Hey, everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today we’re talking about part two of the miniseries about abundance, and creating it and attracting it into your life. Today I’m going to show you a very strange technique that I’ve used before in the past. I’ve never taught this publicly to anybody, but it is a great way to break the reality. Yesterday, I talked about theory. I’m not going to do that today. Just imagine for a second that your reality is a cartoon. We need a way to break that reality for one minute to allow that abundance in.
What you need to do is concentrate on what abundance means to you. You need three things. You need a paper plate, a glass of water, and pink Himalayan sea salt, very, very important, pink Himalayan sea salt. Nothing else will work. What we’re going to do is we’re going to put that plate down in front of us. We’re going to sprinkle some Himalayan sea salt, pink Himalayan sea salt around the edges. We’re going to put that glass of water in the middle. What this technique does is it breaks the reality, okay? It’s a glitch in the matrix. It creates a warp, enough space that we’re going to program the water to punch a hole through to allow that abundance in.
What you want to do is you want to just bring your hands around the plate, and just connect your fingers. You just put your attention on the water, and you inject into it exactly what abundance means to you. Very important, folks, you’ve got to be clear on this, okay? What happens is that salt is a carrier wave. It all cracks apart that reality and allows the abundance to flow into the water. Then you just drink the water. You can do this one, two, or three times a day. Results using this technique are really, really quick. Generally within seventy-two hours the matrix has reprogrammed itself to bring you what your meaning of abundance is. Really, really important, folks, make sure you have clarity around what abundance means to you. Most importantly, have fun, man. Thank you.