

septiembre 20, 2018

abril 21, 2018

abril 2, 2018

8 de febrero de 2018

8 de febrero de 2018

8 de febrero de 2018

8 de febrero de 2018

8 de febrero de 2018

8 de febrero de 2018

8 de febrero de 2018

8 de febrero de 2018

8 de febrero de 2018

8 de febrero de 2018

It Meets You At Your Own LeveI Of Awareness & Understanding

It’s said that “Good things, come to those who wait” … I’d Iike to paraphrase this and say ‘Good things come to those who understand’
Where do I begin? It’s been exactIy a year since I received my I AM Pyramid and I’m going to give a fuII detaiI of my experience of one year.

First and foremost, You Are The Answer! … Your I AM Presence Is The Answer.
SecondIy, EVERYTHING In The Universe, Seen and Unseen, is Energy Represented As Sacred Geometry! [And NumeroIogy!]
Once you know and understand this two soIid truths, everything suppIements it and begins to work in your favour.

I didn’t reaIIy have enough soIid understanding of the above two Truths when I ordered my I AM CapabIe Pyramid. WeII, I knew a IittIe bit but just that, a very IittIe bit. So when I oredered my I AM Pyramid, I wiII admit and say I was hoping this Pyramid wouId just magicaIIy soIve aII my probIems and manifest aII my soIutions without me reaIIy “getting invoIved”, if you know what I mean. Boy was I wrong. After about a week or two of having my pyramid just sit there and not having any significant magicaI Iife changing breakthroughs in the area I wanted, I just kinda packed it up and put it away … for many many months!

As the months roIIed by, I continue to grow and evoIve as every conscious being does, we peeI off more Iayers or onions of ignorance and with each peeI comes deeper IeveIs of understanding and enIightenment. And then after more than nine months, August 28th, I suddenIy remembered a teaching by an Ascended Master that we are the creators of our own reaIities. I suddenIy feIt disappointed for giving up on the focus exercise he had taught and decided to commit to the focus sessions and to manifest the financiaI abundance goaI I had set in mind. WhiIe I was doing the focus sessions [which by the way requires you to PIace your hand in a Pyramid/Triad shape with some deep breathing] three times a day, daiIy … WeII, after the second week, I was gifted a100 doIIars out of the bIue… I knew this was the first inkIing or refIections of my focus … going into the end of the fourth week I was gifted $2,000 doIIars! … I was Iike …”okkaaaay!” …

Where does the Pyramid come in? … WeII, after receiving the $2,000 after being out of cash for sooo Iong, I needed to Iet the money marinate a bit in my SouI, rather than go spend it as I had done a few years ago. So I asked My Diving I AM SeIf, send me an opportunity that wiII expand this monies exponentiaIIy in perpetuity … then I just forgot about it. A few days Iater I get the Urge to go re-read a book from four years ago I had read, By The PIieadians, ‘Bringers of The Dawn’ and it was Iike I was reading the book for the first time as everything seemed to hit the right spot and just cIick, then it hit me that I had grown significantIy in my consciousness since four years! Four years is an eternity in consciouness growth! … The section that hit section that hit me and rose up my antennaes was the section on Crop CircIes and in re-reading that section [which feIt Iike I had never read it before], it dawned on me in a moment of fIash awakening that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY REPRESENTED AS SACRED GEOMETRY! …

Of course I had known about Sacred Geometry, but this was a deeper IeveI of understanding, an “aha moment” … That Night when I sIept, on waking up, I “FeIt” that This Master had Ioaded my bands/energetic body with tons of Sacred Geometry Shapes! … You know when you sIeep and have a dream, and on waking up you can’t reaIIy recaII the detaiIs of the dream, but you know you had a dream about xyz? That’s what this feIt Iike!… I just knew that something had shifted! …

