“No two people will follow an identical path.”
Fascination, occult, awe inspiring, concerned with the soul or spirit rather than material things. The concept of Mystical is truly a “mystery” embraced and subjective to its human interpreters. It is a kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness which is given a spiritual or religious meaning.
Mystical can present itself in prayer,nature, religion, love, deep thought, meditation, energy, too many mediums to mention. Whatever Mystery is to you seek it out in your own time through your own medium for no two people follow an identical path.
It can help one attain hidden truths, insights to human transformation. In scientific Greek origins Mystic means “to conceal” but in modern periods is closer related to extraordinary experiences and states of mind. A culmination of the ancient and modern is where I find the mystical truth resides.
“Never stop wondering and seeking a deeper meaning.”