Blog , Página 70

The Evolution of MANKIND is about to be REVOLUTIONIZED!

Experience the Powerful Energy, Empowerment and Healing Capability of Aquaware 4.0 software today! The majority of the world population is enslaved in fear based lives and never achieves true happiness or freedom Aquaware 4.0 Software is the Solution Self-Empowerment Capabilities Self-Healing Capabilities Over 700 Selectable Intentions (See the Complete Intent Index) Manifest and create your most […]

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The Modern Day Mystic Story – Part 02

The Modern Day Mystic Story  – Part Two I don’t know whether or not I’m humble. I don’t know whether or not I have ego. But I do know this, whatever I am I have a huge job to do and I’m the only person I know who could do it. That isn’t to say […]

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The Modern Day Mystic Story – Part 01

Preface The accounts you are about to read about will encompass the first couple of years of my wakeup experience that started on August 8th 2004 at 2:39pm EST.   As you read this you need to understand that these accounts all happened and are very real. Although they may seem like science fiction, I can assure […]

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How I effortlessly lost 30 lbs using software!

Anyone can transform their body and lose weight using Aquaware Energy. Empowerment. Healing. Software.   Let me tell you my story My name is Edward. Yes, I know this sounds like a prank, however the truth is I did lose 30lbs using Aquaware 3.1 software in 2014! In my teens and twenties I was very active. I […]

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A Short Story on Spirit Energy

You are the world leading anthropologist and you strut your PHD and DD from Harvard University as you should.  In the world of Anthropology you are it and people acknowledge and praise you for this! You are about to embark on your greatest conquest which is to discover and document one of the seventy some odd tribes living […]

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Want to visit the Akashic Records? A Step by Step Approach!

Introduction I would like to start by saying these are my personal experiences and perspective that I have developed over years of traveling to and from the Akashic records. There is a lot of information on the internet regarding the Akashic records and what they are.  Most schools of thoughts on the Akashic records reflect the […]

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Want a personal force field? Learn how to use the Force Field Intentions in Aquaware 4.0!

New to Aquaware 4.0 are the seven Force Field intents under types “Super Potent” What is a Force Field? A force field, sometimes known as an energy shield, force shield, or deflector shield, is a barrier made of energy or particles. It protects a person, area, or object from attacks or intrusions. This application of Sourxe […]

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New Video Tutorial – How to Use the Brilliant Minds feature in Aquaware 4.0!


Want to Turbo Charge your New Year’s Resolution?

What is a New Year’s Resolution? A New Year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Year’s Day. Why […]

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What could you accomplish if you were fearless?

What is fear exactly? Fear is an emotion induced by a threat perceived by living entities, which causes a change in brain and organ function and ultimately a change in behavior, such as running away, hiding, or freezing from traumatic events. Fear may occur in response to a specific stimulus happening in the present, or to a future situation, which is perceived as risk to […]

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