
Harmonic field amplifier for car

I bought the HFA for my car just about a year ago. I wanted a smooth trip to North Carolina from PA to pick my daughter up from school. In the past, this trip has taken me up to 8.5 hours. The traffic going through Washington DC can be horrendous at any time of the day. I picked my HFA up from the post office and just the box vibrated at an incredible rate. It is beautifully packaged and quite a sight to behold just out of the box. My trip to North Carolina took me 6 hours and 45 minutes!! I hit no traffic through DC and I kid you not, I didn’t hit a single red light until I got to North Carolina. There were probably somewhere between 30-40 lights. WOW. I have a friend who is very sensitive to energy and she could just feel its power. I also think that I can communicate with it for making my trip smoother….ie please let this U turn be fast and simple. Try it for yourself. Janet

Janet Duffy Thoroughlykneaded.com 14 de marzo de 2018

Goodbye Hives!

I recently had a bit of health problems and after suddenly having hives and never had it before, I was in so much trouble scratching I was at my wits end. One minute I was ok, the next, half my body was covered in angry red blotches that are painful and itchy. The first lot went in 8 hours. They came back with a vengence 2 days later and this time covers me from chest down all the way to the legs, I was a sight to behold NOT! I decided to have a bath with bicarb soda and thought why not use Aquaware 4.0 ( one day I will have money to get 5.0) to program the water while I am having a bath anyway, so I found the program for Hives and had a nice relaxing bath. Later that day my skin started to return to normal and by the next day I show no signs of having Hives and it has been 2 weeks since and I am happy to say a permanent goodbye to Hives!! Thanks Peter for your amazing programs! I am going to manifest the money for Sourxe V and Aquaware 5! Can’t wait to see what else I can do with your program!!

Kate Daniel Aquaware 4.0 14 de marzo de 2018

Amazing Private Session!

Después de tres años de sesiones con Peter ahora son parte de mi presupuesto anual y él todavía me está sorprendiendo. En el otoño de 2016 sentí que algo estaba realmente mal con mi cerebro. Estaba afectando a mi pensamiento y era más que una niebla. Fui a la tienda local de alimentos saludables porque pensé que podría necesitar un suplemento para el cerebro y me dieron el nombre de un intuitivo en la costa oeste. Tomé la app't con el intuitivo y me preguntaron qué estaba haciendo porque tenía una inmensa cantidad de radiación en la cabeza. Recibí el buen consejo de mantener mi ordenador lejos de mi dormitorio y supe que necesitaba algo de ayuda así que conseguí una app't con Peter y sin darle ninguna pista, la 1ª cosa que Peter me dijo fue: "¿Qué has estado haciendo, metiendo la cabeza en un microondas?". Era una persona nueva después de la sesión. Era capaz de pensar de nuevo. Un escéptico podría argumentar que esto suena a efecto placebo, pero he tenido varias sesiones con Peter a lo largo de los años y siempre he obtenido resultados. La única razón por la que publiqué este testimonio es porque un intuitivo/curandero en la Costa Oeste y un Místico del Día Moderno en la Costa Este obtuvieron la misma respuesta. He dejado muchos testimonios que incluso a mí me costaría creer si no me hubieran ocurrido a mí o a un miembro de mi familia. Más recientemente, durante las sesiones he podido ver la presentación de diapositivas de la energía que Peter está enviando o cambiando, lo que ha añadido una dimensión totalmente nueva a la experiencia.

Barbara Lammi Chilliwack, Canadá 14 de marzo de 2018

I found a new way to use my IAM SAFE PYRAMID

I shoveled my car out of a snowbank and the next day I could not walk due to a pulled hamstring. Pain level High 10-1 LOW was a 20. Unreal. First I took a bath in Aquaware water programmed with TRAUMA at 100%. Pain down to a 15, but I could not walk . I asked my HFA MINI, what to do? Answer: Use the IAM SAFE PYRAMID. Sooooooooo, I put the Pyramid on my butt and just let it stay. After an hour, I moved the PYRAMID over the hamstring up and down my leg. Thirty minutes later, THE PAIN WAS GONE. TOTALLY GONE. I could walk, bend, and lift my knee. Thank you Peter for your amazing products.


