Unforgettable Dream / Aquaware 5.
At night I prepared a bottle of water to drink with the Aquaware 5
. In the morning when I woke up I remembered my dream, which does not happen to me much. I dreamed that I was walking on the water toward the land which was not so far away. I sat down and thought. I would have to walk again on the water but the distance would be much greater. I would have to be strong, not look aside, have positive thinking and move forward with just one goal, to live! If I failed I would sink and die. This dream was to show me the reality of my life and how to overcome my obstacles by being strong and optimistic.Thanks Peter for all you do !
Re Fedon 17 de febrero de 2018
- Creationis Miracles Arca Archa
- ADN Cristal Alter
- HFA Ansuz Pendulum
- Generador de fuerza HFA
- HFA Mini
- HFA Mini V2
- HFA Orion
- HFA Palladian
- HFA Plus
- HFA Plus V2
- HFA Sirius
- Viajero HFA
- Oasis Celestial Chakra Sacro Botella de Agua
- Rosa de los vientos Mirra
- Primera fase
- Escudos Q
- Quantum Esto
- Somnum Machina
- Resonador Terra
- La esfera de los deseos
- La Esfera de los Deseos Negra
- Botella de agua TheSourxe
- Altar del Árbol del Conocimiento
- Trio of Life Amulets
- Vita Navitas
Fuente V por encima de mi imaginación
Es abrumadora la cantidad de maneras en que la Fuente V puede beneficiarnos. He estado experimentando durante los últimos tres meses en muchos temas diferentes, mascotas, seres humanos, el medio ambiente, situaciones difíciles de tormenta, y cada vez estoy sorprendido por los resultados. A menudo no es lo que esperaba. Mi madre lo llama la bendición del agua. Me llama para decirme que no se encuentra muy bien y que si podría recibir la bendición del agua. Así que establecemos su intención, que normalmente tiene que ver con su corazón y la curación, y en cuestión de minutos se relaja y dice que el agua sabe tan dulce y refrescante. Tiene 84 años y le encanta la Fuente V.
Nuestro campo se ha visto gravemente afectado este invierno (como muchos otros lugares) por tormentas y un tiempo muy salvaje.
Una noche en particular, el mes pasado, pensé que el techo se desprendería, así que puse la Fuente V en busca de ayuda para calmar la tormenta. Fue extraordinario e inmediatamente se calmó tanto que salimos al jardín a mirar el cielo nocturno. Un hermoso cielo despejado por encima y alrededor de nosotros, pero la tormenta arreciaba justo alrededor de la tierra. ¡Era tan evidente! Rápidamente reajusté la intención de despejar para todos los alrededores que la tormenta estaba impactando. Y se calmó. Así que la Fuente V sigue enseñándome cómo expandir mis límites e ir más allá. Es una visión tan maravillosa la que tienes Peter, gracias, gracias. Estoy deseando probar más de las maravillosas ofertas que has creado. Pero por el momento la Fuente V me mantiene ocupada :))) pronto publicaré más, ¡te quiero y que sigas creando!Rahima Sayer Owengallis Fuente V 17 de febrero de 2018
Three ‘I AM’ Pyramids
Hi Peter, this is for the ‘I AM’ Pyramids.
I have three, and the “I AM Presence’, has been the one that I have worked with the most. It has given me it’s name and now also the other two have. I purchase ‘Evian Bottled Water’ for I like it better than others. Well, the other day, when I was drinking it…something didn’t seem right…and I thought that I might have to take the water back and then I thought of another product that I have that also uses ‘plant essences’ and well, I put them together with the “I AM” Pyramid on top and I could feel the energy change! It was suttle (sp?) and the taste was awesome! I had earlier charged the water with a specific intention, but, it needed more for whatever reason. My ‘I AM’ Pyramid worked with the other items (coasters) and it was amazing.
I have asked for help with many things, like ‘pain’…even clearing my own energies and it has worked for me. I realized I sometimes need to be very specific…for the clearer the help needed and asked. the ability for the clearer the help comes. Just a ‘FYI’ for others.
