Your needs and desires can be brought to fruition through the energy and universal strength of the I AM Pyramid V2, created by Modern Day Mystic. At first glance, this device may appear to be a simple, though stunning, iron pyramid, but on an energetic plane it’s a powerful tool that can be drawn upon to aide us on our journey through this plane of existence. This amazing item has been proven to increase your positivity, and help you achieve your goals. For millennia, pyramids have been recognized and worshipped for their powerful ability to generate spiritual energy, and have been used to represent greatness and powerful figures since nearly the dawn of civilization. This shape, combined with the incredibly durable material of iron, and your own spiritual energies, forms the I AM Pyramid V2!
2nd Generation I AM Pyramids are designed with a rustic ancient look.
You will find imperfections and inclusions in each I AM Pyramid as no 2 are identical. This is by design to bring out the ancient power of the sacred I AM within your I AM Pyramids.
Order Two Pyramids, and Get the Third One FREE!!!
The discount is automatically applied once the pyramids are added to the cart. Mix and match!
Order 13 Pyramids for $997 (SAVE $1,564!)
The discount is automatically applied once the pyramids are added to the cart. Mix and match!
Power of Pyramids

Even in ancient times the power of pyramids was known. This shape was used by the Egyptians, the Aztecs, the Mayans, and many other civilizations throughout history on enormous scales for rituals and burials. Pyramids radiate power from the Earth, emitting negative ions with incredible results, and are capable of generally balancing negative effects on the body’s electromagnetic field, and have also been proven to prolong the lives of those in close proximity, including slowing decay. The I AM Pyramid V2, because of its unique design, even acts as an energy generator, allowing the user to better channel their energy in synchrony with the Earth’s.
That isn’t even the full extent of the power of the pyramid! Pyramids also have a profound effect on the conscious mind and physical form. They’re able to perform such feats as helping to cure illness, assisting in the recollection of lost memories, increase drive in the bedroom, and have even been known to calm anxiety and depression. In fact, Kirlian photographs have shown that your aura can become significantly brighter after only fifteen minutes of exposure, and people have reported feeling negative energy leave their bodies in a similar amount of time! This is all thanks to how its shape has been perfected over millennia by nearly every culture on Earth since almost the beginning of civilization.

You are powerful! Within you is energy capable of being merged with the universe and channeled to help you do whatever you need. Simply saying or thinking the words “I AM” puts your attention and energy towards the task at hand. “I AM” indicates that you are focusing your mind and body. YOU are bringing forth the power of creation. YOU are helping yourself. YOU and ONLY YOU can draw upon your own energy and power for growth. This is the truth of your existence, and you can realize and live this truth at a moment’s notice.
There are key phrases designed to help you learn to better use your I AM power; these are detailed in the “I AM Definitions” section! These phrases are specially written to center your mind and power on a certain mindset. However, any use of “I AM” you create may work for you: the power comes from you, after all. All you need to do is say I AM ______.
If you focus, your energy and power will culminate and make what you say true, or at least aid you in achieving the goal you set with your “I AM” phrase.
Combined Forces

The “I AM” presence and the power of pyramids have never been combined…
UNTIL NOW! The stunning I AM Pyramids V2 work directly with the “I AM” presence! When you link your pyramid, there are geometrically perfect lines in a cone underneath that pulls energy in. This energy is then funneled through a specifically crafted cylinder that draws energy up to the pinnacle where it then runs in perfect harmony down the sides of the pyramid. This energy cycle continues indefinitely! All of this is enhanced further by the material it’s made of: Iron. There are no moving parts, no electricity, only a pure and organic connection between you and your pyramid. Awesome! This process invokes the “I AM” presence, and allows you to bring together two of the most powerful forces in creation and wield them at will! The signature I AM Pyramid V2 is symbolic of a larger consciousness of strength and energy developed based on the same revolutionary quantum-harmonic principles as all Modern Day Mystic products. Take full control of your power and realize your true potential with the “I AM Pyramid V2”!
I AM Pyramid V2 Mantras
There Are 13 I AM Mantras, and Each One Is Purpose-Built and Energetically Charged with a Different Intention. Which One Resonates with Your Soul’s Purpose?

I AM Presence, the conscious director of my own future. I choose from my own free will to become an intensified individual with a clear focus of self. I have the innate ability to project poise and self-assurance. I am beyond merely existing; I am master of this moment and all future moments. I AM Presence.

I AM Purpose, with reason and value within the universe. My function in the universe is mine alone. The answers within me are ready to guide me on the amazing journey that I am on. My passion is not to pursue my purpose, but to live my purpose in every moment. I am not chasing the big things, but instead, feel the joy in every moment. I embrace my solid identity right here and now. I am in a state of peacefulness. I AM Purpose.

I AM Energy, my own unit of power: dynamic, driven, and passionate. I have the strength and vitality for sustained physical and mental activity. I accept universal energy, as it runs freely through me. To the universe I give back energy, unifying me with divinity. I am aware of my energy flow, and the flow of energy I put forth into the universe. I AM Energy.

I AM Love, deserving, and completely present when loving or being loved. I love myself and those around me unconditionally without judgment, but with complete devotion to myself and others. I do not judge myself or others but embrace our intimacy and devotion. I fall into love, I seek love, and I cherish love. I AM Love.

I AM Fertility, with the natural capability to produce offspring. I trust the cycles of my body. I honor my body and the sacred path it leads me on, enabling me to have children. I follow my body’s natural rhythms and reward it as it carries out its cycles in this divine process. I AM Fertility.

I AM Healthy: balanced in mind, body, and soul. I refuse to be feeble or weak. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, I foster an existence of well-being and good health. I respect the authority of my inner psyche and soul. My mind holds the power over my health and healing, and I will approach every situation with a positive attitude and a balanced mind. I AM Healthy.

I AM Sourxe, the origin from which all intentions stem from. I originate peace, love, balance, strength, purpose, inner beauty, and anything/everything meant to inspire and perfectly nurture. Arising in me the balance to coexist with the universe and spark the perfect combination to inspire and grow. I AM Sourxe.

I AM Unconditional Love of Self, accepting of all that I have become and am becoming. I accept my inner realm of thoughts, feelings, notions, and ideas of love. I forgive myself and others for past mistakes and accept myself without criticism. I will always be patient, gentle, and kind to myself. I AM Unconditional Love of Self.

I AM Fearless, succeeding where my logic has given me reasons to not even try. I do not entertain fear, but am bold, daring, and unafraid. I have full self-confidence in my love. I face all the universe has to offer me, unafraid and successful. I AM Fearless.

I AM Capable, possessing the qualities necessary to achieve what I set my mind to. Being able and competent, I have what it takes to accomplish astonishing things. I can handle any obstacle I am presented with peacefully and fluently. The universe has provided me with the talents, skills, and tools necessary to succeed. I AM Capable.

I AM Peaceful, calm, and quiet in body, mind, and spirit. I navigate life’s challenges serenely, living my life with tranquility. My mind is untroubled and allows me to exist in perfect harmony with the universe. I coexist with ease and am content with my surroundings. I AM Peaceful.

I AM Safe, impervious to harm and turmoil. I hold a secure place within the universe and am protected by powers beyond imagination. My Journey is being lived every day and I remain safe and sound in my experiences. I take risks knowing that the universe will protect me and provide exactly what I need. I embrace and cherish where I am, secure in my environment. I AM Safe.

I AM Balanced, moving together in perfect harmony with the universe. My thoughts and actions are in absolute proportion. I know when to hold on and when to let go. I am well-adjusted and make peace with that which is beyond my control. I am steady and will never fall. I AM Balanced.