, given to the surgeons was that he wanted to stay alive so that he could help his sister because his bone marrow is a match to hers and he wants her to live. The surgeons looked around at each other and again in thought said: ” MMM” ” AN UNSELFISH ACT” . The surgical team started to work on the organs that were traumatized . Each surgeon was in a white cloth scrub gown and a white cap wearing a white mask. The gloves were made of LIGHT. Each surgeon would take an organ and caress it in their hands and at some point would place it back into the body. This surgical practice would go on for about a day. On the next day I was shown the persons’ brain, which the team installed with some kind of like electrodes, or some sort of electrical electricity ,into the folds of the brain. Then holding it, caressing it ,loving it as if it were the most precious child in the universe. The love emanating was so over overwhelming for me as the witness to this magnificent work, that I know I have a new found respect for LIFE . LIFE IS A PRECIOUS GIFT. Thank you Peter Schenk and the MDM Team for using your precious gifts to support positive changes.

THANK YOU 6 月 19, 2024