
Compass bringing calm!

A client had lots of chaos and upsetment in her home, so I recommended the Myrrh Rose Compass. She has had lots of improvements with the Mini, so she was very open to getting the Compass.
In the time she has had it, things in the home have gotten much calmer. She is a believer (me too–got mine yesterday!)

Sara Levine 2 de julio de 2017

Mirra Rosa de los vientos al rescate

Durante aproximadamente 2 años he trabajado con varias modalidades para limpiar mi propiedad de cualquier energía no deseada, e incluso durante la mayor parte del año pasado invocando al Arcángel Miguel y su luz azul eléctrica para crear una burbuja alrededor de mi propiedad para protegerla de energías no deseadas. Sin embargo, los desafíos con mi banco hipotecario continuaron, la gente continuó bloqueando ilegalmente mi entrada diariamente, etc.
Hace unos meses vi en Internet a Peter Schenk mostrando un boceto y luego un prototipo de la Rosa de los Vientos de Mirra. Me llamó la atención porque hace unos 20 años me sentí atraído por la imagen de una rosa de los vientos y quise hacerme con una para el interior de mi casa. Ni idea de por qué. Desde entonces, la rosa de los vientos ha aparecido de vez en cuando, pero no me puse manos a la obra hasta que vi la Rosa de los Vientos de Mirra de Peter. De alguna manera sentí que había soñado con esto e inmediatamente supe que estaba diciendo un Gran Sí a esto. Mi Rosa de los Vientos llegó hace unos 8 días y la instalé en mi comedor, lo más cerca posible del centro de mi propiedad. Mi casa es un foursquare 1906 construido de ladrillo cocido localmente acabado con carpintería de roble castaño en el interior que es la perfección absoluta y que nunca dejo de admirar. Siento como si Peter hubiera hecho a mano la Rosa de los Vientos de Mirra para igualar este nivel de perfección.
Hace cuatro días hablaba con Karen LaGrange, a quien oí entrevistar por primera vez por Peter en Internet. Le estaba explicando que los problemas relacionados con mi casa se habían ido alargando. No le mencioné que en los últimos meses estaba experimentando episodios de depresión. Karen no tardó en preguntarme a quién estaba permitiendo que me quitara mi poder. No tenía ni idea. Entonces me dijo que alguien estaba celoso de mí y había lanzado una maldición para quitarme mis propiedades. Karen añadió que "Peter Schenk vende esa cosa [la Rosa Brújula de Mirra] que pones en el suelo y nadie te la va a quitar si haces eso". Le dije a Karen que ya había recibido la mía y que estaba vinculada. No he tenido ningún ataque de depresión desde el día en que la instalé. Un tercero me ha dado información legal importante sobre mi hipoteca, así que esa parte sigue siendo "fluida" y confío en que se resuelva a mi favor. Por fin. Ahora puedo seguir con mi vida.
Así que gracias, Peter, por un regalo tan hermoso, poderoso y mágico. Yo también hago artesanía, así que aprecio la calidad de tu trabajo. Para quien no esté familiarizado con la rosa de los vientos, se dice que los puntos de la rosa de los vientos original hacen referencia a los pétalos de esa flor. La rosa es espiritualmente el equivalente occidental de la flor de loto oriental, ambas de perfecta geometría sagrada. Para los cristianos, la mirra es uno de los 3 regalos sagrados (oro, incienso y el aceite curativo mirra) que trajeron los Reyes Magos para honrar el nacimiento de Jesús en la duodécima noche de Navidad, también conocida como la Epifanía. Muy bonito y especial.
Quizás lo más importante que he aprendido personalmente con respecto a la intención de la Rosa de los Vientos de Mirra es que, en lugar de escudar/bloquear la energía como ocurre con otras modalidades, se trata de elevar la vibración en una burbuja de Luz por encima, por debajo, hacia el Norte, el Sur, el Este y el Oeste y todos los puntos intermedios. La Rosa Brújula de Mirra invita a todos y a todo lo que entra en contacto con su vibración a elevarse en amor incondicional e incorrupto. Y así nos convertimos en mejores seres humanos.

