

1 de noviembre de 2023

strange event with HFA Force Generator

Peter, I have a very strange experience to share with you regarding my HFA force generator. I wonder if you have heard of any similar experiences such as this. I lost my HFA force generator two months ago when I left it on my bed and when I came back an hour later it had disappeared. I mean it had just disappeared completely. I looked all over the bed covers, all over my bedroom thinking that it may have somehow bounced under my bed or in my clothes, or something like that but no, it was completely gone… completely disappeared. And it stayed disappeared for two months until this morning when I found it just sitting on a stack of my freshly laundered undergarments. It was just sitting on top of the pile and could not have gotten there by any physical means whatsoever. I live alone in my apartment, my landlords live above me and never come down, so I’m all alone and nobody could have taken the HFA force generator and then brought it back as a practical joke or anything like that. it just literally disappeared for two months and then reappeared in the same room but at a slightly different position in the room itself. Peter have you ever heard of any similar experience with the HFA force generator? It confounds the crap out of me, I’ll tell you that!!

M. W. self-employed Generador de fuerza HFA diciembre 9, 2024


Soy un signo de agua, no es algo malo, pero a veces necesito conexión a tierra. Por lo tanto, puse mi GENERADOR DE FUERZA HFA en el fondo de mi BOTELLA DE AGUA SOURCE, y programé el agua con mi intención QLS, usando AQUASYNC. Luego, saqué el GENERADOR DE FUERZA HFA, del fondo de la botella, y me senté en el GENERADOR DE FUERZA HFA, y bebí el agua programada de la BOTELLA DE AGUA SOURCE. ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡OMG!!!!!!!! Estoy conectado a tierra. Estoy hablando de raíces. He meditado, pensado acerca de estar conectado a tierra, todo es bueno, pero este proceso es casi instantáneo. Gracias, Gracias, Gracias.

CONECTADO A TIERRA 29 de noviembre de 2023

Amazing and subtle

Ambos aparatos funcionan increíblemente bien en armonía. Había estado poniendo el Generador HFA en mi escritorio y al cogerlo recibía una oleada sobre mí de suave energía positiva. He estado usando el Palladian desde que lo recibí, y tiene una sensación similar pero diferente.
Después de leer otros testimonios, probé a meterme el Generador HFA en el bolsillo y llevarlo encima. ¡Qué diferencia! Me ayuda a mantenerme centrada, con los pies en la tierra, pero también por encima de las cosas, de modo que las reacciones están más bajo mi control actual/directo que los patrones del pasado.
Muy recomendable para ambos.

1 de noviembre de 2023

Generador de fuerza HFA

I would love to tell you about using the HFA Force Generator via remote viewing. My friend, who also has a Force Generator was on holidays with his family, when he and his Niece both where experience a tooth ache. I got Greg, to sit on his Force Generator and think about his darling Niece who was crying and in so much pain. My Force Gen. was in my pocket. And I got him to imaging a tiny vortex being created inside his Neice’s mouth and then spinning a vortex anti-clock, imagine little black particles flying off out of her mouth and his, removing what ever was causing their pain. I could feel the vortex spin, so could encourage him to contine and that it was working. Within hours, they where both pain free and getting back to having fun on their holiday. Anything is possible when you believe.

1 de noviembre de 2023

The Amazing, Another World generator

Hi Peter, I feel calm, comfortable, confident focused and productive when I step into the pharmacy. I feel like this job is made for me even though I never worked at a pharmacy before. This is what I’m feeling now that I have the Force Generator, I feel different, I feel like I’m a pro at my job. I use to feel nervous and unsure if I belonged there. Now I have a job that I love. I also feel the tension and negativity has left the place as well. Their is harmony now between me and one of the co-workers at the store. She didn’t want me to work at the store, but now we she is very friendly with me. The customers love me and my boss thinks that I’m a very good worker.

1 de noviembre de 2023

Generador de fuerza HFA

I have the HFA Force Generator that I used today while I was doing a practice reading on a client.
Although she agreed to a Zoom session which she could not make, I connected to her remotely and received
a record amount of information about her.
My teacher was also impressed and she asked what changed, what did I do differently this time?
I followed her guidance and suggestions, I prayed beforehand and I sat on top of the HFA Force generator.
I am so excited, grateful and encouraged by this device because based on this experiment I became a better healer/reader
and will be able to help others on a deeper level. Yay!! Thank you very much, Peter!!!

1 de noviembre de 2023

Beautiful Energy

About the hfa force generator, it brings beautiful energy we become like a child again we feel more joy and events take the direction of our greatest good.
I meditate with him and it gives me an interesting boost.
I look forward to each new product release like it’s Christmas.
Thank you Peter and the MDM team for enchanting our lives.

Concernant le hfa force generator, il apporte une belle énergie on redevient comme un enfant on sent plus de joie et les événements prennent la direction de notre plus grand bien.
Je médite avec lui et cela m’apporte un boost intéressant.
J’attend avec impatience chaque nouvelle sortie de produit comme si s’était Noël.
Merci Peter et l’équipe MDM d’enchanter nos vies.

1 de noviembre de 2023


¡Me encantan estos productos! El HFA Palladian es como una especie de mini ordenador, sólo que en lugar de teclear, le doy una orden directa y ¡voilá! Sólo es cuestión de tiempo que se haga realidad. Últimamente, sentí la necesidad de mantenerlo en un lugar en lugar de llevarlo a todas partes ... por lo que su trabajo como un sistema de apoyo, voy sobre mi día y mi principal objetivo es traer la paz y la armonía en mis relaciones.... sorprendido cada día para ver hoy su forma de trabajo en torno a la promoción de estos entre las personas con las que interactúo....
Con el Generador HFA se produce una acumulación de limpieza a medida que pasan los días.... Me asombra la frecuencia con la que me sorprendo al ver que un lugar o una persona limpian viejas energías o están más dispuestos a participar en relaciones armoniosas .... La vida puede ser buena 🙂 .

1 de noviembre de 2023

Love this little device

The HFA Force Generator is amazing. It somehow manages to smooth out life’s rough edges. A few examples of this range from seemingly unimportant – finding a parking spot to the much more dramatic – my air conditioning company suddenly finding my extended warranty or in an extremely urgent situation my plumber being able to send someone out immediately to complete a repair which I was told would take approximately a week to handle. It really does make you feel like the universe has your back. Love it!

1 de noviembre de 2023

Mr Force Generator

I enjoy the Force Generator very Much . I was surprised that when I lay on a small grounding-mat that was connected to the plug in the wall, good grounding effect, so I started to play with the Force Generator telling it to “reverse Flow” , to go standby, etc . The signal was like another experience used in combination , check it out if you like, I got the grounding mat cheap on Amazon. I am dreaming about how it must be to have a HUGE Force Generator winner, I am ! I hope u can easily check out my tip, do the grounding mat thing its cool !


1 de noviembre de 2023