Just last night the third pyramid, finally gave me it’s name, probably because I had not really interacted with it much at all…and now when I put all three of them together in my bedroom…the energy was strong and I had to remove two of them into the hallway for the night…it was keeping me up and I am learning to work with them better. I do feel that so much more is possible with them and their help. Thanks Peter…keep up the great work. You are awesome as well as your products. Maybe someday I will be able to secure the ‘Terra Resonators’, I feel I will probably want all three…can you tell I want them all…LOL…thanks for everything Peter, you are Blessed and so Am I!Sherry Wasala 151 Shale Drive Sherry Wasala, "I AM" Pyramids 17 de febrero de 2018
Myrrh Compass Rose Testimonial
Hi again Peter Schenk, this is for the Myrrh Compass Rose
Since having this wonderful and beautiful Myrrh Compass Rose, it has told me it’s name (I will keep that private), and I say good morning and good night to it…I have been talking with it more like requests BUT also thanking it for all it’s help. Several things I have noticed, since I ask for it to clear and protect my land, my home, myself, my yard and trees and plants and even my car, since it is on my driveway or in my garage. Well, have noticed less smelly situations from creatures out there ( a good thing for sure); less and less moths in the house (got an infestation from some infested wheat kitty litter of all things) and I have just noticed that this week…like wow…they are almost gone…wow…I so appreciate that for sure; happier animals all around…yes, that is a good thing; also, my Myrrh Compass Rose works with one of my ‘I AM’ Pyramids and there is an energy change in the house that you would have to feel….and one of my friends, took notice and said…you know you home feels wonderful, and I have noticed that energy and it is wonderful! I was so happy to have someone else tell me they can feel it too. Wow…love that.
I look forward to more and more wonderful things with interacting with them.
Thanks Peter, have a great day.
Sherry 🙂
Sherry Wasala 151 Shale Drive Rosa de los vientos Mirra 17 de febrero de 2018
Using it for Others!
Hi Peter, I have been using Aquaware for my current PostMan and a Friend. First the MailMan: He is a rather large man and has had low energy…I have been doing a QLC for him for over a year now and after I had asked him if he would be interested in me doing some things energetically for him, he agreed whole heartedly, which made me happy. I told him I would do a Quantum Layering Grouping for him and I would charge his water everyday (which he was using only water on his route), so that was great. After doing it daily for him for two weeks, I happened to be around when he came with my mail and I asked him how he was doing. He replied and said, ‘actually things have been much easier’…and ‘people have been very friendly and helpful to me’. Which before that wasn’t the norm. I don’t see him much because of my own personal responsibilities, but, when I do, I tell him I am still charging his water everyday and he calls back to me….please continue and thank you for it is helping.
Second: a friend of mine (female) has gone through a divorce, having to sell her house and look for another job and all and all. Once I did the charging for her (she accepted it wonderfully and thanked me too…a lot), and even had to have ‘pyshic protection’ because of what her ex was doing…and she said she could feel the energy (I am so glad others can at times) and she has felt that it has helped her emotionally, financially getting more a handle on things, people showing up to help her in ways she wasn’t expecting…and on and on. I continue to charge her water everyday (without charging her…she is a good friend), and have changed it up (Quantum Laying) as needed.
Third: One of the feral kitties that I take care of (he is an outside feral that only lets me get 3 feet to him) had gotten a very large abcess on his neck, probably due to a fight or trying to catch something to eat, even though I feed them (hi, his Mom and Dad) twice a day, they still will hunt and I am OK with that. Well, the abcess was so large he had trouble swolloing and since he wouldn’t let me near him…I decided to charge his water twice a day as well as pray for him. Also, I did for a day or two put vitamin c in his food, though I don’t know if he ate any of it…well, I know he drank the water. I made a ‘custom charging’ up for him and within five days the abcess had reduced a lot and then finally broke open and he continued to eat and sleep a lot. I continued to charge his water and I am so so so glad to tell you this here that he is healing so so so well and when it snowed last week he was out in it and playing with the snow! He was not hurting and he is continuing to heal and get stronger too. His appetite has returned fully and he looks at me like to say…thanks for your help. When a feral cat gets an abcess like that …it can be hard on them and I was so so so glad I could help him through his water.
