
It Meets You At Your Own LeveI Of Awareness & Understanding

It’s said that “Good things, come to those who wait” … I’d Iike to paraphrase this and say ‘Good things come to those who understand’
Where do I begin? It’s been exactIy a year since I received my I AM Pyramid and I’m going to give a fuII detaiI of my experience of one year.

First and foremost, You Are The Answer! … Your I AM Presence Is The Answer.
SecondIy, EVERYTHING In The Universe, Seen and Unseen, is Energy Represented As Sacred Geometry! [And NumeroIogy!]
Once you know and understand this two soIid truths, everything suppIements it and begins to work in your favour.

I didn’t reaIIy have enough soIid understanding of the above two Truths when I ordered my I AM CapabIe Pyramid. WeII, I knew a IittIe bit but just that, a very IittIe bit. So when I oredered my I AM Pyramid, I wiII admit and say I was hoping this Pyramid wouId just magicaIIy soIve aII my probIems and manifest aII my soIutions without me reaIIy “getting invoIved”, if you know what I mean. Boy was I wrong. After about a week or two of having my pyramid just sit there and not having any significant magicaI Iife changing breakthroughs in the area I wanted, I just kinda packed it up and put it away … for many many months!

As the months roIIed by, I continue to grow and evoIve as every conscious being does, we peeI off more Iayers or onions of ignorance and with each peeI comes deeper IeveIs of understanding and enIightenment. And then after more than nine months, August 28th, I suddenIy remembered a teaching by an Ascended Master that we are the creators of our own reaIities. I suddenIy feIt disappointed for giving up on the focus exercise he had taught and decided to commit to the focus sessions and to manifest the financiaI abundance goaI I had set in mind. WhiIe I was doing the focus sessions [which by the way requires you to PIace your hand in a Pyramid/Triad shape with some deep breathing] three times a day, daiIy … WeII, after the second week, I was gifted a100 doIIars out of the bIue… I knew this was the first inkIing or refIections of my focus … going into the end of the fourth week I was gifted $2,000 doIIars! … I was Iike …”okkaaaay!” …

Where does the Pyramid come in? … WeII, after receiving the $2,000 after being out of cash for sooo Iong, I needed to Iet the money marinate a bit in my SouI, rather than go spend it as I had done a few years ago. So I asked My Diving I AM SeIf, send me an opportunity that wiII expand this monies exponentiaIIy in perpetuity … then I just forgot about it. A few days Iater I get the Urge to go re-read a book from four years ago I had read, By The PIieadians, ‘Bringers of The Dawn’ and it was Iike I was reading the book for the first time as everything seemed to hit the right spot and just cIick, then it hit me that I had grown significantIy in my consciousness since four years! Four years is an eternity in consciouness growth! … The section that hit section that hit me and rose up my antennaes was the section on Crop CircIes and in re-reading that section [which feIt Iike I had never read it before], it dawned on me in a moment of fIash awakening that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY REPRESENTED AS SACRED GEOMETRY! …

Of course I had known about Sacred Geometry, but this was a deeper IeveI of understanding, an “aha moment” … That Night when I sIept, on waking up, I “FeIt” that This Master had Ioaded my bands/energetic body with tons of Sacred Geometry Shapes! … You know when you sIeep and have a dream, and on waking up you can’t reaIIy recaII the detaiIs of the dream, but you know you had a dream about xyz? That’s what this feIt Iike!… I just knew that something had shifted! …