HFA a new way to travel driving in a snow storm

Driving in todays snowstorm was very dangerous. I called upon my HFA a new way to travel to help me drive up hills, allow me to drive slow and safe due to poor visibility and stay focused……I did go off the road, called my roadside service, and was towed to were I needed to go. The service came in 30 minutes ( that is fast),
The driver was awesome, and guided me to assist him by shifting gears etc. We were a team. That was an amazing experience. I love my HFA and it loves me.

Grateful Driver HFA a new way to travel marzo 8, 2018

private session

Trabajo en el sector sanitario desde que nací. También he sufrido traumas debido a procedimientos invasivos que no están diseñados para curar, sino para explorar y proporcionar datos a los profesionales sanitarios. Por supuesto, las pruebas son necesarias, a veces se abusa de ellas, pero en mi caso, el trauma, desalineó mi sistema energético.
Lo sé desde que tenía dos años. Me criaron mis padres desalineados, que me enviaron a escuelas, hospitales, etc. que no "me entendían". Esta ha sido mi opinión al respecto. El 5 de marzo de 2018 a las 7: 30 pm elegí detener este patrón, y recibí ( me arriesgué) una sesión privada con Peter. Peter tiene la extraña capacidad y habilidad de traer , lo que se sintió como una energía suave, pero poderosa que infunde las energías contraídas ( traumáticas ) con amor, luz y vibración. Me sentí segura, seguí respirando (confío en Peter, sólo hay que leer todos los otros testimonios) y en 30 minutos o más (Peter se queda hasta que el TRABAJO está hecho), las áreas de mi cabeza, cuello, hombros, se expandieron, se sintieron más ligeras y amadas. Este trauma fue de adentro hacia afuera. Repetida sobreestimulación de la respiración / áreas digestivas del cuerpo de forma intermitente durante más de 18 años. (Supongo que los proveedores de atención médica no tenían pruebas suficientes para hacer un diagnóstico preciso). ESTOY SIN MIEDO ESTOY en una alineación resucitada que me guiará para continuar ayudándome a mí misma y a los demás, de la única manera que sé... Es un honor recibir una sesión privada de Peter Schenk y poseer sus hermosas creaciones (productos y servicios). A veces me hacen llorar por la profundidad que encierran.

Enfermera agradecida R N L P C 6 de marzo de 2018

OMG!! Phenomenal private session with Peter !!

Tuve la sesión más increíble con Peter. Yo estaba trabajando en el amor y la abundancia. La energía de Peter era muy fuerte y poderosa. Definitivamente estaba sintiendo todos los cambios. Estoy emocionada por las cosas que vendrán porque sé que ya no estoy en una vibración estancada. Si nunca has tenido una sesión con Peter, te lo recomiendo encarecidamente. Definitivamente cambia la vida. Sé que ya no soy la misma.

Ángela Muñoz Sesión privada 2 de marzo de 2018

Session with Peter Schenk

El jueves 22 tuve una sesión con Peter. Ahora, unos días después, puedo decir que muchos de mis desequilibrios de salud se han equilibrado y normalizado. Mi corazón iba fuera de ritmo, dándome debilidad ocasional - se ha convertido en normal y me siento mucho mejor físicamente, así como emocionalmente, ya que aclaró un patrón de larga data de un incidente hace años - un incidente que ni siquiera recordaba. ¡También una cadera que seguía saliendo y necesitaba reajustes quiroprácticos con frecuencia - que se ha aclarado y casi es difícil de creer, pero es verdad! Sabía que las incidencias del pasado crean un patrón en nosotros que puede reproducirse una y otra vez en nuestras vidas, pero a veces es difícil sacarlas a la luz para limpiarlas. Ni siquiera sabemos dónde,
qué, por qué están ahí.
Mi pensamiento es más claro, y estoy en un espacio más positivo - ¡más feliz! Así que muchas gracias Peter, que buen trabajo estás haciendo. Manorama Ananda Vancouver BC Canada ..

