
Another brilliant receiving workshop

¡¡¡Por supuesto Peter fue más allá con su entrega de Recepción V3!!! ¡No tengo ni idea de dónde me metí en ese agujero de conejo, pero era mucho mejor que cualquier cosa que he visto en Alicia en el País de las Maravillas .... pero aún así tan lejos como podría ser! Algunos lo llaman WOO WOO... ¡Yo lo llamo más allá de AWESOME! Una vez que me inscribí en el V3, un día después apareció un regalo inesperado de $100.00 en mi cuenta paypal... ¡qué bien:-)! Luego, dos o tres días después del taller otro amigo me envió un PayPal de Feliz Navidad de $200.00. Me quedé alucinado. Recibí una tarjeta con otros $25,00 y $50.
¡Los chicos del taller no me mataron en mano de obra con mi coche! También recibí varios regalos de Navidad inesperados. ¡Más allá de eso 3 enormes cenas de grupo, más comida de la que nadie necesita....yummy....buena comida, buenos amigos y una Navidad maravillosa! ¡Las cosas siguen llegando también!
Para ser honesta, pensé que ahora que mi padre también se ha ido, este año no iba a ser para nada festivo ni celebratorio. ¡ESTOY ABIERTO A RECIBIR! ¡Gracias Gracias Gracias Peter! Te amo infinitas bendiciones mi amigo y hermano💜

Georgia Siegner Recepción V3 27 de diciembre de 2018

Need to add one more thing

Además de mi crítica de la V3... todo lo que recibí me permitió dar también. Pude dar regalos para Navidad, participar en una fiesta de intercambio de regalos y traer hermosas guarniciones para las cenas, ¡además de pagar las reparaciones de mi auto! Sigo afirmando que ESTOY abierta a recibir para poder dar con facilidad, gracia y alegría. Recomiendo mucho estos talleres de Recibir... muy poderosos y cambian la vida, ¡como todo lo que Peter trae! Feliz 2019 ¡Que todos seamos bendecidos con milagros divinos y bendiciones infinitas! ❤️🏜💖

Georgia Siegner Taller de recepción V3 27 de diciembre de 2018

RECEIVED $50,000 OMG – The Third Workshop was the Charm

No pude escuchar el taller en directo este martes, pero pude escuchar la repetición el pasado jueves por la noche. Había tomado los dos primeros Talleres de Recepción, y pensé que el tercero era muy poderoso. ¡Ayer, viernes, quedé asombrada al recibir el increíble regalo de $50,000! Fui una de las que escribió a Peter esperando ser seleccionada para su programa piloto de abundancia, ya que necesitaba ayuda con mis finanzas y mi vida en general. Este es el gran avance que esperaba y estoy muy agradecida a Peter y a sus maravillosos servicios/productos. No hay palabras para describir lo que esto significa para mí - ¡gracias, gracias, gracias!

Cliente muy agradecido Taller de recepción V3 27 de diciembre de 2018

Receiving Workshop 3 delivers new reality

Gracias Peter por llevarme a una nueva realidad de mi misma. Desde el principio de la hora, experimenté rápidamente una profunda apertura interior. Mientras me sentaba en esta expansividad, mis respiraciones se alargaban: 10 segundos dentro, 10 segundos fuera. Esto continuó durante mucho tiempo mientras observaba cómo los sólidos mentales (sentimientos atascados y creencias negativas) surgían y se evaporaban. La sensación de la llama violeta era liberadora. Recuerdo una sensación de regocijo mientras las cosas continuaban abriéndose. Cuando facilitaste la elevación de todo el grupo me sorprendió lo tangible que se sentía. Una nueva sensación de recibir del universo está amaneciendo en mí. Todavía estoy integrando la experiencia, y sí, también se siente como una curación. ¡Qué maravilla!

Harlan Mittag Taller de recepción 3 27 de diciembre de 2018


Hi Peter ! ..

Firstly I Would Like To Take This Opportunity To Honor Your Presence And Existence In My Life.
You And Your Products Have Had A Great Impact In My Life Right From Aquaware / Sourxe V /
12th Project To The HFA Bundle.