WeII, whiIe/after reading Bringers of The Dawn and having this “fringe dream”, I immediateIy feIt the strong urge/yearning to go Iook up Crop CircIes Sacred Geometries and just “Soak them up!” … And then I remember … In my googIe search, there’s a Crop CircIe database website with a Iist of books about Crop CircIes and The Book ‘Mysterious Iights and Crop CircIes’ by Linda MouIton Howe draw my attention. I downIoad the PDF and just gIance and scroII through it, deciding if to start reading it immediateIy or put in my other book coIIection to read Iater tiII I finished the book I was currentIy reading. WeII, I put it aside. The next day for another weird hunch and reason out of the bIue from nowhwere, I decide to Iook up “Ascension Chair by Saint Germain” … and the website that I Iand on, I’m just randomIy scroIIing through the site and I see at the top/header of the site THE EXACT SAME SYMBOL I had seen in the Crop CircIe book I had just gIanced through the day before. It took me a minute to make the connection as to where I had seen the symboI on this website … I go back to the Crop CircIe book and there it is, EXACTIY THE SAME! In the Crop CircIe Book, the author sees The Same Crop CircIe Sacred Geometry she says she saw in a book about Reiki. It’s a Reiki Geometry! …RIght away I see this syncronicity to pick up this Reiki Book and read it … and as I’m reading it, the author shows one of the Reiki Geometries that’s super ancient that invokes power and can be used for manifestation. WeII, what do I do, I combine this Reiki Power [HeaIing] Geometry with My I AM Pyramid Geometry Into My Focus Session and I write the amount I see myseIf making daiIy …

Within a few a day or two, this stupendous financiaI making opportunity shows up [again! It had showed up 9 months earIier, but I was sooo sooo bIind to see the opportunity! Now I had both the awareness AND my focus sesssion to “SEE” what I had missed earIier] … With the Ieast effort and on a sIow day, this opportunity Pays me Four DoIIar figure PER DAY! …

I’ve shared this story with you [Whoever you are reading this, I Iove you!] because It’s VERY VERY IMPORTANT that you reaIize that YOU ARE THE ANSWER! … Once you have the awareness of your Divinity and know who you are, and you give intent to work from your Divinity in aII things, Peter’s TooIs WiII compIiment your efforts. It’s Iike the air and an airpIane. The airpIane just sitting on the runway firing it’s engines and IdIing wiII accompIish nothing. But once it starts to speed down the runway, the air suppIements it and gives it Iift! They work in tandem, side-by-side.

If you were Iike me, initiaIIy buying Peter’s Product and just hoping for it to work magic for you without you “getting invoIved” [doing your focus sessions, doing the work that you need to do, writing your goaIs, focusing on them, getting off sociaI media and not spending too much time watching tv etc], then you’II most IikeIy end up disappointed Iike I initaIIy was. But if you know who you are and are SINCERELY INTENDING to first make those adjustment and changes in your Iife that have consistentIy heId you back, then Peter’s TooIs, wiII meet you haIf way. Like every recommended soIution in Iife, the soIutions are onIy as good as the efforts of those consistentIy putting them daiIy into practice.

To A Remarkable Life!

NapoIeon Irianan

1 de noviembre de 2023

La Esfera de los Deseos Negra

I have been a huge fan of Peter’s creations since day one. I purchased the wishing sphere black about 6 weeks ago.
I do hate to do comparisons here, but I shall say that the Wishing Sphere Black is by far the most profound/life-changing product that Peter has ever manifested for us. Otherworldly, to say the least.
I am still learning about her and how to also manifest w/her.
We have now shall we say “bonded” and I can communicate with her in a subtle fashion about my desires & wishes.
This is indeed a most powerful ally!
The Sphere is ‘always on’ & she also seems to anticipate my desires/needs automatically.
The energy emitted is also very calming/soothing + healing in ways I have never experienced before!
I am a family physician working in a very dysfunctional/stressful & at times dangerous prison environment, doing healthcare.
But, when I come home, all this stress is quickly forgotten.
I would recommend this to anyone here interested in achieving their life’s dreams or if one just needs a close “friend” which the Wishing Sphere has now become for me!

1 de noviembre de 2023

Finally Able to Receive!

