

Hola Peter,
Conseguí que alguien hiciera un vídeo relativo a mi fabulosa sesión que tan amablemente me ofreciste. No pude decir todo lo que quería para que no fuera demasiado largo ya que temía no recibirlo en mi correo electrónico como la última vez y no poder reenviártelo.
Así que básicamente estaba un poco nervioso haciéndolo.
¡Sólo quería decirte que eres realmente el mejor! Eres una superestrella. Sentí el primer cambio muy fuerte. Fue como si me hubieras quitado un gran peso de encima y el otro cambio también fue muy fuerte. Me he estado sintiendo mucho más armoniosa, más presente sin parloteo mental y lista para enfrentar cualquier obstáculo que se me presente con coraje y entusiasmo. Tengo mucha más claridad mental y ahora veo la vida como algo que sucede a mi favor y no en mi contra. Me has hecho cambiar toda mi perspectiva, lo cual es maravilloso. Duermo mucho mejor y ya no necesito tantas horas para dormir. Me despierto sintiéndome muy fresca e increíble.
Me encantan todos sus productos y quiero comprarlos todos tan pronto como pueda. Actualmente todavía tengo que trabajar en mi abundancia financiera que estoy haciendo con el Aquaware 5 y mi HFA mini, los cursos y los otros productos que conseguí de usted.
Todo lo que puedo decirte es que estoy muy contenta de que estés en mi vida. También quiero agradecerte tanto por haber actualizado mi Lightbody que también amo tanto y uso.
Muchas gracias por todo lo que ya han hecho por mí. No saben cuánto significa esto para mí. Tengo 65 años, casi 66, y vivo en Portugal. Tengo un hijo y tres nietos preciosos que viven en Maputo, Mozambique. Vienen un mes cada año.
Con tu magnífica sesión me hiciste darme cuenta de que la vida es todo cambio y que siempre nos estamos transcendiendo y definitivamente lograste elevar mi conciencia y mi frecuencia y veo las cosas de una manera mucho más divertida y con más claridad. Ya no tengo miedo del futuro y simplemente veo la vida desde una perspectiva completamente diferente. No sólo eso, sino que también me di cuenta de que la vida y todo es sólo una cuestión de perspectiva. ¿No es hermoso?
No puedo agradecerte lo suficiente la forma tan encantadora en que has cambiado mi vida. Te quiero Peter por lo que eres. Estoy realmente muy agradecida, agradecida y apreciada de que estés aquí en el mundo trayéndonos todos tus excelentes productos, sesiones y cursos que están ayudando a la humanidad a ir por la vida con mucha más gracia y facilidad y también a tener el enfoque correcto de la vida.
Todo mi cariño y aprecio siempre,

maría josé costa sesiones 1 de mayo de 2018


I have almost all of Peter’s products. The stress in my life has altered in a dramatic way. I am especially excited to be using the mini terra resonator and have recently ordered the bundle. I really appreciate what you do Peter and thank you for all that you offer us.

Sincerely Inga

Inga abril 25, 2018


I bought two MCR to clear my land and my house.
Last November, I activated my MCR in my back yard where I stored building products on pallets; underneath houses many stray cats from my neighborhood. Days after, when I getting home, all the cats were in my front lawn. They all turned around to look at me. I said hello to all of them. Since then, some have been adopted.
Another day, one or two cats crying in my backyard for days. When I saw them, I communicated with them and it has been quiet since. They have adjusted to MCR energy.
Its energy is calm and protective.
I am buying more MCR.
Good work Peter!

Rotimi Lawani 1277 W. Wabash St MCR abril 21, 2018

Wonderful Manifestation tool!

Three weeks ago I added mini and Tr+ to my tools.
I put an intention for my son to be employed. Two months ago, he was hired by the State but not given a starting date. He was struggling to get a start date from personnel director which was not forthcoming. Three days before TR+ arrived, he applied for same position through an outside agency.
My TR+ arrived, I added an intention for him to simply get a job. On the third day, both the State and outside Agency called him almost the same time asking him to provide them with a start date!
Keeping the intention simple is very important.
I used my TRs to energize everything that I eat, taste and nutritional values have greatly improved.
In many ways, I have manifested faster using Peter’s tools.
Peter, keep up with your inventions!

