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El Sourxe IV

Todo el mundo tiene algunos deseos o intenciones que uno espera alcanzar constantemente. Pero no siempre somos capaces de hacer realidad nuestros objetivos. En consecuencia, tendemos a enfadarnos o a desmoralizarnos. Algunos incluso caen en la depresión o en situaciones peores, de las que resulta bastante difícil salir [...]

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Lightbody 2.0

Lightbody 2.0 software has been developed for the purpose of easy fat reduction. All those who are desperately trying to shed their extra kilos can now relax and choose Lightbody 2.0 software to fulfill their desires. Do you find that even after walking or jogging for a mile and sacrificing your favorite dishes, you can […]

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12º Proyecto 3.0

12th Project 3.0 is personal healing software through chakra awakening. ‘Chakra’ literally means a wheel. Every human body is made up of a network of nerves and organs which interpret the actions of the outside physical world. Similarly, the human body is made of chakras. Chakras mean wheels of energy which act as energy centers […]

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12th Project 4.0 Public Beta


The Sourxe III – Intention Manifestation Software

A yet another addition to the list of intention manifestation softwareby Modern Day Mystic is the Sourxe III software. The purpose of any intention manifestation software is to magnify and manifest the intentions of the user and change them into reality. Sourxe III uses water as the medium to manifest your intentions. Question arises why […]

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How to lose weight and live healthy using modern technology?

Modern Day Mystic provides us with a fantastic personal transformation service known as Light Body Weight Loss. Light Body Weight loss has a well structured plan to help you live a healthy life while giving you the benefit of loosing weight. This personal transformation service is loaded with beneficial sessions. Through this service you can […]

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How does Chakra awakening, clearing and healing take place through the 12th Project 4.0?

Every human being’s ultimate goal is enlightenment. We all are born to gain nirvana at some point or the other in our lives. Chakra is a Sanskrit word literally meaning wheel or circle. The word chakra basically refers to the energy whirlpools that are located within our physical body. When these energy vortices are activated […]

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Aquaware 4.0 – Energy healing and Empowerment software

Can anyone claim that he has never experienced a bad time? Tough times giving us mental disturbance do come and are bound to come in everyone’s life. We might think that we have overcome the bad phase completely but sometimes the bad times have long term effects on our thinking and way of life. These […]

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Why Aquaware is more important as Energy Empowerment Software? How can you use Aquaware 4.0 to heal your inner strength?

Aquaware is designed to give spiritual, physical, material, mental and moral benefits to all kinds of human beings living in the world today. Aquaware 4.0 is an energy healing software and energy empowerment software. It uses Universal Source energy to heal and empower. This unique software is a blend of science and spirituality, and it […]

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