Compré el Taller Recibir 2 con el objetivo del dinero en mente. Hasta ahora he hecho el audio del taller dos veces, y lo que ha sucedido es que mi marido se ha *transformado* de repente de ser un compañero bueno pero negligente, y ahora me está dando toda la atención, ayuda y cuidados que, sin saberlo, no he sido capaz de recibir, ¡pero que tanto he necesitado! Me colma de afecto, de ayuda, de atenciones y se vuelca tanto en mí. Antes deseaba más afecto y ayuda, pero no me daba cuenta de lo extrema que era mi abnegación y el dar a los demás sin permitirme ser nutrida también. Esto me ha abierto una experiencia totalmente nueva. Mis hijos me colman de abrazos y besos y de regalos caseros, y mi marido parece sentir una enorme satisfacción y orgullo por poder darme placer tanto material como emocional. Es casi como si ÉL hubiera florecido a partir de mi nueva capacidad de recibir. Es como si se hubiera convertido en un hombre más poderoso. Pero él no ha hecho el taller, ¡y ni siquiera lo sabe! Incluso me atrevería a decir que ha sido un flaco favor para mi marido y mis hijos el hecho de que no pudieran corresponderme, y todos los miembros de mi familia parecen mucho más felices si me permito estar abierta a sus dones. Sabía que necesitaba ayuda para equilibrar mi tendencia a dar de más, y experimentar realmente el recibir es mucho mejor que "dejar de dar de más". ¡Me encanta dar a mi familia! Una de las cosas que más me gusta hacer es pensar, planificar y cuidar de mi familia, pero estaba desequilibrada y me sentía agotada y quemada. Ahora me lo están devolviendo, y eso está alimentando mi corazón y creando un ambiente mejor para todos en mi familia, especialmente entre mi marido y yo. Hay un flujo más armonioso entre nosotros. ¡Tiene tanta energía! Y la está volcando en amarme y complacerme. Y no me siento culpable por aceptar sus esfuerzos. Se siente natural, fácil, hermoso y bueno.

Gracias por este gran regalo, Peter. Lo aprecio mucho, muchísimo, y espero que más gente compre este taller y puedan experimentar los cambios por sí mismos, como más lo necesiten.

1 de noviembre de 2023

Clear and Confident

¡Wow! En las ultimas dos semanas he experimentado los cuatro paquetes de limpieza incluyendo la regresión a vidas pasadas.

Cada vez que empezaba a escribir un testimonio, aparecían más "oh" y "ajá". Luego tenía que maravillarme con ellos e integrarlos durante un rato antes de volver a escribir, ¡y seguían apareciendo! Después de la primera sesión me sentí tan expandida que no quería volver, muy clara y segura de mí misma, algo nuevo para mí. Sabía que me estaba moviendo en la dirección correcta en mi vida. Mucha energía para limpiar la casa, Peter realmente tuvo que trabajar para sacar toda la culpa acumulada. Y ahora, con mi confianza y claridad sobre quién soy, ¡estoy haciendo planes! Después de las sesiones dos y tres, la conciencia siguió desarrollándose. Desarrollé un sentido más amoroso y apreciativo de mí misma. Tengo mejores límites y, al mismo tiempo, permito más. Hay una mejora de mi ser fuente. Soy más capaz de confiar en que el Universo me cubre las espaldas y puedo rendirme más fácilmente cuando lo necesito. Me di cuenta de que tenía una definición muy pesada de la vida, luchando para pasar cada día. Pero ahora sé que no me caerá un rayo si elijo la diversión antes que el juego. ¡Qué alegría!

Por último, la sesión de regresión a vidas pasadas fue muy interesante. Cada una de las paradas que Peter me hizo hacer estaba relacionada con mi vida actual: desde un antiguo gobernante egipcio hasta una sacerdotisa o chamán inca, algunos elementos de esos seres están presentes y se manifiestan en mi vida actual. El beneficio para mí es que me siento más cómoda dirigiendo mi vida de nuevas maneras que hasta ahora me habían impedido.

Gracias Peter por estos viajes esclarecedores a la conciencia expandida..

1 de noviembre de 2023

Generador de fuerza HFA

I received the HFA Force Generator just a week ago. I had all of Thanksgiving week to try it out. I have to say this is one incredible device. I could feel its power right away when opening the wooden box that it comes in. I have noticed already that people are nicer to me when I have this in my pocket. Things also just seem to flow better. After 1 week with the HFA Force Generator I can tell that many things are changing around me. I have more energy, people are friendlier, and things just seem to flow in a more positive way. I would definitely recommend getting one of these and experiencing the positive changes for yourself.

