Do you or a loved one want to eliminate depression from life?

Do you or a loved one suffer from Depression? Are you frightened or concerned about the illness? Robin Williams died from depression and he was in the business of making people happy! Would you like to hear how one person eliminated depression without the use of drugs after a 19 year battle with the illness? My name is Edward  and I have found a way to eliminate depression that I want to share with the world.

The Illness of Depression

Major depressive disorder affects approximately 14.8 million American adults, or about 6.7 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older, in a given year. People with depression are four times as likely to develop a heart attack than those without a history of the illness. Depression is the cause of over two-thirds of the 30,000 reported suicides in the U.S. each year. This illness is nearing a  pandemic state in the United States alone. More

Is depression a disease, an illness, both or neither? This is debated by many schools of thought within the medical community with no official decision today by a sanctioning body.  It is however a well known destroyer of a persons happiness, relationships, bank account, career and as in the case of Robin Williams, sometimes their life. More

Having received multiple hospitalizations and pharmacological treatment for depression between 1995 and 2014, has made me a first person witness and expert on pharmacological based as well as alternative medicine programs for depression management. This is important for one clear reason, you are speaking to the sufferer, not the doctor. I have experienced the pain and horror of the symptoms, side effects and long term problems of the illness. The following are my observations and how I eliminate my depression today.

Observation #1 – The pharmacological approach to managing depression is no magic bullet. (It can lead to a bullet however.)

Psychiatric hospitals around the world are filled with patients suffering from depression and it’s evil sister anxiety. Modern medicine treats depression with pharmaceutical medications or combinations of medications in the form of “cocktails”. The upside to depression medication is that a portion of the treated population is able to tolerate these medications for some time and they do relieve depression either through placebo effect or by actual brain chemistry manipulation.  That is until the sufferer must increase their medication dose to achieve the same result or switch medications all together due to a cessation in medication effectiveness.  This is known as the “poop-out” effect in pharmacological circles. More

The down side of treating depression with pharmaceutical medication is well documented and headlines with side effects, such as weight gain, loss of sexual interest, and suicidal thoughts! Yes that is correct, studies have proven that anti-depressants cause  suicidal thoughts in a percentage of users. More

Observation #2 – Antidepressants come with many unwanted side effects.

If your taking an antidepressant today, I am not telling you anything new. Antidepressants cause a wide range of unpleasant side effects. I have personally experienced many of the side effects on this list which includes:

  • increased appetite and weight gain
  • loss of sexual desire and other sexual problems, such as erectile dysfunction and decreased orgasm
  • fatigue and drowsiness
  • insomnia
  • dry mouth
  • blurred vision
  • constipation
  • dizziness
  • agitation
  • irritability
  • anxiety
  • suicidal thinking
  • suicide
  • illegal drug use (cocaine and other uppers)

Option #1 – A Complimentary and Alternative Medicine Approach to Managing Depression.

Leverage the awesome power of intention effortlessly using software to eliminate your depression. 

At Mística moderna powered by Self Empowerment Technology we have developed a way to empower you to eliminate depression and live a loving life through the use of Aquaware 4.0 software.

I personally used Aquaware 3.1 and 4.0 software to eliminate my depression and taper off a cocktail of prescription medications from July 2014 – October 2014. During that period I used the software daily to perform multiple intentions including Eliminating Depression. In February 2014 I was hospitalized for the last time for the illness of depression. In October 2014 I took depression medication for the last time.

The power of intention is a proven phenomena and has been written about by the best selling author Wayne Dwyer.

We do not advocate anyone stopping their pharmaceutical medication as we are not an FDA approved provider of depression treatment.

We are however a powerful solution used by many to self heal their minds and their bodies. Our intention is to augment the pharmacological programs of individuals who are not experiencing the relief they crave with their current pharmacological regimen. Our software solution is meant to be an compliment to existing programs and over time may become the only program, with a doctor’s approval.

About Aquaware 4.0 Energy, Empowerment and Healing Software.

Aquaware software was first launched in 2006 and has developed a  following of thousands of users around the world as an “alternative and complimentary” approach to medicine.

