
My Personal Revelation : Tweety Bird Quote

Llegué a la conclusión de que los profesionales de la salud y la atención sanitaria son testarudos.
Eso es lo que hacen. De lo que no era consciente era de la profundidad del efecto que la opinión de una figura de autoridad tenía sobre mi verdad, mi conocimiento...., hasta que recibí una SESIÓN ENERGÉTICA DE LIMPIEZA DEL NÚCLEO de PETER SCHENK. Fui capaz de MANTENER la esencia de mi misión mientras velaba a un familiar en el hospicio, manteniendo el espacio sagrado sin importar nada.

No nos "conocen muy bien, ¿verdad?" 31 de marzo de 2018

Sourxe 5 y el cuerpo Geometría

Sigo a Peter desde hace más de un año, tengo el Sourxe 5 y lo uso todos los días para programar mi agua y la de mis mascotas. Me encanta la Geometría corporal que el Sr. Peter ha compartido con nosotros y siento que funcionan como una especie de encanto. Si quieres que tu vida cambie, haz el trabajo. Peter te da las herramientas para hacerlo. Todo lo que puedo decir es Gracias Sr. Peter. si pudiera hacer un video lo haría. Estoy creciendo y trabajando en todas las cosas. Bendiciones a todos. Obtenga herramientas Peters hacer el trabajo de su auto va a ser tan feliz de haberlo hecho <3 Judy de Kansas

Judy Huffman 919 marsh Ave Sourxe 5 y geometría corporal 31 de marzo de 2018

I don’t leave home without my HFA Mini.

I honestly will not leave home without my HFA Mini. I hold two jobs, both dealing with the public. It is common for me to serve 300 to 400 people in one day. Since I began wearing the mini, I noticed that my interactions with people go so much more smoothly. It’s very common for me to hear “You always have a smile on your face”, or “I love to be in your line because you’re always so nice.” Honestly I’m the same person I was before, but the Mini makes people nicer to me!
I often receive compliments on how beautiful it is and it is also a joy to wear. During the rare times these days when I’m feeling stressed, all I have to do is look down and absorb the frequency of the infinity symbol-and I’m good to go. I love mine so much I bought one for each if my children too.

Kelli Carlson Boulder City, NV HFA Mini 29 de marzo de 2018

HFA-a New Way To Travel

I simply love love love the HFAs that I ordered for myself and my sis, and then more later on for my hubby and my sis’ hubby (my bro-in-law), and then another one for my sister’s new car, as she planned to give her older car to her step-daughter. We’ve all had great experiences with our HFAs, and both me and my bro-in-law were able to avoid a potential car accident at one point. One time when I was changing lanes while driving, I almost hit another car, as I didn’t see him in my blind spot somehow, so I was amazed he managed to quickly move out of my way (not sure how that happened) without me hitting him, and sounded the horn. What a close call!

My sister used to often get in some types of small fender-benders accidents before, and has never experienced any of that for maybe a year now after I got her the HFA for her car. Then she told me her hubby has been getting in quite a few major car accidents in the past few years (sometimes not his fault) which has brought up his car insurance quite a bit, so she asked me to buy one for him, to help prevent future accidents. My hubby’s older car seems to need a lot of fixing every once in a while, and he kinda gets agitated with other road rage drivers, and sometimes gets stuck in bad traffic, which is not the most pleasant thing to deal with. So I also ended up ordering an HFA for him at the same time as I did for my bro-in-law, even though these men don’t really believe in these types of consciousness technology products, that me & my sis both highly believe in…lol. Now my bro-in-law hasn’t been in any car accidents ever since he got his HFA in his car (for a few months now), and I notice my hubby is more calm and smart with finding small routes to easily avoid the big traffic jams around us when driving around with me as a passenger in his car. When i’m driving my car, and he’s sitting next to me in the passenger seat, he used to often has so many negative things to comment about my driving skills. After I got my HFA in my car, he became more quiet, and relaxed instantly, and sometimes would start whistling instead in my car. How Amazing!

I always feel a sense of loving peace and calm now with the presence of HFA in any car, and never have to worry about getting in a car accident or meeting other road rage drivers.

One time I forgot to take out some fresh flowers I bought from a grocery store that fell behind somewhere hidden when removing groceries from the trunk of my car, until 4 days later when I all of a sudden remembered that I bought them. Ha! I was so surprised to find them still alive and fresh, with no water after 4 days being left in the trunk of car. It was cold winter here at the time in Dec. in Canada, so maybe that helped to keep it semi-fresh, but i’m sure it’s my HFA that kept it more fresh longer than usual. I think i’ve had another instance where I forgot some fresh flowers in my car before during the summer many years ago, and after just one day the flowers were all dead already (with no HFA of course back then). It’s also much easier to find parking in a full parking lot, just by talking to my HFA to ask it to please help me find parking when someone might be leaving soon, and voila, usually within a few minutes or so (never longer than 10 or 15 mins i think), a space would open up for me. So incredibly grateful for owning quite a few of Peter’s super-amazing MDM products, that has made me and my family’s life so much easier and better than before in countless infinite ways! Thank you so much Peter for keep coming up with all these totally Spectacular Phenomenal Outta this world type of creations to help improve so many people’s lives in this planet by raising our vibrations through all your magical MDM products.