1 de noviembre de 2023

Quantum This is Truly Powerful

As background, I’m extremely new to these kinds of products and energy healing. I just happened to stumble upon this corner of the internet a few months ago when I was searching for ways to heal a family member that Western medicine has failed. I’m so, so happy to have found MDM who sells “spiritual technology” where anything is truly possible.

I’m a very factual person so “spiritual technology” is a leap for me. A leap of unlimiting my thinking I’m so glad I took!

During Peter’s live telecast on YouWealth, in Nov 2022, I used my “one time use” of the Quantum This to ask for my eye to stop twitching.

Back story: my left eye had been twitching off and on all day for about 6 weeks at the time of the telecast. Not painful; just annoying. I had even been to the eye doctor, and they were unconcerned.

During the telecast, I asked for it to stop twitching. My eye went totally crazy… then it stopped. It hasn’t twitched since. That was nearly 4 weeks ago now! There has been no change to my daily life, and I’m under more stress now than I was then. (I think it was stress related).

This made me go to the MDM website where I obsessively read about all of the spiritual technology and “I Am” product lines.

It’s here that I also found the Vita Navitas. I purchased those three days before the Quantum This package through YouWealth. I will be reviewing the Vita Navitas separately once I’ve had them for a while. I also received an I AM Fearless pyramid which I’ll be reviewing in a few weeks once I’ve been connected to it for a while too.

Two days ago I received my Quantum This in the mail and connected to her immediately upon unboxing. I felt a calming effect fill my body as if she was saying “everything is going to be OK now. I’m here to help and support you.” I have already used her to change the mood in my house a few times.

I can’t wait to see what unfolds next. I have her proudly displayed above my kitchen cabinets, watching over the main part of my house. 🙂

I might leave another review after a few months.

1 de noviembre de 2023

Clearer and cleaner!

Después de mi sesión con Peter, me he sentido más clara y limpia. Incluso mis amigos me han dicho que parezco mucho más relajada. Sentí que una gran cantidad de cosas viejas y asquerosas habían sido removidas de mi cuerpo y de mi campo energético. Esta sensación ha continuado desde mi sesión. Avanzo en mi vida con más claridad y confianza.

Como sanador, yo mismo, y como cliente, recomiendo encarecidamente los servicios de Peter.

1 de noviembre de 2023

Increased Level of Calm and Clarity

I’ve been working with the HFA Force Generator for a few months now, and feel blessed it came into my life when it did. I keep mine in my pocket on a daily basis as I move through this existence and interact with others. I find that the HFA Force Generator brings an increased level of calm and clarity to my daily interactions and communications with others. Working in the midst of the vortex the generator removes all negativity and unnecessary complications from my dealings with others that usually create stress or confusion, and allows me to resonate in a space that breeds creativity, community, and clear communication. Thank You, Peter and the fantastic team at Modern Day Mystic!!!

1 de noviembre de 2023

Generador de fuerza HFA

I bought HFA Force Generator prototype about 2 weeks ago and have been using this. This is extremely powerful device clearing all negative energies from home and all members. We can feel force and its energies. It is correcting energies. This is very very powerful thank you so much Peter Schenk and team

1 de noviembre de 2023

Small but packs a punch

I had ordered one of the prototypes of the HFA Force Generator. It took awhile to arrive as I live in England. Just over two weeks.
The day it arrived and picked up the package, I could already feel the energy. It made me smile as I brought it home.
I followed the instructions and then activated the HFA Force Generator. Immediately I could feel the energy multiply. I felt it envelope me. It rejuvenated me. I kept it on my bedside table when I went to bed. Couldn’t switch of and only slept three hours. This continued for two nights. Now it has evened out and I can sleep ‘normally’. Dreams are very vivid and clear. Meditations are phenomenal and on the next level.
Thank you Peter for a remarkable product.
Will update on what continues to happen.

1 de noviembre de 2023
