Hola Peter,
He estado utilizando las técnicas de geometría corporal durante los últimos días con gran éxito.El martes de esta semana mi hija estaba pasando por un aborto espontáneo. Tenía dolores intensos y náuseas. Después de 5 horas de pura miseria, me senté a su lado e hice la geometría corporal para eliminar el dolor, prestando toda mi atención a honrarla a ella y a su bajo vientre. 20 minutos más tarde, liberó el tejido fetal y se sintió libre de dolor.
Además, yo también me beneficié de ello. El dolor de cuello y hombros desapareció.
No es tarea fácil ver a tu hijo pasar por semejante dolor. Gracias por proporcionarnos una forma de alivio para ambos... Y... ¡por darnos una forma poderosa de expresar la creatividad del Amor!
con aprecio y amor de corazón,
georgettegeorgette cressend 9 de noviembre de 2017
- Creationis Miracles Arca Archa
- ADN Cristal Alter
- HFA Ansuz Pendulum
- Generador de fuerza HFA
- HFA Mini
- HFA Mini V2
- HFA Orion
- HFA Palladian
- HFA Plus
- HFA Plus V2
- HFA Sirius
- Viajero HFA
- Oasis Celestial Chakra Sacro Botella de Agua
- Rosa de los vientos Mirra
- Primera fase
- Escudos Q
- Quantum Esto
- Somnum Machina
- Resonador Terra
- La esfera de los deseos
- La Esfera de los Deseos Negra
- Botella de agua TheSourxe
- Altar del Árbol del Conocimiento
- Trio of Life Amulets
- Vita Navitas
I AM Master Workshop 1
Salía del trabajo para asistir al taller mencionado cuando empecé a tener síntomas parecidos a los de la gripe. Pensé: "Oh, no asistiré al taller porque no me encontraba demasiado bien".
Me esforcé por participar y oí a Peter decir que podríamos sentir síntomas parecidos a los de la gripe. Pensé, qué interesante. Después de beber un vaso lleno del agua utilizada en la bendición y los 13 mantras, ¡mis síntomas gripales desaparecieron! ¡Gracias Peter!Elizabeth Avery 5 de noviembre de 2017
Speaking and Hearing HFA, A New Way To Travel
When I first saw the HFA, a new way to travel on Facebook, I cried.Within The HFA, was a part of me.
I did not have the funds to buy it, but I did see it in my minds eye, while driving .
I’ll never forget, a 4 car accident was averted when I got out of the way, split second timing when I pictured the HFA.
I have owned it for a little over six months. I call upon it for help during work zones, heavy traffic, speeders, tailgaiters, etc. I am consistantly out of harms way, or I am led to an exit before the issue.
OKAY, so get this. A neighbor plays a stereo at 2 am every morning. Loudly. I can’t sleep. Not good. I need quiet. This has been going on for 6 weeks.
Three weeks ago, a Saturday, I was out in my car, stopped at a store, Safe in the parking lot. I went into the store & came out to find the battery dead. I called roadside service , he did a jump start, and I was fine.
The next Sunday, the same thing happened.The tech said, go to the dealer, but something is draining the battery. I went to the dealer, they ran tests, found nothing wrong.
Through out this time, I have been thinking about the loud noise issue, and my need for quiet, and sleep.
Then it occurred to me, it must be the HFA.I took the HFA, out of the car, and put it in the closet between the neighbors wall and mine.
Get this. That night, NO LOUD Music. It is QUIET., and has NOT started again. I mean the wall would shake from the vibration of the sound.
It gets better. Even though the HFA is in the closet, I continue to get off at pre issue exits. I park 2 feet, ( I measured it) before those cement thingys that one could hit with the front of the car in a parking lot, and drivers are more courteous when switching out parking spaces. We wave, or thumbs up, or smile.There is more interaction when appropriate.
Based on my experiences with the HFA, a new way to travel, after you link it to yourself, it learns your ways, and over time, I learned it’s way of communicating.I absolutely love my HFA MINI, my HFA, a new way to travel, .my MDM Software, Workshops, and Private sessions with Peter. IAM growing, I can feel it, ( I think my MINI is too. ( Feels heavier)
The IAM Presence line is calling to me, as well as the IAM bracelet.
Over time,,it seems that the MDM products and services, all work to do what Peter says they do, only in my case, better. Thank you for your hard work and caring.
AnonymousAnonymous septiembre 27, 2017
In graditude to Peter
Dear Peter:
I have such a serious amount of respect for you Peter and gratitude for all the tools you brought into our reality to help us all thrive! If you have Aquaware 5 and are not totally immersed, you are crazy! If you don’t have Aquaware 5, you need to get it now! My life and the lives of those I love have changed in 6 weeks, and one of those weeks was for learning!!! It is the greatest gift I was ever given which I received on July 17th and here is what it has done for me and mine thus far and I am still learning!TOO BIG TO PUT A # ON MY 1ST CUSTOM INTENTION. I WAS TO BE ABLE TO HEAR CLEARLY AND UNDERSTAND MY 20 YEAR OLD SON WHO PASSED AWAY IN OCTOBER. I had been able to communicate through a shaman and feel him always but only hear him occasionally. After the custom intention, I can hear him constantly and easily. We can actually talk. That is the greatest blessing of my entire life.