Fourth: I have been charging my own water daily and do different themes. Sometimes I get it perfectly, and other times I have to ‘tweek’ it. Usually I do a ‘Quantum Laying’ for I guess I want more ‘bang for the buck’…LOL…but, I am usually guided to what to do. Currently I am using several ‘Quantum Laying’ sessions for myself and noticing an improvement in a number of ways. To be honest here, I don’t just use Aquaware, I use the Pyramids too and other things that I have gotten from other sources and sometimes combing them is powerful.Hope this helps others and you Peter. Thanks. Sherry 🙂
Keep up the great work you do.
Sherry 151 Shale Drive Aquaware 5 17 de febrero de 2018
Multi Product owner
I have a three month old German Sheppard puppy that somehow destroyed his Q-Shield. I contacted Peter and he replaced it without question. In fact, he sent me two. This confirms what I already knew about Peter and his products. They work and he is man of great integrity. I love what his products do for me and my family. We need more people like Peter in this world!
I am a very satisfied Customer!
Mark Gerchman School Administrator Q Shield 17 de febrero de 2018
Testimonial for Energetic Session
Durante la Sesión Energética, Peter fue capaz de ver una experiencia emocional que estaba profundamente enterrada desde 1982. Estaba creando un bloqueo en un par de áreas de mi vida. Sentí que algo necesitaba ser desenterrado, que es la razón por la que me sentí atraída a tener una sesión, aunque no se lo mencioné a Peter antes de la sesión. Podía sentirlo pero no podía precisarlo. Peter lo vio inmediatamente y me ayudó a recordar para que pudiera liberarlo. A los 10 días me sentí obligada a llamar a esa persona y hablar de todo lo que había pasado. Nuestra conversación también fue sanadora para mi amigo. Gracias a que yo inicié la llamada para hablar de las cosas, él pudo liberar todo lo que había estado reteniendo y su vida también está avanzando. Hasta el día de la sesión, pensaba que ya había superado las emociones que rodearon esa experiencia. Ahora estoy avanzando con gran éxito en áreas de mi vida en las que me había sentido atascado. Gracias, Peter. Estoy muy agradecida de que uses tus dones para ayudar al mundo.
Ginny Sanador Sesión energética 14 de febrero de 2018
Scarlett and I love your Q shields!
My Scarlett girl (Standard Schnauzer) has anxiety issues and is extremely stand offish with people, even with my husband and I who were there when she was born. I have tried so many different things with her and all without getting anywhere. After receiving the Q Shields V2 from Peter last year, I activated it and put it on her. Asking the shield to help her be more friendly and for me to be able to pet and cuddle her sometimes. Fast forward a month or two, she is now coming to me regularly for pets, scratches and she will come and lay down and sleep next to me on the bed. I am so happy to be able to have that special time with her. I also noticed that the longer she wears the Q Shields, the more she seems to want to come and spend time with me which makes me a very happy Mum. Thank you Peter! Your products really work!!
Kate Daniel Q shields for animals febrero 13, 2018
I use my Terra resonator for everything from vitamins, crystals, food, water, oracle cards, and cat food. That’s right you heard me…. “CATFOOD”… What with all of the terrible call backs for prt food I am not taking any chances with my fur babies. I love the energy that the resonator emits and how it feels energetically. I would recommend this tool to everyone. You can really feel the difference in everything placed on the resonator energetically. And let me let you in on a little secret…. Once you feel the energy coming from everything you place on this baby I promise you this you will not want to be without your resonator either! Happy high vibrating everyone!!!!
Rosemary febrero 4, 2018
Shield for Animals
My Fox Terrier is 13 yrs old, he wasn’t running anymore and was having trouble getting up on his favorite chair. He has fatty tumors behind his front legs and it was even affecting his walking. The vet had suggested sugery, which I was afraid to do. I’ve had him on vitamins and CBD oil for the pain . Within 48 hrs of having the shield on he was walking without pain ! 7 days with the shield on and my dog is running !
Donna Eibel diciembre 8, 2017