WeII, whiIe/after reading Bringers of The Dawn and having this “fringe dream”, I immediateIy feIt the strong urge/yearning to go Iook up Crop CircIes Sacred Geometries and just “Soak them up!” … And then I remember … In my googIe search, there’s a Crop CircIe database website with a Iist of books about Crop CircIes and The Book ‘Mysterious Iights and Crop CircIes’ by Linda MouIton Howe draw my attention. I downIoad the PDF and just gIance and scroII through it, deciding if to start reading it immediateIy or put in my other book coIIection to read Iater tiII I finished the book I was currentIy reading. WeII, I put it aside. The next day for another weird hunch and reason out of the bIue from nowhwere, I decide to Iook up “Ascension Chair by Saint Germain” … and the website that I Iand on, I’m just randomIy scroIIing through the site and I see at the top/header of the site THE EXACT SAME SYMBOL I had seen in the Crop CircIe book I had just gIanced through the day before. It took me a minute to make the connection as to where I had seen the symboI on this website … I go back to the Crop CircIe book and there it is, EXACTIY THE SAME! In the Crop CircIe Book, the author sees The Same Crop CircIe Sacred Geometry she says she saw in a book about Reiki. It’s a Reiki Geometry! …RIght away I see this syncronicity to pick up this Reiki Book and read it … and as I’m reading it, the author shows one of the Reiki Geometries that’s super ancient that invokes power and can be used for manifestation. WeII, what do I do, I combine this Reiki Power [HeaIing] Geometry with My I AM Pyramid Geometry Into My Focus Session and I write the amount I see myseIf making daiIy …

Within a few a day or two, this stupendous financiaI making opportunity shows up [again! It had showed up 9 months earIier, but I was sooo sooo bIind to see the opportunity! Now I had both the awareness AND my focus sesssion to “SEE” what I had missed earIier] … With the Ieast effort and on a sIow day, this opportunity Pays me Four DoIIar figure PER DAY! …

I’ve shared this story with you [Whoever you are reading this, I Iove you!] because It’s VERY VERY IMPORTANT that you reaIize that YOU ARE THE ANSWER! … Once you have the awareness of your Divinity and know who you are, and you give intent to work from your Divinity in aII things, Peter’s TooIs WiII compIiment your efforts. It’s Iike the air and an airpIane. The airpIane just sitting on the runway firing it’s engines and IdIing wiII accompIish nothing. But once it starts to speed down the runway, the air suppIements it and gives it Iift! They work in tandem, side-by-side.

If you were Iike me, initiaIIy buying Peter’s Product and just hoping for it to work magic for you without you “getting invoIved” [doing your focus sessions, doing the work that you need to do, writing your goaIs, focusing on them, getting off sociaI media and not spending too much time watching tv etc], then you’II most IikeIy end up disappointed Iike I initaIIy was. But if you know who you are and are SINCERELY INTENDING to first make those adjustment and changes in your Iife that have consistentIy heId you back, then Peter’s TooIs, wiII meet you haIf way. Like every recommended soIution in Iife, the soIutions are onIy as good as the efforts of those consistentIy putting them daiIy into practice.

To A Remarkable Life!

NapoIeon Irianan

1 de noviembre de 2023

I AM pyramids are incredible!

I LOVE my 6 I AM pyramids. I have I AM Love, Safe, Sourxe, Fearless, Capable and Purpose. I keep them arranged in a star on my dresser next to my bed. I have some difficult neighbors, and I used to have to regularly clean the energetic space of my property. Since activating the pyramids, I no longer have to clear the space. I also use the pyramids to charge my crystal collection, and I no longer have to do any other form of clearing my crystals and jewelry after wearing them.

I also take the individual pyramids with me in my pocket when I anticipate a challenging day, or particularly Sourxe, Capable or Purpose when I need to complete a project. They help me to align internally with the energy to manifest. I look forward to adding more to my home.

Kelli Carlson Boulder City, NV I AM Pirámides 29 de marzo de 2018

I found a new way to use my IAM SAFE PYRAMID

I shoveled my car out of a snowbank and the next day I could not walk due to a pulled hamstring. Pain level High 10-1 LOW was a 20. Unreal. First I took a bath in Aquaware water programmed with TRAUMA at 100%. Pain down to a 15, but I could not walk . I asked my HFA MINI, what to do? Answer: Use the IAM SAFE PYRAMID. Sooooooooo, I put the Pyramid on my butt and just let it stay. After an hour, I moved the PYRAMID over the hamstring up and down my leg. Thirty minutes later, THE PAIN WAS GONE. TOTALLY GONE. I could walk, bend, and lift my knee. Thank you Peter for your amazing products.


