I simply love love love the HFAs that I ordered for myself and my sis, and then more later on for my hubby and my sis’ hubby (my bro-in-law), and then another one for my sister’s new car, as she planned to give her older car to her step-daughter. We’ve all had great experiences with our HFAs, and both me and my bro-in-law were able to avoid a potential car accident at one point. One time when I was changing lanes while driving, I almost hit another car, as I didn’t see him in my blind spot somehow, so I was amazed he managed to quickly move out of my way (not sure how that happened) without me hitting him, and sounded the horn. What a close call!
My sister used to often get in some types of small fender-benders accidents before, and has never experienced any of that for maybe a year now after I got her the HFA for her car. Then she told me her hubby has been getting in quite a few major car accidents in the past few years (sometimes not his fault) which has brought up his car insurance quite a bit, so she asked me to buy one for him, to help prevent future accidents. My hubby’s older car seems to need a lot of fixing every once in a while, and he kinda gets agitated with other road rage drivers, and sometimes gets stuck in bad traffic, which is not the most pleasant thing to deal with. So I also ended up ordering an HFA for him at the same time as I did for my bro-in-law, even though these men don’t really believe in these types of consciousness technology products, that me & my sis both highly believe in…lol. Now my bro-in-law hasn’t been in any car accidents ever since he got his HFA in his car (for a few months now), and I notice my hubby is more calm and smart with finding small routes to easily avoid the big traffic jams around us when driving around with me as a passenger in his car. When i’m driving my car, and he’s sitting next to me in the passenger seat, he used to often has so many negative things to comment about my driving skills. After I got my HFA in my car, he became more quiet, and relaxed instantly, and sometimes would start whistling instead in my car. How Amazing!
I always feel a sense of loving peace and calm now with the presence of HFA in any car, and never have to worry about getting in a car accident or meeting other road rage drivers.
One time I forgot to take out some fresh flowers I bought from a grocery store that fell behind somewhere hidden when removing groceries from the trunk of my car, until 4 days later when I all of a sudden remembered that I bought them. Ha! I was so surprised to find them still alive and fresh, with no water after 4 days being left in the trunk of car. It was cold winter here at the time in Dec. in Canada, so maybe that helped to keep it semi-fresh, but i’m sure it’s my HFA that kept it more fresh longer than usual. I think i’ve had another instance where I forgot some fresh flowers in my car before during the summer many years ago, and after just one day the flowers were all dead already (with no HFA of course back then). It’s also much easier to find parking in a full parking lot, just by talking to my HFA to ask it to please help me find parking when someone might be leaving soon, and voila, usually within a few minutes or so (never longer than 10 or 15 mins i think), a space would open up for me. So incredibly grateful for owning quite a few of Peter’s super-amazing MDM products, that has made me and my family’s life so much easier and better than before in countless infinite ways! Thank you so much Peter for keep coming up with all these totally Spectacular Phenomenal Outta this world type of creations to help improve so many people’s lives in this planet by raising our vibrations through all your magical MDM products.