I Love Them All. Specially My Physical Products.
HFA Mini – HFA v2 And HFA Plus

Below Listed Are Just Few Of My Experiences
Which I am Able to Put Down In Words of my HFA Bundle


Ever Since iHave Worn Mini iHave Noticed That Negative Energies And Negative Emotions
Of Other People Are Now Not Affecting Me At All. Earlier Emotions From My Family Specially
My Mother And My Brothers Use To Bring Me Quickly Down The Vibrational Scale From
Peace To Anxiety & Fear. Now After Wearing Mini It’s Not Affecting Me At All. Most Of The
Times I Feel Like I Am In The Zero Point Where I Feel Thoughtless And Calm And Serene. Thats
What I have Noticed About The Affect Of Mini On Me.

Its Getting Tarnised In 3-4 Days & To Clear The Tarnish I Use A Local
Pitambari Powder ( Used to Cleanse Silver & Copper ). This Helps My MINI Shines As if It’s New 🙂

2. HFA

Well I Just Love MY HFA. I Have My HFA Inside My Sling Bag – Keep It Inside The HFA BOX & Have
Activated And Linked With MY BIKE & When I Drive Than With My Car. It’s Always Inside The
BOX in my SLING BAG with Me Always.

What I Have Noticed Is A Smooth & Peaceful Drive / Ride. Even In This Bad Mumbai Traffic
Everyone Inside The Car Is Always In A Good And Peaceful Mood.
I Have Noticed There are Less People Honking & I Some How Manage To Find Little Place
To Move Ahead In The Worst Bottle Neck Mumbai Traffic.

May Be The Effects Are Even More Powerful For Me In Combination With HFA MINI ..

These Days Peter, I Have Been Experimenting With Intend Linked With My HFA That It Always
And I Am Just So Amazed To See Similar And Wonderful Results.

What Amazes Me is Even Though It’s Inside The HFA BOX and In My SLING BAG …
But It’s Still Creating It’s Energy Field And Giving Me Similar Results …

( Must Admit HFA is So Beautiful That I Just Don’t Feel Like Removing It Out Of The BOX ..
Just Want It 2 be Kept SAFE INSIDE THE BOX in the Best Condition..
That’s Why Have It In The Box and In My Sling Bag Always With Me )

Another Thing What I Have Noticed Is And Have Been Complimented By Friends & Relatives
is That Whenever I Am With Them – They Feel Peaceful And Happy With Me Around.
PEACE BEGINS WITH ME I GUESS 😛 and It’s All Thanks To Combination Of HFA and HFA MINI … he he he

3. HFA PLUS v2

In Regards To My HFA Plus V2 I have Kept It Besides My Temple In The Center Of My House.
I Have Kept It In The Box With Its Cover Opened And Linked To My House…

Well Thus Far What I Have Noticed Is There Used To Be A Lot Of Conflict Within My Family.
Specially Among My Brother His Wife And My Mother. This Conflict Has Reduced So Much At
There’s Peaceful Ambience In My House.

All Guest and Relatives Who Visit My House Always Compliment And Mention About How
Peaceful Happy And Relaxed They Feel Being Here.

It’s All Thanks To HFA+v2.
There Might Be A Lot Other Things and ENERGIES MY HFA+ Must Be Protecting My House
From Which I AM just Not Aware.


I Want To Thank You Peter, You’ve Made Such A Positive Difference In My Life
And You Continue To Do So With Everything That You Are Doing To Help Improve
And Upgrade Humanity Through Your Wonderful Wisdom Knowledge Products & Services.

Request You To PLEASE NEVER STOP And Continue To Do As You Don’t Know The Effects It’s Having
For All Those Souls Who Searching For Answers To Their Problems.

Your An Angel Peter – I LOVE YOU
Thank You For Your Presence In My Life

Love & Light Blessings Your Way….

Sureender Singh
Mumbai – India

Sureender Singh Self Employed HFA / HFA MINI & HFA PLUS V2 27 de diciembre de 2018

Somnum Machina – aid in sleep and jet lag

I utilize many of Peter’s physical products. My most recent purchase was the Somnum Machina. I had the device for 3 weeks before embarking on a whirlwind business trip. Prior to my trip, I used 3 of the somnum machina settings and had better than average sleep. Leaving for my trip, I left the myrrh compass rose to watch over my property, and the HFA (travel) to watch over my car in my absence. I only took the HFA mini with me.

