I am a foreigner in the country of my residence, therefore outside of the health system. I could join the system, but I see that those who are in it still pay for the care outside of it, so why bother. And why bother if I can have all the tools to prevent needing it?
Enter Aquaware 6
For quite some time I had my eyes on Aquaware, but somehow nothing happened. When Peter offered this new combination, it was an instant decision. I don’t have much to cure but some of my animals and
the members of my family do. This testimonial is on behalf of my brother in law, who does not speak English.

He is a diabetic and had a mild stroke last year. He does not believe in this woowoo stuff, but when I started charging his water he accepted it, and even drank more than usual. He was coughing a lot, his blood work was abysmal, had to be escorted to the bathroom. A few days after I began charging his water was admitted to hospital with pneumonia. After 4 days in isolation and some therapy he was sent home on the 5th day. He was bed ridden on a heavy dose of antibiotics and hardly any appetite. My sister had to drag him up and put him into a wheelchair to take him to the bathroom. He had a therapist visit him twice to show my sister how to exercise his legs. All that was long ago in late July.
His last bloodwork is good, he walks up and down the stairs with a walking stick and has put on 8 kg. His sugar still fluctuates but in much lower range than it used to.
Thank you Master Peter.
Closer to home, my plants are thriving, my back feels better and I am expecting to turn into Rudolph Steiner!

1 de noviembre de 2023