Instantly Infuse Yourself and Everything Around You with High Vibrational, Protective, and Healing Energy

Create a sacred space with this life-enhancement tool that not only removes old, stuck negative energy in a room… it also transmutes it into balanced, positive vibrations you can feel. The Harmonic Field Amplifier Plus (HFA+) V2 builds upon the revolutionary principles behind the HFA+ V1 device, but it is infused with even more powerful zero point technology to cleanse the energy in larger physical spaces.
The HFA+ V2 cleanses and charges the atmosphere around it; and it is strong enough to cover your entire home or office! Think of it as “spring cleaning” on an energetic level. Imagine a more peaceful office space where colleagues are happier and more productive. Or a home that feels more comfortable and supportive, allowing you to truly reset and refresh each day.
Now make those visions a reality — it's easy with the HFA+ V2. Place it wherever you want to cleanse and invigorate unhealthy, negative or stuck energy. If you'd like to give it an extra boost, place both hands on it and focus your intentions for 10 seconds. Then, go about your day and watch how things just seem to fall into place more easily.
It's All About Harmony

Have you ever noticed how, when you start your day in a positive mood, more good things seem to happen? Or when one thing goes wrong, bad news just seems to stack up throughout the day? That's because feelings are energy. And every type of feeling vibrates at a different energetic wavelength. Once we are vibrating with a certain frequency of energy, it can be difficult to change that frequency.
Now consider the matter that surrounds you — things like your furniture, walls, even your clothes. All of those things absorb the energy that you generate. We all have bad days, but allowing that energy to attach itself to your physical space can set up a recurring loop of negativity that can come back like a boomerang.
Even when we work hard to remain consciously positive, our own frequencies and those in the space around us can be affected by the energy of others. You might not notice it consciously, but friends, family members, even your letter carrier or passersby can impart an unwanted negative energetic signature on your space. Imagine how those negative energies might affect your outlook… quietly sabotaging your ability to manifest good things in your life. That's why it's so important to regularly “clean” and recalibrate our own energy and that of our physical space.
See the HFA+ V2 in Action
HFA+ V2 for Home and Office
HFA+ V2 for Home and Office Launch
HFA+ V2 Activation and Usage
HFA+ V2 Workshop
The HFA+ V2 is Going to Infuse Your Home and Office with High Vibrational Energy

The HFA+ V2 is a Divine device that you can use in home and office to transform your environment. And it's a breakthrough spiritual technology.
The MDM team has created this Divine device with the sole purpose of protecting you, and your home or office from Low Vibrational Energy.
The way it works is completely revolutionary. It uses universal POWER and a unique spiritual mechanism. That not only protects you from Low Vibrational Energy. But it also transforms it into High Vibrational Energy.
The HFA+ V2 creates a High Vibrational protective field. In which the negative energies that enter are transformed into High Vibrations.
This is the only Spiritual Technology that transmutes Low Vibrational Energy into High Vibrational Energy. Without you having to stay conscious of the energetic frequencies within you and those in your home or office. It does all of the energetic protection and transmutation on its own.
With the HFA+ V2, You Can:

- Awaken your spiritual energy
- Unlock your creative powers
- Strengthen your relationships with your loved ones
- Attract positive outcomes at work or at home
- Transform all negativity into positivity
- End procrastination
- Increase productivity
- Make everybody gentle and respectful
- Increase your vitality
- Break addictions
- Make everybody at work respectful, mellow, and cooperative
How Does the HFA+ V2 Work?

The HFA+ V2 uses copper and silver, two metals popular in ancient Egyptian times for their energetic and spiritual effects. When used in a specific configuration, have been shown to induce properties of zero point energy. This energy can be considered to have infinite potential. Once activated by your intentions or wishes, it charges everything in the space around it and clears the atmosphere of all unwanted frequencies.
But it's not just theory. Users have reported feelings of more easily "going with the flow" and enhanced relaxation. They've noticed a reduction in feeling bothered or upset, and some have even reported that children who used to fight are more calm and harmonious in its presence!
Using the HFA+ V2 is a non-intrusive way to reset your environment to its naturally positive state — so that all who enter its field will synchronize to a more peaceful frequency. And when everyone is vibrating in the same frequency, imagine how much more loving and understanding relationships can be. Say goodbye to household squabbles, hurt feelings and misunderstandings at work.
This beautifully-crafted spiritual tool provides an aura adjustment for any building where it is placed. Try it in your home, business, yoga studio, or give one to friends or family members who need a more peaceful personal sanctuary in order to heal.
Eliminate the "negativity boomerang" in any environment and watch your dreams unfold more effortlessly than ever before. Now you can create an effortlessly sacred space in your entire home or office with the HFA+ V2.
This is the first step toward healing your outlook and supercharging your ability to manifest your dreams. Try it for yourself and see the awesome results — you'll want to give one to everyone you love!
Spiritual Technology That Can Ascend the Human Consciousness