Emily Lai RN Canada/HFA 29 de marzo de 2018

I AM pyramids are incredible!

I LOVE my 6 I AM pyramids. I have I AM Love, Safe, Sourxe, Fearless, Capable and Purpose. I keep them arranged in a star on my dresser next to my bed. I have some difficult neighbors, and I used to have to regularly clean the energetic space of my property. Since activating the pyramids, I no longer have to clear the space. I also use the pyramids to charge my crystal collection, and I no longer have to do any other form of clearing my crystals and jewelry after wearing them.

I also take the individual pyramids with me in my pocket when I anticipate a challenging day, or particularly Sourxe, Capable or Purpose when I need to complete a project. They help me to align internally with the energy to manifest. I look forward to adding more to my home.

Kelli Carlson Boulder City, NV I AM Pirámides 29 de marzo de 2018

Vídeos sobre geometría corporal

Utilizo el software MDM a diario, por lo que mi portátil suele estar disponible.
Sin embargo, ocurren cosas como el dolor, patrones de emoción atascados como depresióntrauma, lo que sea. Peter ha subido videos que abordan estas cuestiones en utube, y su sitio web. Se puede acceder a ellos sobre la marcha, utilizando un iPhone, etc,. que trabajan para disolver la mente / cuerpo y una vez que aprender los movimientos de la mano, que acaba de hacer en el momento. Gracias por su generosa
soluciones para mi cuerpo mente y espíritu.

Cliente agradecido 29 de marzo de 2018

Blessed with Terra Resonator Mini

I received the lovely Terra Resonator Mini a month ago and I have had much joy playing with this magic tool!!! As I am traveling 84 times around the sun and mainly just in a small apartment I have energized everything in sight!!! My intentions have expanded towards the larger world outside my view which I cannot measure……but I have had more Spiritual Openings than I have ever witnessed…it is a whirlwind…think it is all connected in perfect timing! Thanks, Peter, for this Tool and Blessings…

Elizabeth Hunter Retirado Terra Resonator Mini/ Palm Beach Gardens Florida marzo 26, 2018

HFA Mini

I would like to say that thinking outside of the box is a great thing to do with any of Peter’s products. I did just that with the HFA Mini and what a difference it made for me. Peter says the products have consciousness and he is so right with that. I have been wearing my Mini for a few months now on a chain and have been having wonderful results keeping things clear around me. I work on a surgical unit in a very busy hospital with as you can imagine tons of stuff all around me. Well for usually stuff can happen in a heart beat around me, good and bad. However since wearing my Mini to work things seem to be much calmer and easily handled.

I recently have been feeling a pressure and discomfort over the liver area on my right side, so the idea came to me to take the Mini off the chain and put just above my Liver are using a pin to my shirt. Within about 5 minutes I could feel a reduction in the pressure and discomfort to my side. Since then I have kept it there and I continue to have freedom to this area. I also noticed that my digestion is much better with less bloating after eating certain kinds of meals, ie: pasta or breads.

So take Peters advise and think outside the box and talk to your Mini or any of his other products and see what happens. I am certainly glad I have, I will be trying this with other things in the future if needed for certain. :))))

Thank you very much Peter and the Universe for these wonderful products.


Susan J Licensed Practical Nurse Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, HFA Mini marzo 23, 2018


Un testimonio sobre mi sesión energética privada con Peter Schenk hace 2 semanas. He tenido sesiones de energía en el pasado, por diferentes personas, y nunca sentí un cambio de mi campo de energía. ¿Qué gran diferencia en mi sesión con Peter?
Al comenzar la sesión, sentí pequeños cambios en mi campo energético. A los 10 minutos de la sesión tuve una GRAN liberación de energía bloqueada. ¡¡¡WOW!!!
Mi cuerpo energético se siente mucho más ligero y feliz ahora. Si nunca has tenido una sesión privada con Peter te recomiendo encarecidamente una. Lo más maravilloso es que no tienes que esperar semanas, meses y años para ver los resultados. Puedes tener los resultados ahora.
Las sesiones, así como los productos de Peter, cambiarán tu vida de la forma más positiva. Muchas gracias Peter. Todo tu trabajo es "Totalmente Impresionante".

Sandra Howell Jubilado/discapacitado Sesión Energética Privada con Peter Schenk 20 de marzo de 2018

HFA Mini

I’ve been using the HFA mini for a little over a year.
When I first got it, it was working so well I thought I was allergic to it because it was clearing out kidney stones FAST. LOL! Talked with Peter & he told me to have it slow down which worked.
I was SO glad to have this with me when I had to be out of town for work for two months. Nothing like living out of a hotel room, keeping weird hours & not eating my normal diet. The HFA kept me calm & healthy in a VERY stressful environment. I’m not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t been wearing the mini daily. So for everyone out there who thinks this is too good to be true, give it a try, it will surprise you.

p.s.-watch the MDM minutes on YouTube, Peter is a hoot! : )

Andrea Designer CA/HFA Mini 20 de marzo de 2018