Lawani, Rotimi 1277 W. Wabash St Terra Resonator+ abril 21, 2018

Swiss=style precision in psychic ability

Hice una lectura energética con Peter y me quedé asombrada de cómo pudo incluso señalar la fecha exacta en la que tuve un trauma importante y la sesión me ayudó seriamente a limpiar los residuos de emociones no deseadas, el trauma en otras palabras. Pete tiene una capacidad psíquica al estilo suizo. Y le sugerí que se concentrara también en trabajar con suizos, ya que ellos aprecian una precisión tan notable.

Christtoff Flipper Schulz alquimista BC, Canadá 14 de abril de 2018


I’ve always been a great lover of quality water. It’s my favorite drink. Everyone who knows me calls me an Aquaholic. Since I have been using Navitus 5 to program my water for very high energy, I have felt so healthy and energetic and all of my hundred trillion cells keep thanking me for feeling so good and healthy. I stopped drinking coffee and any other drink that is supposed to give us energy because I simply don’t need it and don’t have to depend on them anymore.
My magnificent Navitus high energy water not only gives me all the energy I need all day long, but I feel as if it also raises my frequency and helps me to feel more present and not feel tired and miserable anymore in mid afternoon as I used to feel. Even when I drank coffee, I would feel a different false energy for a while, which would rise and then fall after a while and make me feel very unhealthy and impatient. My Navitus miracle energy water makes me feel the healthiest and most joyous person under the sun!
Thank you so much Peter for being in my life and for bringing all these magnificent products that really work at all levels of our physical and spiritual anatomy. I just love all of your products which you, as an absolute magnificent genius bring forth with such love and care and make available to all of us which helps us raise our frequency and consciousness from 3D – the limited logic of the mind, to 5D, the limitless love of the heart with all possibilities. I’m very thankfull, grateful and appreciative for the fabulous way you have changed my life in such a beautiful and loving way.
All my love and much gratitude always,
Maria from Portugal

maría josé costa NAVITUS 5 abril 10, 2018

Peter your products totally rock!!!

Peter is someone that I have to be always interesting, and quite knowledgeable. I am not a big fan of technology,however Peter’s creations/products has put a positive outlook for me. What can I say? I have had success with his stuff that I have experienced so far.

Looking forward to explore more of your products Peter. Be blessed.

Leisa Elliott YouTube Videos/Darius abril 9, 2018


i just love my lightbody software because I tried everything to lose weight and just could not for some reason. I used the inner beauty to program my water and the other options as well and then, as if by magic, without dieting at all, I just started losing all that excess weight which made me feel so miserable. I started loving myself and feeling so good as if all that energetic and physical weight just left my body. I feel so much joy and happiness and just absolutely love my own company. I stopped beating myself My friend commented that I looked radiant and that there was a special shine all around me and that I had a much sweeter and loving nature. They said that they felt a lot of peace and harmony when they were with me.
Thank you so much Peter, I’m so glad you are in my life and so grateful for all of the products you have so graciously made available to all humanity and which are helping all of us so much.
Many blessings,
Maria from Portugal.

maría josé costa PORTUGAL - LIGHTBODY abril 9, 2018

Creams Lotions Toothpaste and Facial Cleanser

I have discovered that by holding my Facial Cleansers , Creams and Lotions ( I buy them on sale at the pharmacy, ) while running an Aquaware5 Custom Intention for Perfect Skin, Anti Aging, Hydration, Skin Cancer Prevention, Tea Tree Oil, and whatever pops into my head, converts a $10.00 off the shelf product, into a powerful, yet gentle skin formula. Regarding Toothpaste, I create a Custom Intention for Teeth and Gum Health etc. I not only save money that I need for other things, but I self nourish my health and well being.
Thank you Peter.

Aquaware Fan for over 5 years Aquaware abril 5, 2018


I have been using my beloved HFA Mini for roughly a year. I consider it as my best friend. I feel that the consciousness of my HFA Mini has not only changed me for the better but also all the people around me and all those that I come in contact with. I am always so well treated by everybody. It raises my consciousness in such a way that seems to affect other people in such a beautiful way that they seem to enjoy my company by feeling the peace and love and compassion that I emanate, as they have mentionned to me.
I makes me feel so strong and secure and joyous. Whenever an obstacle arises, and there seems to be no way out, it is as if my mini shows me a God solution and shows me how to solve it without my feeling frustrated or worried as used to happen before I got it. I just would not part with it for the world! It really has a consciousness and is my best friend, one I can really count on for the best advice always.
Thank you so much and now I’m really looking forward to have the bracelet that is going to come out in June,
All my love,,
Maria from Portugal.

maría josé costa av. luis de camoes, 16 - 6D PORTUGAL - HFA MINI abril 2, 2018