The HFA+ V2 is made from the purest copper and silver commercially available. Pure copper and silver induce zero-point energy. That's energy that has infinite potential.
Once activated, it supercharges all matter in its surroundings and completely purifies it. The HFA+ V2 is much smaller in size compared to the HFA+ V1 but it is significantly heavier and 3 times more powerful. The first version had only 1 spiral to siphon the negative energies, but this new version has 3 spirals. Which makes it 3 times more powerful and 3 times faster when it comes to transforming energy.

The copper draws the Low Vibrational Energy inside of the HFA+ V2 laser-engraved holes. Siphoning the negative energy with the three copper spirals. Then the Silver comes into play by transforming the negative energy that it comes into contact with, bringing it back into the force field as High Vibrational Energy.
The sacred symbols engraved on the device are powerful spiritual enhancers that will magnify the effectiveness of this device. The spiral represents the rhythm of life and characterizes the creative vital force of the human experience. The triangle symbol represents manifestation, enlightenment, revelation, harmony, and balance.
The combination of metals and sacred symbols make the HFA+ V2 the most powerful spiritual technology that exists in the world.
The Power of Metals
Metals are amazing gifts from the Earth that have the ability to conduct electricity. Because of the way they were formed millions of years ago through the explosion of stars, they contain special galactic properties that are associated with different astrological elements.
The HFA+ v2 uses the purest commercially available forms of metal that were selected based on their specific properties and ability to work together to generate a protective healing zero-point energy.

Associated with the planet Venus, copper can boost love, empathy, encourage healthy relationships, aid with blood circulation, and contribute to financial well-being. As one of the most common currency metals around the world, it is infused with the energy of wealth.

A symbol of the moon, silver can enhance intuition, wisdom, and psychic sensitivity. It is a super conductor but also considered a reflective metal, not just physically but energetically. Silver deflects negative energy and can shield you from psychic attacks.

Sacred Geometry
The combinations of sacred geometry on both sides are mathematically perfect. The 4 symbols of the triangles and the circles are combined, using the God numbers for every angle and measurement. Meaning that they are perfectly placed.
The symbolism and purpose of the triangles are:
- Balance between mind, body, and spirit
- The connection between heaven and earth
- Stability
- Enlightenment
- Wisdom
- Creativity
- Manifestation
- Evolution
- Harmony
In alchemy, the triangles represent the foundations and core essence of human life.
The circle symbolizes:
- Wholeness
- Unity
- Infinity
- Eternity
- Completion
- Perfection
- Focus
- Reincarnation
- Protection
Those symbols make the HFA+ V2 the most powerful spiritual technology that exists in the world.
And their unique combination is the perfect balance that helps the HFA+ V2 work at its best.
Los resultados pueden incluir:
- A sense of balance and calm
- Overall increase in positivity between family and/or co-workers
- Less energy drain in your surroundings
- Improved ability to attract abundance
- An increase in happy “coincidences”
- Greater engagement in healthier activities
- Protection from negativity

- Keepsake wooden storage box
- Sacred symbology and geometry
- The purest commercially available copper and silver
- Divinely channeled energetic technology and love!
Linking the HFA+ V2
When you receive your HFA+ V2, open the packaging and leave the device in the wooden box for 24–36 hours to allow the HFA+ to acclimate to your home or office.
Once the device has acclimated to your environment, carefully unbox it and place it on your left hand. Then put your attention on any one of the spirals and say these words out loud: “I honor the space in which you exist.”
Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: It will take 24–36 hours for the device to acclimate to your home or office.
Unlinking the HFA+ V2
If you want to move your device to another location, then you will need to unlink it first. This process is the reverse of linking. Place the device in your right hand and focus on one of the spirals. Say these words out loud: “I honor the space in which you exist.” Your HFA+ V2 is now unlinked.
Place the device in the new location and wait 24–36 hours for the HFA+ V2 to acclimate to the new environment. After you have waited the appropriate amount of time, simply relink the device using the linking process above.
Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: It will take 24–36 hours for the device to acclimate to a new location. Place the HFA+ V2 in the new location and wait 24–36 hours before linking to it again.