1. Bug bites is my experiment in how often I have to run the program to maintain the intent. I ran it 10 days in a row, stopped, and went 2 weeks without bug bites (I live in Florida where mosquitoes are wicked with all the rain we are receiving they’re especially bad). I ran it once (with 36 fractals (not recommended by Peter as it can put you down for 3 days if you don’t work up to it) manually) and after that it lasted a week. So now I run it once a week and have had no bug bites. My study now, is to create a finite understanding of how it operates in me and how long it lasts!
2. My friend who gifted me the program works as a jeweler at flea markets. He was all depressed as in an entire morning he only made $30. I created a custom intent and ran it every hour without him drinking the water. The intention was on my picture and written for him. I run it and read the quantum # aloud and say, this intention is flowing into (my friend), fully activated to manifest within him every second of every day now and forever. He ended with $515 that day which was greater than he expected to make. I did that for another woman in a similar circumstance and it worked for her to make $500 also. On Saturday, my friend was really slow again and I ran it again every hour and he made $630 with an average sale of $20.
3. I ran my bliss combination for a girlfriend each day and after 5 days she got a job/partnership offer at a spa. (Bliss combination: Alchemy 1, Alchemy 2, Infinite Durability, I am Presence. Energy Master, Flow/Synchronicity, Success in any Endeavor, Unconditional Love bliss 24 7, Bliss) and I charge my morning coffee with this and it keeps me in such a great space all day.
4. My big event was producing a client with collateral for a large project funding for one of my partners. That followed by an additional separate funding situation. They are in process but take much longer to manifest into reality and truthfully are difficult. I view this as the opportunities opened up which showed up out of thin air. I cannot continue the intentions with the strength they would need to manifest in my opinion. The intentions are so strong they put my partner in bed and he cannot work even though he does not drink the water. That is how I learned I can direct the intentions to me and ____. I use my picture and it works. I run customs quantum layering full strength every few hours and it knocks him out so please take heed, this is not a toy, it is powerful. I have not stopped but have lessened the frequency of running so I do not know what the outcome will be.
What we were able to do through intentions in the interim is find the funds for a business transaction which is my future and we are waiting today for the wire to be received on our 1st closing with many more to follow.
I also found an old friend of mine in Africa who I haven’t spoken to in 10 years and this money will set me up in my own structure and we will be in business that will heal all of our financial wounds. Separate from this availability of funding my business, a friend of mine committed to put up the funds I need to begin. Again from intentions.
5. I have been running quantum layering sessions to heal my thyroid. I run it every day since I learned how to do it. Just this week, my index and middle finger nails on both hands are smooth. It is the beginning of healing. Ridged nails and hair loss are 2 of the big symptoms of thyroid problems, which I have in spades. Just for the record, I have bought almost every organic solution on the market and nothing has worked. I also run a quantum on my hair loss and I am cleaning up far less hair off my floor AND, I did natural hair color and would have had to dye my hair a week ago to cover the gray and it is just now starting to show. I will be running that forever…lol. I have also had teeth and periodontal problems for years. I run that quantum almost every day and no more infection and my teeth do not hurt!
6. My girlfriend, who is an RN, was trying to get a contract from a doctor to do coaching sessions for more than 3 months. He was so indecisive. I ran an abundance combination and wrote a script of custom intentions for her work and in 3 days she got the contract.
7. I live off of an income from my inheritance, which is not much but has kept me alive. After 45 months, my dear friend whose company does the investing went left. No money this month. I did a loving custom to suggest he do the right thing and fix the problem which he did within 3 days.
8. One of the guys I work with got quite aggressive towards me suddenly. I did a custom intention to have him treat me from the love in his heart and it has worked incredibly well. Things are smooth again.
9. My daughter is a 1st grade teacher and it is the start of a new school year. She has a weak immune system and always gets very sick in the beginning of the year, which is the worst time for her to be out of school. I did a custom healing for her this weekend and made her drink a gallon of it in 2 days. She was able to go to school on Monday healthy.
10. I woke up one day and could not walk. I had pain in my thighs that I can only equate to childbirth. This went on a few days and I looked up the spiritual meaning of pain in the thighs. It is the fear of failure. Since I have a long troubled past 20 years of trying to help bring money in from the dark to be used for good, I have a deep seated fear of failure. I ran a custom intention to release the fear of failure frequently and in 2 days the pain was gone, I could walk, and I feel so much lighter. I still run that intention every day.
