I received my “miracle” box and have had it for over a week. I put in every thing that I wanted it to help with. One of the notes was “fun”. And I stared at that note thinking that’s what I really need. Its been missing in my life for quite some time.
Ive been going through allot for quite some time. And all I know is that an idea came to my head a few days later. And I started having
just that fun again. I also came up with it healing me with different times in my life. So I put in pictures of myself at all different ages.
Ive been on top of my game as I would put it. It is what it says, a miracle box.Nancy Haller nhaller@@msn.com Creactionis Miracles Arca Archa 1 de marzo de 2019
- Creationis Miracles Arca Archa
- ADN Cristal Alter
- HFA Ansuz Pendulum
- Generador de fuerza HFA
- HFA Mini
- HFA Mini V2
- HFA Orion
- HFA Palladian
- HFA Plus
- HFA Plus V2
- HFA Sirius
- Viajero HFA
- Oasis Celestial Chakra Sacro Botella de Agua
- Rosa de los vientos Mirra
- Primera fase
- Escudos Q
- Quantum Esto
- Somnum Machina
- Resonador Terra
- La esfera de los deseos
- La Esfera de los Deseos Negra
- Botella de agua TheSourxe
- Altar del Árbol del Conocimiento
- Trio of Life Amulets
- Vita Navitas