I AM Sourxe Pyramid – Bronze

* During the first few days I noticed that TINY HOLES IN MY AURA were being PATCHED-UP.
* Really deep, smooth and BALANCED SLEEP since I received the pyramid 5 weeks ago. I had not experienced this kind of sleep before. The initial vivid dreams were toned down after I asked for more harmonious and calmer ones.
* ONGOING DETOX of my energy fields. The muddy colour I saw with my minds eye all over me at the beginning, is gradually becoming lighter. I experienced the detox initially as very strong, therefore asked the pyramid to slow it down. So it did. There was a buffer in place from the start. If I had not asked for a slower detox, the buffer would have made it bearable anyway. You can always ask for a course correction, though!
* Very uncomfortable, even energetically PAINFUL FEELING in my SOLAR PLEXUS on the 2nd or 3rd day, DISAPPEARED.
I have noticed this pain on several occasions before and used to ignore it. With the pyramid at hand, I decided to do something about it and placed it on this area for about 30 seconds while breathing deeply. Guess what, the solar plexus started to pump like a heart and breath more freely. The pressure has not returned.
* TENSION HEADACHES, which recently happened in the evenings, RELEASED. I placed the bottom side of the pyramid on various places on my head and body for approximately 30 seconds on each location. The pain quickly lessened or disappeared and I woke-up refreshed the next morning.
* Can´t focus? Pacing in a room with the pyramid in my hands, sometimes with my eyes closed, helps me to CENTRE AND CALM DOWN.
* I particularly like holding the pyramid bottom to my ears, top of the head, kidneys and on my adrenal glands – this is DEEPLY RELAXING for me.
* My mind is usually too active to sit in MEDITATION. With the pyramid in my hands I can do this for some time. Focusing on optimal weather conditions all over the world, governments working optimally FOR the people and family members in need of energetic assistance, are things I will focus on next. I have already put it on my purse occasionally, when I felt that my purse wanted to be out of the bag I usually store it in.

The pyramid and its box with the various symbols make for great ornaments in any room.
I like the the bronze colour and the fine horizontal lines on the surface. It is a great companion for me. Considering that I did not know what to do with it at the beginning, we have grown quite accustomed to each other.
With 13 I AM Pyramids and 2 colours to choose from, there is at least one for everyone. I AM TOTALLY HAPPY WITH MY CHOICE. Thank you, Peter.

Heidi Hofinger Austria - Review - I AM SOURXE Pyramid - Bronze 25 de febrero de 2018

I Am Pyramid Awesomeness…….

I was so pleased and excited about the offers that Peter had going in the last quarter of 2017. He offered them at a buy 2 get 1 free PLUS put down a deposit and pay the balance later deal. That was confirmation that I had to place my order. I have a fearless one, unconditional self love one and a balance pyramid. The fearless one has aided me in manifesting a fear-free zone and the feeling of being able to kick ass and not care about names. Prior to having these pyramids, I had a mean sweet tooth but I’ve noticed that most of the time; I can and do go without that token ‘high’ and the unconditional self love one is definitely helping me to peel back the layers and heal my heart as well as learning to care for me over what others need/want from me. All in All, in less than 4 months, these amazing treasures have and are continuing to play a pivotal role in my evolution. Thank u Pete! U rock! 💖💕😀😀🌠⭐

Rena' M. Cain Starting a thriving healing and wellness business!! Vicksburg, Mississippi 19 de febrero de 2018

I AM SAFE PYRAMID – Strengthen my core energy.

The sensation that comes from I Am Safe in my left hand seems to be very profound and powerful.

It was an activator of my deep core energy.

I felt like a strong tree, grounding and connected with Earth.

My Heart centered,

I felt alive and I am SAFE !

Peter, I am very thankful that you spread love in all your MDM products.

