
I AM Sourxe Pyramid – Bronze

* During the first few days I noticed that TINY HOLES IN MY AURA were being PATCHED-UP.
* Really deep, smooth and BALANCED SLEEP since I received the pyramid 5 weeks ago. I had not experienced this kind of sleep before. The initial vivid dreams were toned down after I asked for more harmonious and calmer ones.
* ONGOING DETOX of my energy fields. The muddy colour I saw with my minds eye all over me at the beginning, is gradually becoming lighter. I experienced the detox initially as very strong, therefore asked the pyramid to slow it down. So it did. There was a buffer in place from the start. If I had not asked for a slower detox, the buffer would have made it bearable anyway. You can always ask for a course correction, though!
* Very uncomfortable, even energetically PAINFUL FEELING in my SOLAR PLEXUS on the 2nd or 3rd day, DISAPPEARED.
I have noticed this pain on several occasions before and used to ignore it. With the pyramid at hand, I decided to do something about it and placed it on this area for about 30 seconds while breathing deeply. Guess what, the solar plexus started to pump like a heart and breath more freely. The pressure has not returned.
* TENSION HEADACHES, which recently happened in the evenings, RELEASED. I placed the bottom side of the pyramid on various places on my head and body for approximately 30 seconds on each location. The pain quickly lessened or disappeared and I woke-up refreshed the next morning.
* Can´t focus? Pacing in a room with the pyramid in my hands, sometimes with my eyes closed, helps me to CENTRE AND CALM DOWN.
* I particularly like holding the pyramid bottom to my ears, top of the head, kidneys and on my adrenal glands – this is DEEPLY RELAXING for me.
* My mind is usually too active to sit in MEDITATION. With the pyramid in my hands I can do this for some time. Focusing on optimal weather conditions all over the world, governments working optimally FOR the people and family members in need of energetic assistance, are things I will focus on next. I have already put it on my purse occasionally, when I felt that my purse wanted to be out of the bag I usually store it in.

The pyramid and its box with the various symbols make for great ornaments in any room.
I like the the bronze colour and the fine horizontal lines on the surface. It is a great companion for me. Considering that I did not know what to do with it at the beginning, we have grown quite accustomed to each other.
With 13 I AM Pyramids and 2 colours to choose from, there is at least one for everyone. I AM TOTALLY HAPPY WITH MY CHOICE. Thank you, Peter.

Heidi Hofinger Austria - Review - I AM SOURXE Pyramid - Bronze 25 de febrero de 2018

a la derecha en

En los últimos meses he enviado varias solicitudes de geometrías corporales a Peter y debo decir que Peter ha respondido a todas ellas con puntualidad y precisión. Estas sesiones han demostrado ser muy beneficiosas para mí en muchos aspectos; ¡pruébalas, puede que te sorprendan!

Mark Weaver geometría de la carrocería 25 de febrero de 2018

HFA Keeps Me Alert While Driving

Before I purchased the HFA Travel, I get almost always really sleepy within half an hour on the road. Then, I have to look for a place to stop to take a short nap. But since I purchased the HFA two years ago (which I keep in my car), I got sleepy only three times since because I didn’t get enough rest the night before I traveled. I value what it’s doing for me. Thank you Peter.


Winnie Fajardo Retirado Arkansas febrero 23, 2018

Like a wonder

Dear Peter! We had almost an unbeliefeable experience with Aquaware 3 or 4 – I am not sure about wich one it was. My son had an insect bite. It must have been a really bad on. The hand swole up, got red and a red line started to wander up the arm. It was frightening and my husband wanted to go to the hospital. But I am not really a fan of hospitals – both of my sons are home birth. So I asked for some time to try the Aquaware Programm first – I made my son a nice bath and programmed the water with insect bite, detox and cleanse and rejuvenate general. I also programmed him some drinking water. He took the bath and after about 30 minutes the swelling was gone the red colour of the hand was two-thirds vanished and the red line of the lower arm was not here anymore. It was just great and for me like a wonder. Thank you Peter for your marvellous work. Much love Bettina

Bettina Schwarz Hauptstraße 25 8650 22 de febrero de 2018

Navitus 5.0 works!

In addition to clearing water of detrimental or harmful memories, water is adversely affected by UPC barcodes and scanning through cash registers.
I tested my water before and after charging it with the Navitus 5.0 software and it did restructure the water and provide high energy.
Thank you for a great product,

Monique Ivory El Naturopath Navitus 5.0 22 de febrero de 2018

MDM minutes !! :) last forever The Speed of thought !

Peter, todo gira en torno a ti y a la energía, la compasión y la pasión que proyectas en todos y cada uno de nosotros.
Has sido y eres una Bendición en mi vida .,.uso tus posiciones de meditación-mano y energía ( casi)
a diario. He enviado sus vídeos a muchos
Usted es un alma dotada de energía increíble ..,(desafortunadamente no he tenido los medios financieros para comprar cualquiera de sus productos en este momento) Pero, sin embargo, sé que va a cambiar muy, muy pronto y me encantaría probar algunos en ese momento ... y de hecho bendecir oyu financieramente porque creo en y siento por su trabajo Sé que sin una sombra de duda que son y seguirán siendo bendecidos por compartir sus conocimientos y dones a tantos otros Dios Speen NOw y siempre en la continuación de su viaje y dones espirituales ...,. Usted es amado Apoyado ! a medida que nos apoyan y aman en la Luz más Alta

Cindy Nelson 2616 n pearl st sus actas MDM y las posiciones de sus manos 22 de febrero de 2018

HFA Mini

The HFA Mini helped me on my journey through 2 surgeries with the possible diagnosis of uterine cancer. The pendant was beautiful and shiny when I received it but as soon as I started wearing it, it turned nearly black. I tried cleaning it but it wouldn’t shine. I have been wearing it daily for months and with each surgery it turns dark and gradually becomes shiny again. ( not as much as the original).. i wear it daily and feel it has given me support on my journey. I also feel empowered because it makes me think I am doing something positive for myself towards my healing of my body and soul. Feel free to edit and please keep creating wonderful products. Thank you. (Am looking forward to the bracelet you talked about developing. I like personal items because I feel I am helping myself)

Laura Russell HFA Mini 22 de febrero de 2018

Aquaware 5 is a blessing!