Travelling internationally with multiple hotels and time zone changes, normally I would have trouble sleeping. Instead, I decided to utilize the somnum machina, and mentally set the sleep state that I wanted, and surprising slept very well. I slept so well that on one instance, the hotel staff had to give me multiple wake up calls. Apparently, I slept through the first call, so they called again until I finally answered. I guess I should have given the somnum machina the directive to let me sleep for a set amount of time. Due to my limited luggage space, I could not physically bring the somnum machina, but was able to utilize it like having it on the cloud.

An unexpected benefit derived from the somnum machina was the absence of jet lag. In the past when I travelled overseas, I would come back fighting jet lag, and would have a hard time functioning at work for the first few days back. This time, I did not have any sleep issues nor tiredness upon my return, and went to work the following day. I had actually planned for jet lag, a consistent factor with my past travels, and was pleasantly surprised when I did not have any this time.

That’s why I love Peter’s tools. They are not confined, and expand upon discovery.

I hope you too get to discover the magic and power of these MDM products…..

Jenny L California diciembre 10, 2018


As I slipped on my I Am Peaceful bracelet it became one with my energy becoming aligned and allowing with grace and ease. My husband (Bill) commented on how well it is made.
While wearing my I Am Peaceful bracelet on the way to a luncheon, I saw my exit coming up but passed it. I found the next exit to turn around and back track, this happen a second time. I wasn’t upset, but in the past, I would of been. My heart would be racing and blood pressure raising. Not this time! This was surreal! Since wearing the I Am Peaceful bracelet I have noticed subtle experiences that would of upset me, now I remain calm, flowing with this peaceful vibe. Such a joy, with gratitude. Makes me smile every time I put it on.

Betty Byrnes I AM PEACEFUL BRACELET diciembre 10, 2018


my life seems easier and feels MUCH calmer and more balanced…even when the difficult things are happening around me or directed at me…I am amazed at how much calmer.. I am feeling…my Reactions ..are more positive & calmer Actions instead…
I do NOT want to take my bracelet off…and am still looking for just the right chain for my mini… together I feel well SO GOOD …I hear myself saying .. now when am I going to wear my other jewelry?

lol As I do NOT want to take them off…the VERY BEST Birthday and Christmas present to give MYSELF !

Caite Sagehorn retired I AM PRESENCE & MINI RESONATOR diciembre 10, 2018


As Cinderella, I was made to clean up other peoples messes , but the way I did it, was always wrong, brought retaliation , punishment, and fear of success, fear of failure. One day, an I AM FEARLESS bracelet arrived. Since I was left alone in a very unsafe environment I decided to use it’s magic to push through my biggest fear. Abandonment total despair. The IAM Fearless Bracelet is a BAND ON ME that I use to push through to my financial independence . I AM FEARLESS and recognize the power within.

Cinderella with guts diciembre 10, 2018

Somnum Machina-Ambien Can’t Even Touch This!

I have had my Somnum Machina now for about 3-4 weeks. I am a super busy physician who is on call 1 week every 3 weeks and I have been dealing with chronic insomnia x multiple years. I am often awakened at night on call with the inability to sleep after this + even when off duty, I still sleep quite poorly. I have tried almost every supplement/device under the sun for my insomnia and they work on a very temporary basis, if at all. Once I set up my Machina in my bedroom, I have had the best sleep of my life! My dreams are so vivid as well. I awaken fully refreshed/so full of energy!
And, I’m just using one of the sleep settings right now/wait till I see what this device can really do! Improved sleep is merely one of many programmed functions, that the Somnum can do.

Ambien, can’t hold a candle to this amazing creation from Peter!

-Thank You again, Peter. You are a genius.

Dr. James Jackson DO
Family Medicine Physician

P.S. I will next do a testimonial on the Receiving Workshop Series. There is nothing like this anywhere on the planet!

James Jackson Primary Care Physician Somnum Machina diciembre 3, 2018
