
I would like to start by saying these are my personal experiences and perspective that I have developed over years of traveling to and from the Akashic records.

There is a lot of information on the internet regarding the Akashic records and what they are.  Most schools of thoughts on the Akashic records reflect the existence of an independent energetic field that resides on the great Quantum Realm. Very much like the Library of Congress the Akashic records contain all information both past, present and future.

My personal Rabbit Hole of Information

In many of the interviews that I have done over the years I have referred to gathering information from the “Rabbit Hole” which is a term that I used for gathering information from the Akashic Records. After my wake up experience I was able to use the rabbit hole to dive deeper and retrieve information that has been lost for a millennium.  Later the rabbit hole was used again and again to finalize the programming blueprints for Aquaware 3.0 and later Aquaware 4.0

The Akashic Records are actually our collective DNA!

As time progressed the Rabbit Hole started to give up information about clients that I was working on in real time.  Totally mind blowing and effortless, this has allowed me to change and better the lives of many people across the planet.

After working for years with this information sourxe, I learned something totally amazing and shocking at the same time.  The Akashic Records are actually made up out our collective DNA and humanity is actually the living representation of the Akashic records.

Once I grasped this idea a lot of things started to fall into place like people saying that its restricted and you need access. All of humanity has access to these records, its just how you choose to look at this information much like a choice. For me it is instant and comes in the form of pictorials which my human mind can understand. For you it could be different and come in any number of forms.

How to Access the Akashic Records

The below is how you can access this information and start the flow of information:

  • Get quiet and breath through your nose and mouth a few times
  • Imagine with your minds eye the imposable colors seeping into your conscious mind
  • These are colors that are so vivid that you can’t see them with your human eyes
  • Once the colors are flowing try and paint them onto the sides of geometry

The above exercise is designed to have the higher realms take notice of you and start the flow of information.  That information flow can come in any form but rest assure its from the Akashic records and is being generated internally or another words its being brought on by you, for you and its perfect.

Peter Schenk, místico moderno