Rossana AS Brazil febrero 18, 2018

I AM Healthy pyramid

I’ve purchased many of Peter’s energy products over the past several years and I can say that Peter has lived up to his sterling reputation with all of them, and now again with the I AM Healthy pyramid. I was initially having problems activating it, but Peter walked me through the process and I really do feel a new flow of energy from it now. I am still learning how to use all of Peter’s products. Sometimes they work instantly, other times after a while, and with some operations I attempt, not at all. Peter says that everything works for my highest good, so probably the things that didn’t work for me were not for my highest good…DARN IT…I’ll have to take up that issue with my “Higher Self” at another time though! Anyway, I can definitely say that all of Peter’s products have delivered energy at a whole new higher level for me than anything I’ve tried in the past; I find that if I think outside the box (as Peter frequently suggests), then the magic happens.

Mark Weaver febrero 18, 2018

my “Iam” pyramid review…

Ok so its 11:11am an I received my “I am pyramids ” Presence & Purpose a few weeks ago ! I wanted to wait a bit before giving my review but when I looked up and saw 11:11 figure it was my sign )) So when I opened mine I have to be honest I felt nothing they were cold (live in NJ) but I put them in my hand & welcomed them into my home & life )) sat them in time out & they faced the wall for 24hrs ….but no “woo woo” feelings but I don’t get that & is why I wanted them because I feel blocked & have been looking for answers when I stumbled upon Peter Schenk MDM on Youtube & like I been told there are no accidents things come into your path for a reason soooooo….being financially challenged as part of my path I was hesitant upon buying but that what charge cards are for so this is what I have experienced so far.. a lot of synchronies like 11:11,2:22, 3:33,4:44,5:55 constantly no joke.. I”l go to use my phone & show my co worker Omg look ..then I’l wake up and look at clock 5:55 crazy …so I made a list of importance of things I want to attract into my life I put my pyramids on top of it and I “honor their space in which they exist ” and go about my day ..I have notice more things lining up for me out of the blu & people doing things for me really nice things that I wanted but didn’t ask for ! I am very grateful I must say ! And I have been feeling this past week like I’m in a cloud not a head ache but a weird feeling can’t explain.I feel happy with this feeling like something amazing is going to happen & it hasn’t gone away like you no its coming ??? So stay tune but I am enjoying these little guys there kinda like pet rocks to me ..lol

Sandy Pertuit febrero 18, 2018



I feel safe, well nourished, & balanced with my I AM Pyramids!

Thanks for these fantastic products!

Elizabeth A.

Elizabeth Avery febrero 18, 2018

Three ‘I AM’ Pyramids

Hi Peter, this is for the ‘I AM’ Pyramids.

I have three, and the “I AM Presence’, has been the one that I have worked with the most. It has given me it’s name and now also the other two have. I purchase ‘Evian Bottled Water’ for I like it better than others. Well, the other day, when I was drinking it…something didn’t seem right…and I thought that I might have to take the water back and then I thought of another product that I have that also uses ‘plant essences’ and well, I put them together with the “I AM” Pyramid on top and I could feel the energy change! It was suttle (sp?) and the taste was awesome! I had earlier charged the water with a specific intention, but, it needed more for whatever reason. My ‘I AM’ Pyramid worked with the other items (coasters) and it was amazing.
I have asked for help with many things, like ‘pain’…even clearing my own energies and it has worked for me. I realized I sometimes need to be very specific…for the clearer the help needed and asked. the ability for the clearer the help comes. Just a ‘FYI’ for others.
Just last night the third pyramid, finally gave me it’s name, probably because I had not really interacted with it much at all…and now when I put all three of them together in my bedroom…the energy was strong and I had to remove two of them into the hallway for the night…it was keeping me up and I am learning to work with them better. I do feel that so much more is possible with them and their help. Thanks Peter…keep up the great work. You are awesome as well as your products. Maybe someday I will be able to secure the ‘Terra Resonators’, I feel I will probably want all three…can you tell I want them all…LOL…thanks for everything Peter, you are Blessed and so Am I!

Sherry Wasala 151 Shale Drive Sherry Wasala, "I AM" Pyramids 17 de febrero de 2018
