Creationis Miracles Arca Archa
The Miracle Box
Stop waiting for miracles and create them! The Creationis Miracles Arca Archa, or Miracle Box, is a beautifully designed, extremely powerful miracle generator.
Carved from high grade walnut wood and engraved with golden sacred symbols, the Miracle Box houses a highly-conductive silica plate that has been etched with powerful sacred geometry which transfers pure positive energy to anything you put inside… activating miracles and manifestations for you on any topic you choose.

All Matter Is Comprised of Energy

Thought is pure energy. So how do we turn thought into matter? It happens more often than you think, but many of us are doing it wrong. That’s because often, our wishes are so strong that they also contain a contradictory energy; we think about the thing that we want or need so much, and we give just as much attention to explaining why the miracle hasn’t happened yet. But in doing so, we hold ourselves in the vibration of living without it. And as long as we’re holding ourselves in the vibration of living without it, the miracle cannot happen. It is Universal Law.
In order to manifest what we seek, we have to purely line up with the miracle vibration ONLY, without activating the vibration of the lack of it. In principle, it sounds simple, but the day-to-day application of it can be a little tricky, especially if it’s about something you really, really want. Here’s where the Miracle Box really shines.
By infusing the symbols of your wish with its purest energy, the Miracle Box activates ONLY the positive side of your wishes. You can put your wish in the Miracle Box and then “let it go” mentally, thereby deactivating any subconscious negative thoughts or doubts you might have about it.
The Miracle Box activates and resonates with only the positive energy surrounding your wish, and before you know it, your manifestation is gently guided into your experience, as if it was meant to happen all along.
How It Works

Portable and decorative, you will want to place your Miracle Box prominently in your space and take it with you everywhere you go. The inside chamber is perfectly sized for all different types of objects…think of them as your “miracle seeds.” Simply place your object of interest in the Miracle Box, on top of the beautifully etched manifestation plate for thirty-three hours in order to solidify your intentions and activate your miracle! You can close the box or keep it open, that is a personal choice and it’s completely up to you. The device will work either way!

What should you put inside your Miracle Box? The sky is the limit! Below are just a few examples of “miracle seeds” you could plant inside your Miracle Box in order to kickstart an activation in your life:
- Photographs
- Newspaper or magazine clippings
- Crystals
- Jewelry
- Lottery tickets
- Notes/written intentions
…and more!
The Power of Symbols
Golden sacred symbols have been expertly carved into all four sides of the Miracle Box. These help to accelerate the energy flow surrounding the manifestation plate and your intentions.

Love at the Highest Level
Pure, doubtless, unconditional love. This is the love that your inner being and the Creator has for you. This is the vibration of endless possibility! Imagine the most love that you have ever felt or had for anyone or anything…and now multiply that times a thousand.

This feeling of being thankful resonates with your future self, the one who has received the miracle. In order to line up with the miracle you seek, gratitude is an essential attitude. Never underestimate the power of appreciation.

Nearly every religion throughout history teaches its followers to have faith. Even the ancients knew that unwavering belief was an essential component to receiving, and doubt only lines up with the vibration of “without”. In order to manifest your miracle, you don’t need to know how it will be achieved, only hold the belief that somehow it will.

Every miracle is a gift. Your own existence is a gift. When you begin to see the beauty and grace that surrounds all of us, you can then appreciate the unconditional love behind the entire field of creation. Allow yourself to be blessed and know that you are loved.

The Manifestation Plate Symbols
A very special combination of sacred geometric symbols make up the etching on the manifestation plate at the heart of the Miracle Box. On its own, each has a powerful purpose and meaning, but together they form a synergy that is beyond measure.

Metatron’s Cube
An angel known since ancient times, Metatron is said to be one of the highest angels, a scribe of sorts, capable of writing down Creator’s words. Have you ever heard of the phrase, “from your lips to God’s ears?” Metatron is a powerful facilitator of connecting your wishes to the power of all that is, the field of the infinite ALL.

Seed of Life
The ultimate symbol of creation, the Seed of Life holds within it the power of new beginnings, manifestation and miracles. It is said to reveal the harmonic energy patterns of nature, and the fundamental forms of space and time. This is where your miracle begins to take shape in real life!

The heptagon is the only geometric shape whose angles cannot bisect a circle to a whole number. For this reason, it has traditionally been associated with the unknowable, the seeking of wisdom and sound. The shape is referenced by the angles in the Great Pyramid of Giza, a mysterious piece of ancient architecture many associate with spiritual ascension. Unleash your own limitless possibilities and the wisdom necessary to understand them with this powerful symbol. The Heptagon solidifies your wishes and helps you gain a new perspective from the reality you and your Miracle Box have just created.
Instrucciones de activación

To activate your Miracle Box, hold your left hand over the box and speak out loud, “I HONOR THE SPACE IN WHICH YOU EXIST”. That’s it, your Miracle Box is activated and ready to begin manifesting for you! If you wish to share your Miracle Box, you can simply de-link and relink it by repeating those steps.
- Sacred symbology and geometry
- Laser-etched silica manifestation plate
- Expertly-carved walnut wood storage box
- All materials infused and activated with pure positive energy and intentions