Aquaware 4.0 will energize, empower and teach you to self-heal!
Aquaware 4.0 channels Source Energy to individuals for the fulfillment of their human potential and most wanted intentions. We enable nearly all customer Empowerment and Self-Healing needs from a pre-built list of over 700 intentions today. Aquaware 4.0 includes the power for customers to program their own intentions unlocking their unlimited potential.

Aquaware 4.0 accelerates the process which enables individuals, enterprises or groups fully access personal or collective power, authority and influence, and employ that strength when engaging with other people, institutions or society.

Aquaware 4.0 also enables Self-Healing to occur. Self-healing is the process of recovery (generally from psychological disturbances, trauma, etc. but is often physical as well), motivated by and directed by the customer/patient, guided oftenonly by our software. This process yields a multitude of startling results, although self-motivation is a usually a major underlying asset. The value of self-healing lies in its ability to be tailored to the unique experience and requirements of the individual. The process can be helped and accelerated with the cutting edge techniques of MDM software and services.

Enter the game changer. Aquaware 4.0 software.

How to Achieve Your Most Wanted Intentions. Enter game changing Aquaware 4.0 Energy, Empowerment and Healing Software.

Peter Schenk, a gifted Mystic who has had an incredibly spiritual journey (See the Modern Day Mystic Story Series), has been empowered with the gift of sight and knowledge through the Akashic Records. (See the original MDM blog “What are the Akashic Records ?”)

Peter’s mission is to awaken and empower people throughout the planet. (See MDM Mission Statement). He has been instructed to do this through the use of software technology. Using software Peter has been able to combine the work of several notable scientists and combine it into one software package with the sole purposes of providing people with more energy, empowerment and healing capability. (See the article How MDM Software works for more information on our technology.)

Let me break down in lay mans terms a very complex  piece of technology.  First of all the human mind is the most powerful piece of technology on the planet. An estimated 90% of what we do is controlled by the sub conscious which we hardly understand today. The human mind has achieved all kinds of amazing feats, well documented throughout history. Unexplained events like human beings physically lifting cars off of crushed people, physic occurrences, out of body experiences and more.  Modern Science barely understands a fraction of how the brain works.  But Peter has been emparted with knowledge of how it does work, and has developed a way for you to use your brain most powerfully as well.

How Aquaware 4.0 will empower you to eliminate your depression.

By using the Depression – Global System Balancing intention daily, you will make great strides in managing and eliminating your depression using the Magnified Power of Intention and Water Programming technologies of Aquaware 4.0.

The way Aquaware 4.0 works is simple in its usage but complex in how it works. Peter uses the following technologies in Aquaware 4.0:

  1. The Quantum Realm
  2. The Power of Intention
  3. Mind over Matter
  4. The Collective Consciousness
  5. Water Programming
  6. Sourxe Energy to achieve results

MDM leverages the awesome human “Power of Intention” using Quantum Physics, the Quantum Realm, and Source Energy, to enable you with unimaginable capabilities and power to achieve your most wanted intentions.

Thousands of people around the world are using Aquaware 4.0 technology today to achieve all kinds of results. See the testimonials page to read first hand from users around the world who have experienced the power of Aquaware in their lives and have transformed themselves, myself included. (See the blog article, “How I lost 30 lbs using software.” and Part 2 – How I lost 30 lbs using software”.)

  • Aquaware is software that actually magnifies and manifests your most wanted intentions quickly and easily.
  • The Unlocking” of natural senses and abilities that have been dormant for thousands of years.
  • Creating your ultimate reality including Self-Empowerment and Self-Healing abilities.
  • Choose from over 700 pre-programmed intentions or create your own custom intention.

Feel free to research our products and mission on our website and personally contact me afterwards with any questions you may have.

Change Your Mind. Change Your Life!”

Join the community of world-wide Aquaware users and achieve your own “Game Changing” results! Start today.

Energía. Empoderamiento. Curación. Software

“Change Your Mind. Change Your Life!”

More information on Aquaware 4.0 and instant download here.