11. Lastly, I thought I would share this one, which is a work in progress with me. I have been running a weight loss intention and it is working, but not as quickly as I hoped (patience is not my strong suit). I do a quantum layer with 9 of the same 9 intentions in it and charge a gallon at a time…“my metabolism will run at the speed of light and safely burn up melt and expel fat which while leaving my body safely will tighten my skin to fit my smaller form creating a thin beautiful youthful body”
Anyway Peter, you are a gift to our world and I am such a grateful recipient. I watched some of the MDM minutes (I haven’t explored much as I wanted to see what I could do on my own from a blank slate) and you give gifts freely which can change people’s lives. I have a dear spiritual friend who is doing your body geometry as he cannot afford the program yet and he says it is incredible. (I run intentions for him too)
I do not understand why this is not viral and a requirement for every person on the planet especially businesses. When I get through this phase perhaps we can talk about that. I would like to help you anyway I possibly can as you have changed my life forever.Dawn
Dawn Longhi agosto 30, 2017
Q shield V2
I started using this amazing product with my rescued cat and dog who both had a neglectful history. My cat kept attacking our new two-year-old dog roommate who is gentle and kind yet very large, exuberant with little concept of his own space or yours. I came cross the Q shield while working with a favorite client’s busy household of pets. I own a pet sitting service and do a lot of volunteer work with animals, My client/friend also does large scale rescue. A new cat had ended up on her deck and of course she brought him in. Some of the other cats had a big problem with him. Then about a month or so later I started noticing a difference, Harmony coming back into the home. Soon after I first heard the clanking of the Q shield tag From their collars. It was the noise that brought my attention to it and when I first looked at it and noticed it I had no idea what it was. When I asked her I was very enlightened and that’s when I knew this was going to help my pets too. The new positive energy in our home has brought harmony back. I’m very grateful. I highly recommend this product. April P.
April Pawlikowski agosto 30, 2017
Cranial sacral session in my water!
The intentions I can add to my water just keep amazing me!! MY back hurt so much for two weeks, I finally remembered seeing the Intention, Emulate a cranial sacral session, so I put that in a large glass of water. Within 20 minutes the pain was not only gone, my back felt just like it has when I have gone in for these live cranial sacral sessions, and paid 75.00! Thank you Peter, for creating such an exceptional program, my words do not even BEGIN to describe what I have received from using Aquaware 5! Extremely grateful to you, Peter!
Karen agosto 24, 2017
I AM Presence Pyramid
This my review of the ‘I AM Presence” pyramid.
My initial goal with this product was to experience the I AM-ness without interjecting anything related to my own personal agendas in order to review it objectively.
When I first opened package containing the I AM Presence pyramid, I don’t recall feeling much of anything coming from it. I placed it on my desk that evening pointing the direction stated in the instructions and went on with life as it oriented to my home. By the next day I noticed a great deal of energy emiating from the pyramid which I found to be somewhat dizzying.
I sensed very subtle, yet distinctive energetic movement both within my body and my auric field. I sensed energetic restructuring taking place–more or less a sense of chaos turning into order. It brought to mind a pile of tangled strings being pulled out one by one and laid in straight and orderly rows.
Since that time I have noticed subtle changes occuring in my thoughts and behavior. I have noticed I am responding differently to people and situations. I have an expanded concept of the “big picture” if you will. I am more patient and more conscious of interpersonal dynamics and therefore I find myself taking that little bit extra time and focus on others and it’s making a difference in the lives of myself and others.Now I’m looking forward to experiencing what more I can do and accomplish with this remarkable tool.
Nyla Snyder agosto 18, 2017
I AM Presence pyramid testimonial
I have the I AM Presence pyramid and from the moment I opened the package, I could feel the energy. Once I allowed it time to adjust to my home, I placed it on an I AM list that I have. My I AM list is three full pages of all the things that I choose to be and all the things that I believe I already am and what I am meant to be. Obviously, there is more to me than just three pages of things because we are all so much more! I feel that this pyramid helps me to be more aware and conscious of those things. I sense that it will brings clarity to anyone’s existence who owns it. I look forward to all the many things that this pyramid will bring to my awareness.
Thank you!
Christy Warnick
Christy Warnick agosto 7, 2017
This is the first time I’ve ever worked with one of Peters products and I was intrigued to try out the I AM Pyramid. When it first arrived I was struck by its interesting features. I went on my intuition and opted for I Am unconditional love. I have to say the first few days I found incredibly challenging, I started to struggle and argue in all my close relationships. And what I thought was challenging was actually showing me all the spaces and places within me that I still didn’t love and accept myself fully. This set me on a week long journey of self discovery and healing and I ended up discovering a pivotal piece inside me that explained years of struggle and fear and abandonment. It was quite profound. It’s still all a work in progress and I’m navigating through this all as the days go on but it’s been powerful so far.
N kaur agosto 2, 2017
I Am Purpose and I Am Safe pyramids
I have been through a very tough 2 months with both of my parents in the hospital and then rehab with one still remaining in rehab with a contagious infection, a stent in his right kidney, and an eye that needs an operation to this day to stop the bleeding behind his eye ball, plus he is not able to undergo chemo at present due to all of these complications. I feel that the I Am Purpose kept me focused and responsible, while inhibiting me from constantly picturing the worst, and kept me on task. Meanwhile, the I Am Safe kept me relaxed and calm, I did not worry about them, I knew they were in the right places recieving the right care or get emotional, a first for me!
Rosie agosto 2, 2017