If I need an energy pattern transferred into into water, quickly, efficiently, and effectively, no matter where the water is located, one of my main methods, which works exceptionally well is run Aquaware 5. It is easy to use, works exceedingly well, has lots of pre-formulated intentions (which Peter refers to as “intents”). However, to me the most important features are that it is easy to use and it works even when I’m tired.

When I’m tired that it can be difficult for me to maintain the state of focused relaxation that I seem to need to manifest intents if I’m not using the automated, reliable assistance, provided by Aquaware 5. It is at these times that I send a lot of gratitude to Peter, in the form blessings. For instance, the other night, I needed a Bach Flower Essence to transmit to a friend and Aquaware 5 provided and integrated the energy pattern into water quickly and efficiently. My friend is a documented medical intuitive, who confirmed that the energy pattern was correct. What can be better than that? Thank you Peter!

Howard L. Silverman, PhD, (DC-retired) Energy/Spiritual Healer/Consultant - www,neurocalibrate.com Aquaware 5 22 de febrero de 2018

Nueva sensación de paz y tranquilidad

"Trabajando en el campo de la Espiritualidad y la Sanación Energética desde hace algún tiempo, he visto el trabajo de Peter bastante, primero con su software Aquaware, pero siempre estaba tan ocupado, que nunca tuve la oportunidad de sentarme y probarlo. Bueno, Peter ha seguido apareciendo en mi conciencia, hasta que finalmente le llamé un día y terminé pidiendo un HFA Mini. Quería probar sus productos porque me había estado encontrando con demasiada negatividad y necesitaba una "patada en el trasero" extra para volver a donde debería estar y así poder seguir ayudando a otros en sus propios viajes, para lo que fui diseñado. Bueno, me alegro de haber hecho la compra. Una vez que activé el HFA Mini correctamente, inmediatamente noté una abrumadora sensación de calma y paz que se está quedando conmigo, así como claridad de pensamiento que está ayudando con mi toma de decisiones. Muchas cosas que eran confusas parecen estar resolviéndose por sí mismas con facilidad ahora y estoy verdaderamente agradecido de haber cruzado caminos con Peter y su trabajo."

Sallie Keys Maestro de Registros Akáshicos, Guía Espiritual y Manifestación http://www.manifestabundancenow.com HFA Mini 22 de febrero de 2018

Absolutely Divine

Let me just say, up front, I am not one to do reviews on spiritual products!!!

I am very sensitive to energies and have been all my life. I have tried millions of different classes, clearings, and protocols to become more enlighten, to help raise the frequency on this planet, and to stay in alignment with God/Source Energy.

The moment, I stepped into the post office to pick up the HFA mini, I felt it’s beautiful energy. As I got into the car, I could feel the energy getting stronger. I knew at that precise moment the HFA mini was something “Totally Amazing”. I couldn’t wait to get home and open up the package.

Just how “special” was this HFA mini? It was special enough to be packaged with love. It had not been wrapped “only” in plastic bubble wrap and thrown into an padded envelope. The HFA mini was in a nice box with it’s name and symbol displayed on top. Pull off the top of the 1st box you will see a small wooden hinged box. This box also had the name and symbol on displayed on top too. The wood of the box is beautiful. As you push open this nice hinged box, you see the HFA mini nicely displayed surrounded by velvet. The HFA mini was stunning. It was shining like a diamond emitting such amazing energy. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it.

I linked the HFA mini’s energy to my energy field by the enclosed instructions and my personal intentions. I put the HFA mini on a necklace chain so I could wear it. As I worn it my energy field was getting lighter, happier, and protected. I felt tapped in and turned on to the oneness frequency. I saw a beautiful pure golden white light purifying my energy field, followed by emerald green light healing my energy field, and then followed by a royal blue light shield of protection 360 degrees all around my energy field and underneath my feet. At first I thought this energy wouldn’t last. I have had it for several months now. The energy is more powerful now.

This HFA mini is the only piece of jewelry that I wear everyday. The more I wear it the more I like it. I often get compliments on how beautiful it is. It amazes me on the number of people who have reached out to touch it. Of how they examine all the details. The expressions on their face when they feel the mini’s energy, it’s as if they was mesmerized by it. At times I can see the person’s energy field starting to change getting lighter and filling with love. The most common comment I get is, “This must be for healing”. It always makes me smile, because I know in that moment they are receiving the healing energy and protection of the intentions I set when I linked the HFA to my energy field. In the past I would have panicked to have someone close enough to touch my jewelry. Now I never worry about people coming close to my energy field because I know I am protected.
If I happen to take the HFA mini off, it is not long before I feel my energy starting to drop. It also starts feeling harder to stay in alignment with God/Source Energy. The mini is one of my best friends. The more I pay attention to it the better it works. When I am having a bad day. I just close my eyes, take 3 deep long slow breaths, and hold it in my hand. It is like the HFA mini resets my energy field. This is one, “Totally Awesome” piece of jewelry!!!

Peter, I cannot thank you and the beautiful loving guides you work with enough, for all of the beautifully designed, high frequency products that you keep bringing to the world.

Sandra Howell Jubilado/discapacitado HFA Mini 22 de febrero de 2018