Manorama Ananda 109-14280 Avenida 19a sesión con Peter 27 de febrero de 2018

Terra Resonater / Got my dream job / Long term unemployed

This is Aria from Canada and I want to share with you my magical experience with Terra Resonator; the latest mind blowing product of Peter Schenk. I have Peter`s Sourxe 5 and Aquaware 5 software programs and HFA mini. I have been using them in every day and my life changed dramatically in a good way. And this time with Terra Resonator, I got my dream job ! I was long term unemployed (more than four years) and could not purchase TR due to lack of money. I requested help from Christy Warnick, who is an energy healer and has got the TR already. She accepted to help me. Christy wrote on a paper my dream job`s name/title, company and city, and put this paper and my photo on the TR with the intention of having the job with best and highest good for me and the company. She repeated the process a few times during the couple of weeks. I updated her about the interview, then reference checks and the job offer ! Yes, I got the job offer beyond my expectations !!! TR cleaned the blocks regarding my fears about being unemployed, self worth issues, and gave me strength, boosted self confident and self respect. TR gives you limitless opportunities and the best outcomes based on your personal needs and circumstances. How cool is that ? I am very much happy and excited having my dream job. And I will save money for buying TR plus. Thank you Peter for giving us this amazing product and thank you Christy Warnick for helping and supporting me ! I absolutely recommend everyone to buy a TR, either regular, mini or plus size. Like all Peter`s products, Terra Resonator is also out of this world !

Aria Anderson Resonador Terra 25 de febrero de 2018

I AM Sourxe Pyramid – Bronze

* During the first few days I noticed that TINY HOLES IN MY AURA were being PATCHED-UP.
* Really deep, smooth and BALANCED SLEEP since I received the pyramid 5 weeks ago. I had not experienced this kind of sleep before. The initial vivid dreams were toned down after I asked for more harmonious and calmer ones.
* ONGOING DETOX of my energy fields. The muddy colour I saw with my minds eye all over me at the beginning, is gradually becoming lighter. I experienced the detox initially as very strong, therefore asked the pyramid to slow it down. So it did. There was a buffer in place from the start. If I had not asked for a slower detox, the buffer would have made it bearable anyway. You can always ask for a course correction, though!
* Very uncomfortable, even energetically PAINFUL FEELING in my SOLAR PLEXUS on the 2nd or 3rd day, DISAPPEARED.
I have noticed this pain on several occasions before and used to ignore it. With the pyramid at hand, I decided to do something about it and placed it on this area for about 30 seconds while breathing deeply. Guess what, the solar plexus started to pump like a heart and breath more freely. The pressure has not returned.
* TENSION HEADACHES, which recently happened in the evenings, RELEASED. I placed the bottom side of the pyramid on various places on my head and body for approximately 30 seconds on each location. The pain quickly lessened or disappeared and I woke-up refreshed the next morning.
* Can´t focus? Pacing in a room with the pyramid in my hands, sometimes with my eyes closed, helps me to CENTRE AND CALM DOWN.
* I particularly like holding the pyramid bottom to my ears, top of the head, kidneys and on my adrenal glands – this is DEEPLY RELAXING for me.
* My mind is usually too active to sit in MEDITATION. With the pyramid in my hands I can do this for some time. Focusing on optimal weather conditions all over the world, governments working optimally FOR the people and family members in need of energetic assistance, are things I will focus on next. I have already put it on my purse occasionally, when I felt that my purse wanted to be out of the bag I usually store it in.

The pyramid and its box with the various symbols make for great ornaments in any room.
I like the the bronze colour and the fine horizontal lines on the surface. It is a great companion for me. Considering that I did not know what to do with it at the beginning, we have grown quite accustomed to each other.
With 13 I AM Pyramids and 2 colours to choose from, there is at least one for everyone. I AM TOTALLY HAPPY WITH MY CHOICE. Thank you, Peter.

Heidi Hofinger Austria - Review - I AM SOURXE Pyramid - Bronze 25 de febrero de 2018