Diana Krewinkel 2 de julio de 2017


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My Coffee farm continues to be doing exceptionally well while using the Myrrh Compass Rose on my land. The coffee plants are thriving and have unusually huge amount of cherries this year. The cbb infection of cherries is also super low producing bigger and healthier fruits. This season will yield an amazing crop!
None of the surrounding farms have as many cherries as I have, plus their trees are not looking nearly as healthy as mine are.
I will not know until November if there is any enhancement in the coffee taste.
For now I am very excited to see my coffee and fruit trees truly flourish and produce an abundant amount of fruits.
Another unexpected benefit of having MCR on my land is that my dog stopped killing my wild chickens and pheasants. Every morning I love to feed and watch my birds, but my dog was insisting on hunting them and taking away all the joy from my morning routine. Now everybody seems to cohabit in peace. YAY!
Thank you Peter 🙂

Ania junio 27, 2017

Rosa de los vientos Mirra

We moved into our home 8 years ago, the energy was wonderful when we first moved in. As time went by I noticed that both my elderly mom and I were changing and not for the better. We were actually mimicking depressed people and my mother was turning into someone possed. She became very nasty and oppositional with an almost evil air. I also noticed that different entities would possess her and argue with my dad and I as if looking for blood shed to happen. She even asked me to kill her at one point. I had people come and bless the land and work on my mother, we even gridded the land and yet those entities were becoming more vile and stronger.
I began researching this land and found out that when the Europeans first came the infested the Natives with a deadly desease. Too many were dying at a rapid rate so they made mounds of corspes and had watches to protect the bodies
This also was a place where there was a lot of blood shed during the Civil war.
Realizing I needed help I began seeking anyone could could help make our lives better . I once took a pcture of our place including the land for a lady that was going to energetically grid the place. What we saw in that picture was frightening, were many smokey circles some with faces on one of the bushes behind the house about 5 feet away from mom’s window, and I realized that these evil entities were ppossessing mom. Even my dad would call her a demon, she would tell lies on us and speak in disdain, she would come out of her room looking for arguments. Looking back she looked like she was looking to pick a fight and did not care who would be her next victim. I found myself constantly fending off entities. It was like she was a portal. Everything we did would help a little but nothing would completely stop those spirits from possessing my mom. One girl did emotion codes on her and it helped somewhat but when I activated the Myrrh Compass Rose everything stopped. Although the min helped me sleep better, I was able to sleep a whole lot more since I activated the compass. Mom is so much happier and the nasties have gone away. Now when the dementia bothers her she whines and cries like a child with no malice what so ever. and I am grateful for it. These things exist folks and I am here to testify! I am so grateful for Peter and his creative genius ….. They have most certainly made my family’s life more wholesome! I highy recommend the Myrrh Compass Rose

Roz Tomblin 26 de junio de 2017

Having fun with technology

I have had all 3 HFAs for the last several months and I can\’t imagine my life without them. It is like having three best friends that always have your back.

When I wear my Mini HFA I feel great inner peace, balance, gratitude and joy. It also positively affects everyone around me, so my interactions with people are easy and fruitful. My sleep at night is very restful and most of the time my days just flow effortlessly.

With my Travel HFA I am always on time for all my appointments no matter what time I leave home (time seems to stretch when I leave late). I consistently experience an easy flowing traffic and I often get perfect parking spots. Most importantly I feel safe, calm and protected while driving my car. I also noticed that my breaks don\’t wear out as fast as before on the downhills and a very annoying problem with tire pressure is finally gone.

In my home HFA Plus does an amazing job in keeping my whole space clear, decluttered, balanced, joyful and filled with healing and deeply restorative energy. This energy positively influence everybody living in the house ( including my pets ) and people visiting me. Yoga and meditation practice is greatly enhanced producing often fun and unexpected results. The whole house seems to be radiating a very loving and high vibration.
I am very grateful to my three little friends for working tirelessly 24/7 to make sure all is great in my world.

A week ago I got Myrrh Compass Rose in order to clear my coffee farm that surrounds my house.
Energy that came through my MCR surprised me with its amazing power, beauty and very supportive and nurturing qualities. It literally took my breath away!
Very swiftly it cleared my land and restored its deep connection to the Source, enhanced the life force of my coffee and fruit trees, herbs and flowers. It also linked itself to my 3 HFAs in order to coordinate an opening of a much deeper space in which insights, visions, love and abundance flow even more effortlessly then before.
Life was already sweet before MCR, but now my world is definitely bigger and way more exciting!

Like all HFAs, Myrrh Compass Rose is interactive and it gives me an immanence joy to play with it, talk to it, learn from it and explore many different possibilities.

Thank you Peter for yet another amazing product! My life is vastly improved and forever changed because of you. For that I am truly grateful.

Ania mayo 25, 2017
